A huge fireball, with billowing flames, is huge and imposing.

Xiao Yi’s strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and the Meteorite Great Summoning Technique has become more powerful in her hands.

The roaring fireball rumbled down, and the burning flames reflected the gray sky.

The scene was like a big hole in the sky, and the sun in the sky fell into the world along the hole.

The raging fire and terrifying heat seemed to burn the world to the ground.

The three of them were stunned to look at the huge fireball that seemed to be about to burn the world.

Two or three hundred meters, the huge fireball made all three of them feel a strong pressure.

As for gladioli, she had long been scared and turned pale, the same as the rouge powder on her face.

Looking at the falling fireball, she felt great pressure and even the threat of death.

She screamed, “Ah! ”

Kenichi, save me…” Kenichi

in the distance was also startled by this move.

But the distance was too far for him to save.

Watching gladioli being swallowed by a large fireball, the intense light and fire generated by the explosion rushed into the sky, and endless waves of qi rolled and spread.

The sword was so angry that it was about to explode, and he shouted angrily, “Sister! This

is his own sister, Jian Yi’s gaze was instantly red and murderous.

“You all have to die…”

But before he could finish shouting, Jian Lan’s smug and rampant laughter was heard in the distance.

“Haha, the outside is strong and dry, and it is vulnerable!”

“Is this how you dare to challenge me?”

In the thick smoke, Jian Lan stood in place intact, and there was nothing on his body.

The explosion just now did not hurt her in the slightest.

Jian was overjoyed, and his mood was like riding a roller coaster, and he was overjoyed after great sorrow.

Jian Lan’s voice continued to come, “Bluffing thing, it almost scared me.”

Jian Yi completely let go of his heart, he sneered, and his gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing, “Hmph, so it is, weak human beings can only scare others by relying on this.”

Lu Shaoqing dug his ears, “Are you saying that you yourself are weak?”

“As my junior sister said, you are a waste.”

Jian Yi continued to strike, “I will let you know today who is the real waste!” ”

The long sword swept out in the air.

Jian Yi knew that Lu Shaoqing’s strength was a little stronger than Ji Yan at that time, and he did not dare to be careless.

Strike again, it is all strength, without reservation.

The sword qi crisscrossed, and one after another sword light, like a spirit snake spitting out letters, constantly attacked Lu Shaoqing.

Each sword made the sky shine with a strong light, the flickering light was cold, and the deadly aura shook thousands of miles.

The sword intent raged on, making the surrounding space a forbidden area of life.

Any life in this area will be strangled and reduced to powder.

The offensive is fierce, and the move is fatal.

Jian Yi couldn’t wait to slaughter Lu Shao with a sword.

However, Lu Shaoqing’s performance made Jian Yi’s calculations frustrated.

His attack could not cause any damage to Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing seemed very relaxed when he saw the move.

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After more than ten rounds, not only could he not help Lu Shaoqing, but Lu Shaoqing had the upper hand and began to control the situation.

“No, it can’t be!”

After Jian Yi realized that he had fallen into the downwind, he could not accept such a result and roared angrily.

His attack could not help Lu Shaoqing, but Lu Shaoqing easily pinched him.

What made Jian Yi even more difficult to accept was that his sword intent was actually inferior to Lu Shaoqing’s sword intent.

Both of them are fire attribute physiques, and what they comprehend is also fire attribute sword intent.

However, he, the most genius disciple of the sword family, was actually crushed again in terms of sword intent.

Before it was Ji Yan, he easily crushed him, and now it was Lu Shaoqing’s turn again.

In the competition of sword intent, he could not take any advantage.

As the most outstanding disciple of the sword family of the Cold Star Sword Cultivation Holy Land, he was inferior to others in terms of sword intent, which was even more uncomfortable than killing him.

“Nothing is impossible, you are too weak.”

Lu Shaoqing’s contemptuous look made Jian Yi unacceptable, and he roared angrily.

“Ah, ah, damn it, I don’t believe it’s true.”

“Meteor Spirit Sword!”

A huge flying sword appeared, like the sword of an immortal emerging from the clouds.

The surrounding spiritual power seemed to disappear in an instant, but it was actually carried by the sky

giant sword with the aura of destruction, and countless sword intentions turned into Dao lightning, lingering around the giant sword.

Black cracks appeared in the sky again, shattering the void.

Lu Shaoqing stood calmly in place, looking at the giant sword above the sky.

The powerful wind howled, and his hair fluttered with the wind, showing his heroic spirit.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was staring at the sky tightly, he had already seen this move.

At that time, his senior brother Ji Yan faced this sword, took a hard resistance, and finally seemed unscathed, and he didn’t have time to ask Ji Yan what he comprehended.

However, Lu Shaoqing suddenly noticed that something was wrong.

When watching the live broadcast before, the void crack only appeared very subtle, and it was difficult to see it clearly with the naked eye.

And now, the void cracks that appeared above the sky were large, and they closed for longer than outside.

The black inside the void crack is palpitating, and the black lightning that lingers around it continues to spread around as if it has life, constantly shattering the surrounding space.

If it weren’t for the rapid closing of space, perhaps this piece of space would have collapsed.

Broken Pan said that the space barrier here should be weak, is it because of this?

Lu Shaoqing didn’t think much, the giant sword above the sky fell, the force sank, the sky shook, and the rumbling sound shook the heavens and the earth.

A cyan figure appeared high in the sky like a fresh breeze, and his gaze fell on the two people fighting.

The elusive Mu Yong had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, “Your senior brother is very powerful, what about your junior brother?”

“In the face of this move, are you going to resist hard?”

“Stupid is better than resisting.” Lu Shaoqing looked at the huge flying sword that fell, and muttered, “I’m not stupid, why should I resist hard, can’t I dodge it?”

However, when Lu Shaoqing thought about flashing and leaving, he found that the surrounding space had been blocked, and he could not leave the place.

Jian Yi noticed Lu Shaoqing’s actions and smiled, “Want to run?”

“No way, give me death!”

With Jian Yi’s fierceness, the Meteor Spirit Sword increased its speed and fell heavily.

A sword fell, a huge surge sounded, powerful energy bursts, a large earthquake shook, and a huge crack appeared on the ground, extending all the way to the distance.

After everything calmed down, Lu Shaoqing’s figure had already disappeared, leaving a mess…

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