Among all the people present, except for the torture, Xiao Yi and Jian Lan in the battle were in the Jiedan period.

Everyone else is in their infancy and has a keen sense.

This time the power of the explosion, they immediately sensed that something was wrong.

Shi Ji’s face was puzzled, not quite sure, “It seems to be a little different from that fireball just now?”

Tan Ling was also a little hesitant, but finally affirmed, “Yes, it is indeed different.” ”

The power of the explosion is solid, unlike the previous fireball with heavy thunder and small rain.

And gladioli’s screams came out at the right time.


The thick smoke could not cover Yuanbao’s divine sense, and as soon as their divine sense was swept, they could sense the miserable state of the gladioli.

Jian Lan’s face was pale, I don’t know if she was blown up bloodless, or the rouge powder on her face, and the corners of her mouth were stained with blood.

Hair and clothes have burnt marks.

Shortness of breath, breath deficiency disorder, injury not light.

The hand holding the long sword trembled slightly, not knowing whether it was anger or injury.

Jian Lan stood in place, she was like a wounded wild dog, roaring angrily, “Damn it, damn humans, I will never let you go.” ”

Come out, I’m going to smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces, I’m going to pull out your soul…” Mu

Yong frowned, and couldn’t help but curse in a low voice, “Another idiot.”

I thought that Jian Yi was stupid enough, but I didn’t expect that being a sister was just as stupid.

Mu Yong suddenly felt tired, Chengping had been for too long, and the disciples cultivated by these big families of the Jian family were too bad.

The smoke from the explosion gradually subsided, and suddenly a gust of wind blew through.

A white shadow emerged from the smoke.


A tiger roar sounded.

Suddenly it was Xiao Yi’s spiritual pet, Xiaobai.

Xiaobai’s body swelled and turned into a behemoth, and his huge body was like a small mountain smashing towards Jian Lan.

“Beasts, look for death!” Jian Lan was furious, although injured, but the strength remained.

The sword light up and slashed at Xiao Bai fiercely.

Xiao Bai did not dare to resist Jian Lan’s long sword with his own flesh and blood.

Roaring in the air, his figure twisted, dodging Jian Lan’s deadly sword, and his body passed over Jian Lan’s head.

The tail flicked, like the tail of a steel whip, pumped fiercely on the back of the gladioli.


A deep scar appeared, spurting her blood, and the painful gladioli shouted, “Ah!

“Damn beasts, damn humans, I’m going to kill you…” The

pain made Jian Lan’s eyes red, and his reason was almost consumed by anger.

However, before she could stop, another black shadow fell from far and near.

The force is heavy, and the wind is howling.

Jian Lan didn’t have time to see what it was, and in anger, she raised her long sword, and the sword body lit up.

“me!” Jianglan drank angrily.


With a loud noise, Jian Lan found that what was coming was a large stone, and the force of nearly 10,000 catties smashed her internal organs as if she had shifted, and blood sprayed directly from her mouth.

The gladioli was smashed, his head was already a little confused, his steps were floating, and his body was shaky, as if he could not fall down at any time.

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At this moment, a dark blue sword light lit up in the smoke.

Xiao Yi made a move, like an old hunter who had found the most suitable time, and quietly launched the final blow against his prey.

By the time Jianglan found out, it was too late.

Xiao Yi swung out a sword.

The sword technique is gentle, like a Dao water pattern appearing on the surface of the water, rippling slightly, and invisible waves in the air are turbulent.


Several wounds appeared on Jian Lan’s body in an instant, and blood splashed.

Hit by this blow, Jian Lan could no longer support it, the injuries in his body worsened, and he spat out several mouthfuls of blood in his mouth and slowly fell.

The little white tiger reappeared, raised its claws and was about to shoot at Jian Lan’s head.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi hurriedly shouted, “Xiaobai don’t want it, the second senior brother said to leave her a dog’s life.” ”

Watching Jian Lan fail, he became Xiao Yi’s prisoner.

Kenichi was the first to shout in disbelief, “No, it can’t be. Jian

Yi’s eyes looked dead into the distance, Xiao Yi had placed a ban on his sister, making Jian Lan a prisoner.

How Kenichi wished he was dreaming.

Both of his siblings became prisoners, and this day was a day of shame for both of them.

It can’t be washed away in this life.

Mu Yong opened his mouth, he didn’t expect such a result.

Remembering what he said just now, the depressed look on his face became even stronger, and it hurt to hit his face too much.

However, for Xiao Yi’s behavior, he couldn’t help but complain, “It’s so despicable.” ”

The first big fireball was an eye-blinding method to confuse gladioli, and the second time it really blew gladioli half to death, and then took the opportunity to sneak attack.

Although it worked, Mu Yong felt that it was too despicable to do so.

Are human beings really all so mean?

Lu Shaoqing despised Mu Yong, “You demon clans are all guys with light muscles and no brains, don’t you understand the truth of unscrupulous means in order to win?” Mu

Yong couldn’t refute.

The guy in front of him is also very insidious, and there is a bomb lying in his storage ring.

The three people on Tanling’s side also looked at Xiao Yi who was victorious, and they didn’t know what to say for a while.

Especially Shi Liao, his face was full of shock.

He never dreamed that Xiao Yi could win against Jian Lan like this.

At first, I thought that Lu Shaoqing was cold and heartless, and did not care about Xiao Xiaoyi’s life or death.

Now it seems that Lu Shaoqing is full of confidence in Xiao Yi, believing that his junior sister can defeat Jian Lan.

After a while, Shi Ji couldn’t help but exclaim, “The little sister is so powerful, she really deserves to be the junior sister of the two adults.”

“Lord Lu Shaoqing is not desperate for her, but full of confidence to do this.”

The senior brother is powerful, and as a junior sister, he did not disgrace the two senior brothers.

“Are the Terrans so powerful?” Shi Ji exclaimed, “I really wish I had the opportunity to visit Zuxing.” Tan

Ling’s face was not very good, “I don’t know if the Terrans are powerful or not, but I know that she was taught badly.” ”

A sweet and cute little girl has become an old sixth, sinister and cunning, to say that there is no credit for Lu Shaoqing, I don’t believe it when I beat Tanling to death.”

A beautiful girl with good end has become an old yin ratio.

It’s a pity to think about it.

All because of that bastard.

Looking at Xiao Yi sitting on the ground with his butt, without any ladylike demeanor, talking about it was painful….

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