“What is there to say between me and you?”

Lu Shaoqing held Jian Yi, as if carrying a chicken, “I’ll go talk to Jian Wu.” ”

Jian Yi’s strength is not weak, stay over there, you can drag Lu Shaoqing or Ji Yan.

The sword five of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant is not something that Lu Shaoqing or Ji Yan alone can deal with.

Lu Shaoqing’s plan is to kill Jian Yi after bringing Jian Yi here, and then he will support Ji Yan, and the two brothers will join forces, and they can both lose at the worst, right?

As long as they solve the trouble of Sword Five, they can use the Boundary Piercing Disc to quickly leave here.

However, Mu Yong’s words reminded him that even if this is a space, those immortals outside can still come in and hunt him down.

So, he changed his mind.

Grab Jian Yi and use Jian Yi as a hostage, force Jian Wu to back down, and buy himself time.

Not to mention one hour, ten breaths, he can leave here with his senior brother and sister.

Mu Yong also guessed what Lu Shaoqing was going to do, and he had no objection to this.

However, his gaze fell in the distance, and suddenly said, “Don’t you worry about your junior sister?” ”

She’s no match for Gladiol.”

In the distance, Xiao Yi was caught up by Jian Lan and fell into the attack range of Jian Lan.

Jian Lan is also the ninth layer of Jiedan, although the strength is a little watery, but the realm is that realm after all, higher than Xiao Yi.

She also comprehended the sword intent, and although it was the first sword intent, the Dao sword qi she wielded still made Xiao Yi very embarrassed.

Constantly attacking, Xiao Yi tried her best to dodge, and wounds still inevitably appeared on her body, even several wounds appeared on the butt of the little white tiger, and the blood stained the white hair.

If this continues, Xiao Yi will be in danger sooner or later.

Jian Lan will not show mercy to her subordinates, and once she succeeds, she will definitely kill Xiao Yi.

Lu Shaoqing glanced at it and pouted, “She can’t even beat that parallel cargo, and if she dies, she will die.”

“I don’t want such a wasted junior sister, it’s a shame to take it out.”

The indifference in his tone made Mu Yong stunned.

No, isn’t there any camaraderie at all?

Then why did you travel thousands of miles and risk coming here to find her?

If you have such an attitude, it is better to let her fend for herself here, and you will not have to fall into such a dangerous situation as a senior brother.

Mu Yong didn’t believe it, “Are you serious? Can she beat gladioli? ”

Do you think your junior sister is just as perverted as you?

“Of course, it’s not normal if you can’t beat parallel goods.” Lu Shaoqing still didn’t plan to save Xiao Yi.

As soon as the sword fell into Lu Shaoqing’s hands and became a prisoner, it would be heartbroken.

Hearing Lu Shaoqing’s words, he couldn’t help it.

“Shameless, are the Terrans so arrogant?”

Lu Shaoqing glanced at him coldly, “I remember that the losers of your demon race are not qualified to speak, right?

“My captive, shut up, less disgrace here.”

Jianyi’s face turned red, and a mouthful of blood stuck in his throat, almost suffocated.

Xiao Yi’s situation is not good, and they can see it when they talk about it.

Shi Ji said nervously, “Lord Lu Shaoqing doesn’t care about his junior sister?”

“If this continues, the little sister will lose sooner or later.”

Shi Liao shook his head, “Maybe he can’t walk away either.”

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Shi Liao felt that Mu Yong was standing next to him, and Lu Shaoqing was still holding Jian Yi hostage, and he couldn’t pull out to save Xiao Yi.

The strength that Mu Yong showed just now was not weaker than Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing did not dare to act rashly in front of him.

Therefore, after Shi Liao glanced at it a few times, he sighed and said, “Master Lu Shaoqing’s junior sister is very dangerous. ”

If she falls into the hands of Jian Lan, then Lord Lu Shaoqing will have to exchange the sword for a large person.”

“Unless, Master Lu Shaoqing doesn’t take his junior sister to heart and doesn’t care about her life or death.”

Tan Ling shook her head, and she said, “If he didn’t care, he wouldn’t have come here to find her.” ”

Tan Ling’s heart is still a little sour.

Thousands of miles away, even if he is chased and killed by the Holy Land, he will break in here to find Xiao Yi.

This shows Xiao Yi’s position in the minds of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

With such two senior brothers, Tan Ling is also very envious.

Moreover, for such a purpose, it is really an abominable bastard to actually deceive me.

In the distance, Xiao Yi stood on the little white tiger, sealed the seal again, and shouted, “Stinky three eight, look at the move!” ”

Meteorite Grand Summoning!

The huge fireball reappeared, but much smaller in diameter and much smaller than the first time.

It seems that because her state consumption is too large, the power of the spell decreases.

Thinking of the power of Xiao Yi’s move just now, Jianglan smiled so that the rouge powder fell again, fluttering with the wind.

“Haha, you still come to this trick?”

“That stupid second senior brother of yours said that the same move is useless.”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he sneered and looked at the half of the sword, “Say I’m an idiot?

“I really want to kill you.”

Facing Lu Shaoqing’s gaze, Jian Yi was not afraid at all, but glared angrily.

“Come on,” Jian Yi defied, “you think I’m afraid of you?

“Then you take off your pants, are you afraid?” Lu Shaoqing raised his sword and gestured to help Jian Yi take off his pants.

Jian Yi shouted angrily, “You dare? ”

If he had taken off his pants, he might as well have died.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled proudly, “Haha, you call it again?”

Mu Yong hurriedly said, “Boy, don’t go too far, your junior sister’s defeat has been decided, don’t you want to save her life?” Jian

Yi became Lu Shaoqing’s hostage, but the battle between Jian Lan and Xiao Yi was quickly divided into winners and losers.

At that time, Jianlan will capture Xiao Yi, and the two sides can exchange hostages.

But if Lu Shaoqing killed Jian Yi, Xiao Yi would also die.

“Are you blind?” Lu Shaoqing despised, “That eye of yours saw her defeat? For myopia, pair glasses.

“At this time, you still have so much confidence?” Mu Yong shook his head slightly, seemingly optimistic about a funny joke.

He was here, and he would definitely not let Lu Shaoqing go over to support Xiao Yi, so, in the face of the nine-layer Jian Lan of Jiedan, Xiao Yi had no way to escape, and the defeat was decided.

However, Lu Shaoqing’s performance made Mu Yong not understand.

Could it be that Xiao Yi still has any hole cards that he has not used?

The huge fireball fell, and Jian Lan did not intend to resist at all, but she quickly increased her speed and once again narrowed the distance between her and Xiao Yi.

“Despicable Terrans, die obediently.”

Jian Lan’s smug voice sounded, and the fireballs falling from the sky also came to her.

Jian Lan didn’t want to think about it, raised his sword, a sword light swung out, and the next moment, a violent explosion sounded…

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