Cui Zhangming fantasized about the scene of the soul piercing through Lu Shaoqing’s head.

Blood splattered, and white brain juice gushed out with blood.

That scene will be pleasing to his eyes and allow him to dispel the anger in his heart.

The next moment.

His connection with the Soul Thorn was abruptly severed.

A powerful backlash struck, Cui Zhangming snorted, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

He froze.

What about my soul thorn?

How big a soul thorn am I?

Cui Zhangming couldn’t care about his injuries, he hurriedly looked at Lu Shaoqing, and saw that Lu Shaoqing grabbed the soul thorn and put it away.

This scene made him unbelievable and unacceptable.

“No, it can’t be…” This

is his five-rank magic weapon, it is a magic weapon that he has cultivated for many years, how could it be taken away so easily?

Recalling the powerful divine consciousness just now, Cui Zhangming’s face changed.

No wonder the first soul thorn had no effect on Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing thanked him with a smile.

Cui Zhangming couldn’t bear it anymore.


A mouthful of blood spurted out violently, spewing out a mist of blood, and blood spilled all over the sky.

“You, you…”

Lu Shaoqing smiled coldly and slammed a sword at Cui Zhangming.

The goal has been achieved, and this time Lu Shaoqing has no intention of staying.

The sword light in the sky surged and drowned Cui Zhangming like a tide.

Cui Zhangming, who was powerless to resist, screamed miserably, and his flesh dissipated in the sword light.

His Yuan Baby burst out of his body in horror.

In the past, he was already full of horror and had smelled the breath of death.

As soon as the Yuan baby appeared, he teleported at the first time, it was too dangerous here, and he had to escape far away.

However, Cui Zhangming found that it was impossible to teleport here, and the sword light that had not disappeared around him was like a solid iron bar, forming a cell and locking him firmly.

“Damn it!”

Cui Zhangming let out a low roar, the breath of death was even stronger, he didn’t say a word, he rushed into the sky, he wanted to escape from here.

However, a hand appeared, white and slender, like a woman’s hand, and gently probed him, and imprisoned him in his hand.

Cui Zhangming looked up and saw that Lu Shaoqing’s cold expression appeared in his line of sight, like a giant, and the cold gaze made Cui Zhangming feel terrified in his heart.

He shouted, “No, don’t…” A

powerful divine consciousness was used to feel the power of this divine consciousness.

Cui Zhangming’s eyes widened in disbelief, and he only understood at this time how terrifying Lu Shaoqing in front of him was.

I’ve been playing pig and eating tiger all the time.

However, it was all too late.

His consciousness soon fell into darkness and completely fell.

There was a dead silence.

Cui Zhangming, who was the elder of the Cui family, the elder of the outer gate of the Holy Land, and the younger brother of the first person in the Yuan Infant, actually died here.

Jian Wu held the sword, and the spiritual power condensed on his body disappeared.

He also looked at Lu Shaoqing in amazement, he never expected that Cui Zhangming would be killed so quickly, and he couldn’t save it.

Cui Shu and other Cui family members were even more blank in their minds, not knowing how to be good.

The elder of his own family died like this?

Too suddenly.

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Just now he was still pressing that Terran to fight, how could he be dead in a blink of an eye?

It was difficult for the people of the Cui family to accept it, but the facts were in front of them, and they couldn’t accept it.

Yan Shuya was so frightened that her scalp was numb, and she once again hid her body behind Ou Hu and Torturer.

It’s terrible.

I’m lucky to be alive.

Ou Hu and Torturer were also throat dry, unable to say a word for half a day.

After a long time, Ou Hu said in a low voice, “Fortunately, I didn’t make a move.” ”

Jihong is really a good person, I will remember you.

Ou Hu was full of gratitude to Jihong in his heart.

If it wasn’t for Ji Hong to strike first, it would have been his turn to strike.

Even Cui Zhangming of the seven-layer realm of the Yuan Infancy stage was not Lu Shaoqing’s opponent, let alone him.

The torturer looked at Lu Shaoqing, his eyes full of jealousy, “He is too terrible.”

Yan Shuya nodded, “That’s right, his real goal is to stab the soul and deliberately provoke Lord Cui.”

Yan Shuya was afraid in her heart.

After Lu Shaoqing captured the Soul Thorn, he no longer showed mercy to Cui Zhangming and directly killed him.

She thought that at that time, if she was not smart, would she also be directly killed by Lu Shaoqing after she explained the location of the Peerless Abyss?

Sure enough, I was lucky to survive.

After the others present also guessed Lu Shaoqing’s intentions, their gazes looked at Lu Shaoqing even more differently.

Treacherous and cunning.

Cui Zhangming will not be blind when he dies.

Tan Ling looked at Lu Shaoqing helplessly, “This bastard…” It

turns out that the soul thorn has no effect on him at all?

As for Shi Liao, he didn’t want to talk anymore, and he felt that his face hurt a little.

After Lu Shaoqing absorbed Cui Zhangming’s Yuan Baby, his gaze fell on the many clansmen of the Cui family.

Facing Lu Shaoqing’s gaze, everyone in the Cui family was under great pressure.

However, the Cui family is the Cui family after all, and Cui Zhangming is not the only one who came.

They can’t fail to repay this revenge.

Cui Shu stood up and stared at Lu Shaoqing with hatred, “Today, I want to avenge my uncle.”

Beside her, she also followed the masters of the five yuan infancy stage.

They shouted, “Avenge the elders!” The

rest of the Cui family also shouted in unison, “Avenge the elder.” The

powerful aura of nearly fifty people burst out, converging into a powerful air flow that rushed straight into the sky.

At this moment, everyone in the Cui family was full of anger and murderousness, they forgot Lu Shaoqing’s horror, and there was only one thought in their hearts, that is, to kill Lu Shaoqing to avenge Cui Zhangming.

The amazing momentum made the faces around him change greatly.

The five long swords of the sword were put away, a smile appeared on their faces, and they looked at this scene coldly.

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly shouted, “Slow, slow!” He

said to Cui Shu, “I’m going to challenge you, dare you single me out?” Cui

Xuan’s face changed slightly, his momentum stagnated, and he weakened a little.

Singled out, she did not have the confidence to beat Lu Shaoqing.

“How?” Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Doesn’t it mean that your holy clan is not afraid of challenges? Even if it is death, do you have to face the difficulties? ”


Cui Xuan’s face was ugly, and just as he was about to speak, Jian Wu smiled coldly, “He is a Terran, there is no need to talk to him about the rules of the Holy Race.” The

Cui family’s Yuan Ying also shouted, “That’s right, everyone go together.” ”

The most important thing is that these few of them together are not confident that they can beat Lu Shaoqing.

“Despicable!” Lu Shaoqing shouted, and then quickly ran back to Ji Yan, and said to Ji Yan sincerely, “You go up….”

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