Yu retreated, Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied, this kid is very smart.

But at the same time there are regrets, such a smart guy, it’s a pity that there is no time to kill him, sooner or later there will be trouble.

Ji Yan was not satisfied, “What are you meddling for?”

“I can beat him.”

“And then?” Lu Shaoqing asked rhetorically, “By the time you defeat him, it’s dark, and the pursuers behind have already killed.”

“Just kill them all.” Ji Yan did not think so, and did not pay attention to the pursuers behind him.

Those people are very strong together, but their selfishness is too heavy, and they all want to be fishermen.

No one wants to be the first bird, and for such a person, how many comes, he is not afraid of words.

Ji Yan felt that it was a pity for Hun to be this opponent.

“The villain is also the holy son of the Holy Land, and his strength is still very strong…” Lu

Shaoqing didn’t care about this, it was best if he was scared away.

Yu’s strength is very strong, and he and Ji Yan can defeat him by joining forces, but it is not cost-effective.

Defeating him will only consume his own state energy, which is not conducive to the next escape.

In case the dog that was forced to jump off the wall and come up with some big killing move, seriously injuring the two of them, it would really be over.

“Go, hurry up…” Yan

Shuya and the others watched the figures of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan disappear, and everyone present looked at each other, and the air exuded an awkward and relaxed atmosphere.

It was embarrassing that so many people did not dare to deal with that pair of junior brothers.

Relaxed, those two horrible guys finally left.

The first person who wanted to eat the crab has now been reduced to ashes, scattered all over the ground, and has become fertilizer.

They all want to be fishermen, but they don’t want to be sandpipers.

Au Hu’s face turned pale, and finally thanked Yan Shuya, “If it weren’t for your reminder, I would have died.” ”

Dying at the hands of Lu Shaoqing, there is not even a chance to reincarnate, it is terrifying to think about.

Truly disappear completely.

The torturer was also swallowing his saliva with difficulty, and he felt his legs tremble.

“Too, it’s terrible.”

It’s scarier than words.

Ji Yan kills with one blow, dies quickly, and no matter how there is a chance to reincarnate.

What about Lu Shaoqing, not to mention killing, he still absorbs the Yuan Infant like a demon head, and then destroys the soul, and finally crushes the bones and ashes.

Let people completely and cleanly disappear into this world.

What a brutal tactic.

Even if their holy family is easy to kill, it is not so cruel.

Yan Shuya was shocked by Lu Shaoqing’s cruelty in her heart, but on the surface, I had long known that he would have such an expression, so that Ou Hu and Torturer did not dare to underestimate her.

After what happened just now, the two were completely convinced of Yan Shuya.

Ou Hu also asked Yan Shuya what to do next.

“Shall we follow?”

Among the more than thirty people present, some people have already followed one after another.

Yan Shuya had already given up in her heart, Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing’s performance was too amazing, and these people refused to suffer losses themselves.

Yan Shuya felt that there was no use in the future, so it was better to hurry back and cultivate well.

She was just about to speak, when suddenly everyone present turned around and looked down the mountain.

A group of people appeared under the mountain, numbering more than a hundred, vast, murderous, fierce killing intent, and the swept aura seemed to freeze the clouds in the sky.

“Sword, sword master…”

“So, is that Sword Five?”

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“Are you tired of living? I have to call the five masters of the sword! ”

The Cui family and the Luan family are also here.”

“Master Cui Zhangming also led the team, and there are really many people from the Cui family.”

“Hey, the Cui family hates Zhang Zheng to the bone, after all, 30 million…”

“So many people, are they chasing and killing two Terran traitors?”

“They’re dead…”

Jian Wu came up here, smelling the remnants of the battle in the air.

“What’s going on? What about the Wordman? ”

Someone immediately told the matter in detail and told everyone who came up.

“Did Zhang Zheng originally run up to it?” Jian Wu glanced at everyone contemptuously, sneered, and said contemptuously, “A group of waste, so many people dare not make a move.” ”

Jian Lan also fought for his younger brother, let this group of people come up, wasted the place in vain, it is better to give my younger brother Jian Yi.”

Jian Lan spoke up, very much despising everyone, “A group of cowardly and incompetent guys!

Cui Zhangming took the Cui family to catch up first, and at the same time left a voice, “Zhang Zheng is from my Cui family.” A

group of people roared away, and the powerful aura was like blowing the trees below.

Yan Shuya watched so many people go together, and she changed her mind.

Follow along, maybe you can have a chance.

She spoke, “We will also follow, and then we will watch from afar, and if we have the opportunity to strike again…”

Au Hu flew into the air and followed behind, but there was not much joy on his face.

He sighed in disappointment, “With so many people chasing and killing those two people together, what chance can we have?” The

torturer agreed, “Yes, the three major families have sent masters, and the masters are like clouds, even if those two Terrans are powerful, they can only drink hatred.” Speaking

, speaking, the torturer was curious, “They don’t run down, why go up?” ”

It stands to reason that the higher up the sacred mountain, the more masters there are.

Fleeing down is the most correct choice for them, why go the other way and go up the mountain?

This question made Yan Shuya feel a little panicked.

She couldn’t help but say, “They must have other conspiracies, just follow them and see.” Ou

Hu disagreed, “It is useless to have any conspiracy, so many people have made a move, they can’t escape.”

Suddenly, three streams of light came from behind the three people.

“It’s Tan Ling, Shi Ji, and Shi Liao!” The torturer’s eyes were sharp, and he whispered the identities of the three people.

Three streamers came to stop in front of the three.

Yan Shuya spoke first, nodding slightly, “Lord Tanling, Lord Shi Ji, Lord Shi Liao.” ”

Although Yan Shuya’s strength is stronger than that of the three of Tan Ling, the three of Tan Ling are elder disciples, and their identities are much higher than those of Yan Shuya.

With Yan Shuya’s shrewdness, she would definitely not offend these people in this kind of thing.

Tanling’s face was not very good, and she didn’t even bother to speak.

Shi Ji greeted the three with a smile, and then asked, “Three, do you know where the two Terrans are going?”

Yan Shuya pointed in a direction.

That’s in the direction of the Abyss.

Tan Ling gritted her teeth, “Sure enough! ”

Damn bastard, why are you going to the forbidden land?

Then he rode the light again, did not even say hello, and quickly left.

Shi Ji exclaimed, “Sister Ling, wait for me…” Sure

enough, it was a desperate abyss, and Yan Shuya hurriedly followed, her eyes were faint, and she secretly thought in her heart, what is there in it that is worth their attention so much?

But anyway, the Abyss is just a Jedi for you, and I’d rather see how you fall here…

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