The onlookers saw that Cui Zhangming, the elder of the Holy Land of the seventh layer of the Yuan Infant, was actually helpless to Lu Shaoqing.

Make them unbelievable.

Although he killed Luan Xi in a second with one move, everyone thought that Luan Xi was careless at that time.

And he was injured in the defeat of Jiyan, and his strength was greatly damaged.

Lu Shaoqing has a mind to calculate and has no intention, and it is normal for Luan Xi to be killed by Lu Shaoqing in a second.

At that time, some people speculated that Lu Shaoqing’s strength should be about four or five layers.

Against Luan Xi, a cultivator of the four-layer realm, it is not surprising that he won.


Now, Lu Shaoqing was actually able to easily defuse Cui Zhangming’s attack and gain the upper hand, making Cui Zhangming furious again and again, but helpless.

It really stunned everyone.

Is this still an elder of the Holy Land?

Although he was an elder of the outer gate, the strength of the seventh layer of the Yuan Infant was enough for many people here to look up.

“Is this Terran named Zhang Zheng so strong?”

“Fake, Elder Cui is joking with him, right?”

“Can’t Uncle beat him? I don’t believe it….”

The Cui family’s clansmen looked ugly.

Cui Zhangming couldn’t attack for a long time, but he couldn’t help Lu Shaoqing, Cui Zhangming’s face was not good-looking, and the faces of everyone in their Cui family were not good-looking.

Many people even wanted to rush up and kill Lu Shaoqing instead of Cui Zhangming.

Xiao Yi looked at Lu Shaoqing in the air in disbelief and constantly stimulating Cui Zhangming, and every attack was like tickling for him.

Cui Zhangming’s every attack was huge, and every shot seemed to be able to smash and shatter this piece of heaven and earth.

But in the end, in front of Lu Shaoqing, it was all thunder and rain, like a child living a house, which was easily resolved by Lu Shaoqing.

Xiao Yi exclaimed, how long has it been, has the second senior brother already been powerful to this point?

“Senior brother, the second senior brother is so powerful.”

Ji Yan said lightly, “Generally, if you want to kick him to death, you have to work hard.”

Xiao Yi’s eyes almost burst into tears.

Has Senior Brother also become cautious?

Xiao Yi laughed dryly, did not dare to answer, and hurriedly changed the topic, “However, the second senior brother seems to be playing with him, what is this for?” ”

The second senior brother is ruthless and decisive, since that good man can’t beat the second senior brother, with the character of the second senior brother, he should be sent to see King Yan as soon as possible.

Ji Yan shook his head, he couldn’t understand what Lu Shaoqing was going to do.

Only defended but did not attack, but also made mockery to provoke the opponent.

Cui Zhangming was so angry that he roared again and again, and finally he stopped his attack and opened the distance between him and Lu Shaoqing.

His eyes were full of resentment, and he stared at Lu Shaoqing deadly.

His wrist flipped, and a soul thorn appeared in his hand.

Infused with spiritual power, the soul thorn dripped and rotated, like a small snake with agility, exuding a gloomy and cold aura.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing hurriedly shouted, “Slowly, do you want Laipi again?”

“You leper dog, dare you put this thing away and show your true strength.”

Lu Shaoqing’s reaction made Cui Zhangming feel a little better in his heart, which was his hole card.

He sneered, “Scared? I don’t believe I can’t kill you this time. After

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the onlookers saw Cui Zhangming take out the soul thorn, they were shocked, while everyone in the Cui family was excited.

“It’s a soul thorn!”

“Haha, he is dead, this is the elder’s five-rank magic weapon, no one can hide it.”

“Hmph, wasn’t it very arrogant just now? To surrender now?

“But it’s a pity, it’s useless to be afraid.”

The people of the Cui family shouted loudly, and some even screamed excitedly while patting their thighs.

Cui Zhangming’s performance just now made them feel faceless, and they didn’t dare to speak loudly.

Now Cui Zhangming took out the Soul Thorn, knowing that the Soul Thorn was powerful, they felt that there would be no accident this time.

They all shouted, as if they had seen the victory, and celebrated in advance.

Shi Ji became worried, “Master Lu Shaoqing won’t be fine, right?” ”

As disciples of the Holy Land, they have naturally heard of the prestige of the Soul Thorn and know the power of the Soul Thorn.

The Saint Race was physically powerful, but it lacked the top-level exercises to cultivate divine sense.

And the soul thorn that dealt with divine consciousness was very terrifying.

This is also why some people think that Cui Zhangming is no worse than his brother Cui Zhangwan.

Shi Liao shook his head and sighed, “Lord Lu Shaoqing is careless. Obviously there was a good opportunity, but did not seize it, but let himself fall into passivity.

Tan Ling frowned, she hesitated, and said, “Maybe, he will be fine.” ”

Thinking of Lu Shaoqing’s powerful divine sense, and then thinking that Lu Shaoqing had been attacked by the Soul Thorn a few days ago, but he was still jumping alive, and he still looked like he was beaten.

Tan Ling felt that the Soul Thorn might have great power for others, but it might not have any effect on Lu Shaoqing.

However, she didn’t understand what Lu Shaoqing wanted to do now.

Shi Liao didn’t believe it, “It’s impossible, didn’t I see that he is afraid now?” Tan

Ling looked at Lu Shaoqing’s constant shouting at Cui Zhangming to put away his soul thorn, and he was very speechless.

It was the same before.

This bastard’s city is too deep, and no one can guess what he is going to do.

Lu Shaoqing was still shouting at Cui Zhangming, “If you don’t fight, how about everyone stop here?” ”

How dangerous it is to take this thing back of yours.”

“It’s late!” Cui Zhangming sneered, the more Lu Shaoqing was like this, the happier he was in his heart.

“Go!” Cui Zhangming drank heavily, and the soul thorn instantly disappeared from the palm of his hand, fast as lightning, making people’s eyes unable to keep up.

Cui Zhangming’s divine sense firmly controlled the Soul Thorn, and he seemed to have transformed into a Soul Thorn, shuttling through time and space, cutting through the void, and killing Lu Shaoqing.

This time, his target was Lu Shaoqing’s brain.

Even if he can’t attack his divine sense, penetrating through his brain door can seriously injure a Yuan Baby.

Cui Zhangming saw Lu Shaoqing standing still, and his heart was fierce, this time, see if you can escape?

The speed of the soul thorn was very fast, just for a moment, and it appeared in front of Lu Shaoqing like a teleportation.

The gray soul thorn still turned into a light, exuding a terrifying aura, and stabbed fiercely towards Lu Shaoqing’s brain.

Lu Shaoqing suddenly reached out and grabbed it, and the three-inch long soul thorn was firmly held in his hand.

A wave of divine consciousness permeated, quickly erasing the mark Cui Zhangming left on it, cutting off the connection with Cui Zhangming.

Then quickly put away the soul thorn.

Hold the soul thorn with your hand to put it away, the movement is smooth, and it is done in one go.

After putting away the soul thorn, Lu Shaoqing showed a satisfied smile and said to Cui Zhangming, “Good man, thank you….”

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