“Bastard, that big bastard!”

Tanling was so angry that his heart ached, a good little beauty, became like this, how could Tiandao not thunder and kill that bastard.

Xiao Yi gasped for breath here, and after a battle, she was also tired in the face of an opponent like Jian Lan.

The spiritual power in the body is almost exhausted, and there are injuries in the body and outside the body, and it takes at least ten days and a half to recover.

The little white tiger shrunk and came to Xiao Yi’s side, licked Xiao Yi’s face, Xiao Yi touched the little white tiger and patted its head.

“Xiaobai, well done.”

“Give you a big chicken leg then.”

The little white tiger showed a smug expression on his face, squinted his eyes, and looked in one direction.

The little ape appeared, with a look of disbelief on its face.

The little ape squeaks to indicate that it also has power.

It was the big rock that it smashed just now.

Xiao Yi also raised his thumb to it, “Little fellow, good job, worthy of being the spiritual pet of the senior brother.” At that time, you will also have big chicken legs to eat.

The little ape squeaked two more times.

Xiao Yi was stunned, “No, your name is also Xiaobai?” The

little white tiger was dissatisfied and roared at the little ape.

This is its name, no one can grab it.

A tiger and a monkey with round eyes and angry eyes, about to fight for this name.

Xiao Yi said to them, “Now is not the time to quarrel, be careful to be seen by the second senior brother.”

At the mention of Lu Shaoqing, both the little white tiger and the little ape became well-behaved, lowering their eyebrows and eyebrows.

That big devil can’t be messed with.

Xiao Yi swallowed a few pills, the blood slowly turned red, she looked at the gladioli lying on the ground, her face showed a proud look, “Hehe, the ninth layer of Jiedan is not my opponent, in the future, like the two senior brothers, you can kill the Yuan baby in the Jiedan period.” This

shocked everyone.

Shi Ji’s eyes widened, “Really fake? Are Lord Lu Shaoqing and Lord Ji Yan so powerful? ”

Jiedan period defeats the yuan infancy period? Just kidding.

Shi Liao shook his head decisively, “Fake, how is this possible?”

“That’s the Yuan Baby, how can the Jiedan period defeat the Yuan Baby?”

Yuan baby is yuan baby, even if it is weak, it is also yuan baby, and it is definitely not Jiedan can deal with it.

Tan Ling couldn’t believe it, but thinking of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan’s performance, she couldn’t find a reason to refute it.

Mu Yong also looked at Lu Shaoqing in surprise, and Lu Shaoqing denied it, “Don’t look at me, that’s my senior brother, I can’t do such crazy things.” ”

He had killed a Divine Thought of the Elder of the Dian Star Sect before, but to him, it was not a real Yuan Baby.

Mu Yong had to sigh, “Really genius.” ”

The Terrans have such geniuses, how can the Holy Race beat them and kill back the ancestral star?

Mu Yong sighed secretly in his heart.

Jian Yi’s side was hit again.

Jiedan can engage in Yuan Baby, is it really so strong?

A feeling of despair and sadness arose in my heart.

After Mu Yong saw it, he secretly shook his head again.

However, he still said to Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, let them go.”

Lu Shaoqing pointed at him and cursed, “Don’t force me to cut you when I’m happy.” ”

This is my loot, you say let it go? Who do you think you are? Holy Lord?

Even the Holy Lord had to shut me up obediently.

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Lu Shaoqing came to Xiao Yi with his sword.

Xiao Yi grinned and smiled, “Second Senior Brother, how is it?” She

could see that this battle made her very satisfied.

Lu Shaoqing made a straight face, “It’s too wasteful, you have done this to deal with this kind of parallel goods, go back and give me a review of 10,000 words.”

Xiao Yi pouted, lowered his head, and obediently agreed.

At this time, she did not dare to have any bargaining behavior, otherwise she would wait to be cleaned up.

Mu Yong looked at it and couldn’t help but feel a little emotion in his heart.

Is it precisely because of such strictness that this little girl can cross three small realms and defeat Jian Lan?

“Review, what is this?”

Mu Yong couldn’t help but ask curiously.

Lu Shaoqing looked at him with slanted eyes, and his tone was not good, “What does it matter to you?” Why don’t you roll yet?

Mu Yong was not angry, but smiled, “I have to watch you so that you don’t mess around.” ”

It is too wasteful for a genius like Jian Yi to die here, and it is a big loss for the Saint Family.

Xiao Yi stood up and looked at Mu Yong curiously, “Second Senior Brother, who is he?”

Lu Shaoqing snorted, “It’s not a good thing.

Xiao Yi immediately raised his eyebrows, crossed his waist, and stared at Mu Yong viciously, “Where did the bastard come from?”

“Quickly disappear, don’t stain my second senior brother’s eyes here.”

“Once my second senior brother’s anger breaks out, it is not something that you can bear.”

“Don’t give a face, hurry up, don’t block my second senior brother here…” Looking

at Xiao Yi scolding, he knew that Xiao Yi’s mouth was not easy to mess with, and now he was angrily reprimanded by Xiao Yi, Mu Yong had the urge to hit people in his heart.

Calm, calm.

Mu Yong secretly warned himself not to be angry with this little girl.

He just said lightly, “As long as your second senior brother releases Jian Yi, I will leave.”

Xiao Yi’s eyes widened, looking at Mu Yong and Jian Yi curiously, and then tentatively asked, “Is Jian Yi your son or your father?”

“But you don’t look like that.”

Lu Shaoqing laughed and reached out to rub Xiao Yi’s head, “Not bad, well said.” Mu

Yong’s impulse to hit people became stronger.

As for Kenichi, he was already roaring, “Damn Terrans, I’m going to kill you.

Xiao Yi shouted, “Shut up the captive, there is nothing for you to talk about here.”

Mu Yong couldn’t help but hold his forehead, he could be sure that Xiao Yi definitely learned from Lu Shaoqing.

Tan Ling and Shi Ji came to Lu Shaoqing together.

Shi Ji smiled and said, “Master Lu Shaoqing.”

Lu Shaoqing was shocked, “Who are you calling?” My name is Zhang Zheng, don’t shout. Tanling

crunched his teeth, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he couldn’t help but growl, “Bastard, less pretend for me here.” ”

Huh?” Lu Shaoqing seemed surprised, “Did Elder Rui know that I lied to her at that time?” Lu

Shaoqing thought that he didn’t show any horse feet at that time, and his acting skills could definitely win awards.

“What?” Tan Ling couldn’t help it and roared again, “Bastard, were you awake then? ”

No,” Lu Shaoqing looked at it and hurriedly denied it, “I don’t know anything.

Understood, Tanling gritted his teeth harder, and at the same time was secretly surprised.

This bastard can actually resist her master’s Tianyin Soul, how much ability does it have?

Mu Yong was also surprised, this kid is unfathomable.

Xiao Yi didn’t know what happened in it, but seeing that Tan Ling’s attitude towards his second senior brother was not good, Xiao Yi jumped out, “Second senior brother, do you want to scold her?” ”

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