Lu Shaoqing’s reaction made Yu stunned.

It seems that there is a meaning of surrender?

Chan’s heart was a little excited.

As for his master’s character, Yu is very clear that as long as he is a useful talent, he can deal with the Terrans, and he can be accepted.

If he persuaded Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing, the two geniuses of the Terran race, to join the Holy Family.

He will definitely be rewarded by Master.

So, he asked again, “Brother Zhang, what do you mean by this…” Lu

Shaoqing was very unhappy, “How can such a major matter concerning human life be so childish?”

“Is the Holy Lord sick in the brain?” Why not say it sooner if you can surrender?

“Scared me to death…”

A look of anger appeared on Chan’s face, and Lu Shaoqing’s words didn’t sound like he was about to surrender.

“Don’t you want to surrender?” Suppressing the anger in his heart, he asked coldly.

“No,” Lu Shaoqing denied, “I have no intention of surrendering now.

The anger in Chan’s heart grew, “Then what do you ask?”

Lu Shaoqing told truthfully, “Ask clearly, and when I can’t fight it, I will surrender.”

After a pause, he asked sincerely again, “Will the Holy Lord still accept it then?” ”

Accept your fart.

The anger in Xun’s heart couldn’t be suppressed, and the murderous aura couldn’t stop coming out, “Damn it! Are you teasing me?

Lu Shaoqing denied, “No, I am sincere.”

“But until the last minute, I don’t want to be a traitor.” By the way, are you interested in being a traitor? ”

Die!” Yu finally couldn’t bear it, and the appearance of the humble prince could no longer be maintained.

He raised his right hand, and a powerful spiritual force gathered in his hand, forming a dark ball of light.

The black light emitted an evil light, like a black bomb, one blow was enough to blow up a hill.

He threw it towards Lu Shaoqing fiercely.

Lu Shaoqing immediately pulled back, and a white figure appeared.

The sword light flashed, and the black ball of light was split in half.

Ji Yan held the Wuqiu sword and said to Yu, “Your opponent is me.

Yu said coldly, “Your injury is not good, you are not my opponent.” ”

Just try it.”

Ji Yan’s fighting spirit was high, as if he had found his prey, which made him excited.

One of the three holy sons of the Holy Land, his strength must be very strong.

Such opponents are exactly what he wants.

Knowing that he was injured, his opponent was one of the prestigious Three Saint Sons, and his realm cultivation was higher than him.

Ji Yan did not dare to be big, and immediately went all out.

A sword stabbed out, and in an instant, the Dao sword light, like starlight in the sky, was brilliant and bright.

Heaven and earth seemed to be pierced by countless long swords in an instant, full of holes.

Chan’s sweaty hair instantly stood upright, and this sword made him feel as if he was a soldier standing on the battlefield, facing the rain of arrows.

This sword made him smell the breath of death and made his scalp numb.

Ji Yan’s previous strong performance made him very jealous of Ji Yan and knew that Ji Yan was very powerful.

However, after experiencing it himself, he realized that he still thought of the plan too simply.

Ji Yan was far more powerful than he had imagined.

If nothing else, even this sword in front of you, ten swords can’t be used.

The seal in his hand was rapidly sealed, the spiritual power in his body was surging, and his hands were pushed out, and he shouted.

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Powerful fluctuations erupted from his hands, lighting up with black light.

Like a black dragon soaring into the air, it roared and met Ji Yan.


Waves of spiritual power fluctuations spread, and sword intent raged one after another.

The thousands of miles of mountains and stone forests under the feet were destroyed and turned into ashes under the impact of energy.

The powerful energy dispersed the gray clouds in the sky, and the blazing sun fell down, adding a bit of warmth to the sacred mountain.

Ji Yan and Yu fought for more than ten rounds in a blink of an eye, and they fought back and forth.

The sword light is brilliant, and the sword intent is horizontal.

Spells rage and destroy the heavens and the earth.

He looked at Ji Yan Gujing Wubo’s face, and his heart was shocked and angry, the two sides seemed to be a tie, but in fact he had lost.

The cultivation realm is stronger than Ji Yan, and when Ji Yan was injured, he actually just tied with Ji Yan.

What if Ji Yan wasn’t injured?

Can he still beat Ji Yan?

Damn it.

Yu prides himself on the depth of his city, and his inner thoughts are never shown on his face, making it impossible to see through him.

But, today, he gaffed.

Facing an opponent like Ji Yan, he felt unprecedented defeat.

He considered himself to be the best among the younger juniors, except for his two senior brothers who relied on realm cultivation to suppress him, he considered that no one among his peers was his opponent anymore.

Even if the genius of the sword family, the mysterious Mu Yong, he was confident that he could suppress it.

However, in the face of Ji Yan, even if it was a tie now, he had an intuition in his heart that he could not win Ji Yan.

He is no match for Ji Yan.

Such an intuition made him proud and unacceptable.

“Damn, damn it!”

Yu roared angrily, once again climbing his aura to the extreme, ready to take out his own killing moves to deal with Ji Yan well.

However, at the moment when he was about to strike, a sword intent suddenly erupted next to him.

Blazing and violent, like the sun in the sky, it is impossible to ignore.

A sense of danger struck, and Chan’s hair stood up again, so frightened that he almost cried out.

His figure flashed one after another, flashed thousands of miles, and left the place in an instant.

When the feeling of danger disappeared, Yu dared to stop, and in shock, he turned his head and saw that in the distance, Lu Shaoqing appeared in his original position with the Mojun sword.

Seeing Yu’s gaze coming over, Lu Shaoqing smiled and said, “Oh, the reaction is really fast.”

“Okay, it’s okay, just kidding you, then I’ll just watch from the side, I won’t make a move.”

I believe you are a ghost.

He wants to curse, and he wants to kill even more.

“Despicable!” In the end, Yu still couldn’t help it, not scolding the breath in his heart couldn’t come out.

Lu Shaoqing was unhappy, “How can you scold people?” I just want to see how good you are.

“Now try it, you are indeed very powerful, qualified to fight with my senior brother.”

“Go ahead, hurry, I’m in a hurry.”

Yu is a smart person, and Lu Shaoqing’s words immediately made him retreat in his heart.

In a hurry, do you want to continue the sneak attack?

He thinks that his strength is strong, but he is not arrogant enough to think that he can win the battle alone, and Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing join forces.

Ji Yan made him feel invincible, not to mention that there were still people joining forces.

No matter how powerful the general is, he can’t prevent the dark arrows on the battlefield.

“Hmph!” After thinking about it in his heart, the figure slowly disappeared, leaving a sentence, “Today’s shame, I made a note….”

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