Xiao Yi lowered his head, lowered his eyebrows, and was very well-behaved, “Second Senior Brother, you are so powerful, you clean him up.” ”

Obviously, you asked me to scold him and lure him out.

Now here, you don’t go on, let me on?

Heavenly sense.

Beat me to death either.

At this time, several streamers came from afar, and several figures fell.

The three of Tan Ling and Jian Lan arrived at about the same time.

Jian Lan came here, saw Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yi, gritted her teeth hatefully, and said to the sword, “Brother, kill the two of them, these two guys deserve to die.”

Jian Lan hated Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yi to the bone, “This dog man and woman are not a good thing, damn humans, are their mouths so smelly?”

Xiao Yi pouted, not wanting to speak.

Lu Shaoqing said, “Scold her, don’t scold her, I’ll let you fight.”

Xiao Yi immediately became energetic and drank angrily at Jian Lan, “The smelly three eight of the demon race, don’t bark dogs here.”

“Your demon mouth stinks, I can smell your breath comparable to a toilet for ten miles, and smoke people to death.”

Look at you like this, seventy and eighty, right? If you know that he is your brother, if you don’t know, you think it’s your son.”

Jian Lan jumped to her feet in anger and pointed at Xiao Yi and roared, “You deserve to die!” ”

Jian Yi is also murderous, and he shot coldly.

The sword light flashed, and a huge long sword appeared in the sky, and the flames on the sword body hovered like a fire snake, spitting out snake letters.

The blazing high temperature evaporated thousands of miles of water vapor in an instant.

Blazing Sun Sword!

As soon as the sword shot out, it was a killing move, and he didn’t plan to play with Lu Shaoqing here.

Lu Shaoqing sighed, “Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you.”

After speaking, he took the Mojun sword and killed Jian Yi.

With a swing of the sword, countless flames emerged, and the terrifying high temperature seemed to distort space.

Countless flames rushed up into the sky like swimming fish, crashing into the huge long sword.


Two different moves collided, the ground shook, and two different sword intents collided with it.

“Swish…” The

invisible sword intent collided in the air and burst out, like countless raindrops falling one after another.

It was like countless meteors falling on the ground, bombarding the ground heavily, and stirring up countless smoke and dust.

The people watching the battle instantly retreated, far away.

Shi Ji looked at the sky, looking leisurely, without the slightest pressure, Lu Shaoqing, his eyes continued to flash with adoration, “Lord Lu Shaoqing is really powerful.” ”

The opponent is Kenichi.

But Lu Shaoqing can appear so leisurely, and his relaxed appearance makes people feel as if he is coming for a walk, and there is no tension in the fight for life and death.

Unlike Lu Shaoqing’s ease, Jian Yi’s expression was solemn.


With the sword just now, he felt a strong pressure.

It seems that it is a little stronger than the previous plan?

Illusion, right?

Jian Yi couldn’t believe it, Senior Brother is not strong, is he still a Senior Brother?

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“What are you,” Lu Shaoqing scolded, “It’s not big or small, kneel down and surrender, shout, uncle, I will spare you.” So

angry that the sword immediately came out and vowed to hack Lu Shaoqing to death.

Compared to Ji Yan, Lu Shaoqing’s mouth made him angry and disgusted.

Jian Lan also screamed loudly, supporting his younger brother, “If you don’t measure yourself, you must die today.”

Xiao Yi ran far away, still fighting against each other on the edge of the battlefield, a mouth that was angry and dead, “You wait to collect the corpse for Jian Yi, the most wasted thing is Jian Yi, I have never seen such a waste sword cultivation.”

“Damn it!”

Jian Lan roared angrily, and she couldn’t help it.

If she doesn’t tear Xiao Yi with her hands, she will be angry to death.

“I will kill you, I will tear your mouth off, I will imprison your soul in an oil lamp and burn for thousands of years.”

Jian Lan raised his sword and killed Xiao Yi.

Her talent is not very good, but she is also the ninth layer of Jiedan, and her strength is stronger than Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi only broke through today and entered the sixth layer of Jiedan.

The strength gap between the two is not so easy to overcome.

Xiao Yi turned around and ran, still refusing to admit defeat, “Sanba, what are you going to do?” ”

Fighting? Be careful I beat you to death. Jian

Lan roared angrily, like an angry wild dog, about to tear Xiao Yi to pieces.

“You kind of fight with me, let me see if your strength is the same as your mouth.”

Tan Ling, Shi Ji, and Shi Liao looked speechless for a long time.

What kind of person is this?

Shi Liao suddenly said, “I’m curious about what kind of person their master is. ”

The disciples who have been taught seem to have different personalities.

The big apprentice, calm and steady, let people know at first glance that this is a reliable and trustworthy person.

The second apprentice, who is mean, usually does things and talks can kill people, in two words, it is very cheap.

The third junior sister is young and beautiful in appearance, and looks ruthless and cute. But the mouth is like a cultivation, scolding people, can really make people angry.

Tan Ling was also in his mind, Harry fantasized about the image of the master of these three senior brothers and sisters.

But in the end, she couldn’t think of it, so she could only give up.

Shi Ji said worriedly, “Shall we help?”

“Little sister, she can’t beat gladioli.”

Love me, love my dog.

Shi Ji’s good impression of Lu Shaoqing was barbaric, plus he usually had no good impression of Jian Lan.

Therefore, she was on Xiao Yi’s side and did not want Xiao Yi to be bullied by Jian Lan.

Shi Liao shook his head and disagreed, “No, the second elder said that we are not allowed to help the Terrans.”

Shi Liao’s expression was very serious, “Sister, you can’t mess around, don’t cause trouble for Master.”

Tan Ling opened her mouth, and she finally shook her head and watched the change for the time being, “Let’s watch first, will there be any problems with her like this for a while.”

“Just let her learn a long lesson, not having enough strength to provoke a strong opponent will only bring trouble to herself.”

Although Xiao Yi only has the sixth layer of Jiedan, his speed is very fast, especially when riding on the little white tiger, the speed is as fast as lightning, and Jian Lan will not be able to catch up for a while.

Shi Ji was worried, “After all, she is Lord Lu Shaoqing’s junior sister, and if she encounters danger, she will distract Master Lu Shaoqing.”

Shi Liao said, “Even if that’s the case, we can’t make a move, she can’t beat it, it’s her problem, it has nothing to do with us.” ”

She is like this, and she continues to provoke, which will only irritate Jian Lan more and more, and then she will only let herself die worse.”

In the distance, Xiao Yi sat on the back of the little white tiger, turned around and rubbed the magic technique, and shouted at Jian Lan, “Demon Race Sanba, eat my move.” ”

Meteorite Grand Summoning…”

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