Xiao Yi was like a little tiger, grinning at Tanling’s teeth, as if he was about to pounce and bite at any time.

Tan Ling was also a little stunned in the face of Xiao Yi, and this girl’s mouth scolded people without mercy at all.

Being scolded by her, it is easy to rush up and be angry to death.

Lu Shaoqing snorted, “This chick is not a good person, she owes me spirit stones.”

Xiao Yi’s eyes widened again, flashed, his attitude changed greatly, and he asked curiously, “This demon sister, what is your origin?” You can actually owe my second senior brother Spirit Stone.

“You must be very good, right? As far as I know, you are the first one who owes my second senior brother Spirit Stone to be alive. Tan

Ling actually felt a little flattered, and Xiao Yi’s attitude towards her was a little different.

Xiao Yi blinked, and his eyes showed a curious gaze as he looked Tanling up and down.

Tan Ling is a Saint Family, but for a burly Saint Family, he can only be considered slim, of course, compared with the human body, he looks a lot stronger.

However, Tan Ling’s overall appearance is still graceful and moving, and her wheat-skinned skin makes Tan Ling dressed in red still a beauty.

Looking at Tanling, Xiao Yi secretly guessed in his heart, could it be that the second senior brother caused some kind of affair debt?

Eat and don’t recognize people, don’t plan to be responsible, so that she grits her teeth at the second senior brother?

The more Xiao Yi thought about it, the more she felt that it was possible, her eyes flickered, and she couldn’t help but look at Lu Shaoqing beside her.

Lu Shaoqing noticed Xiao Yi’s gaze and unceremoniously rewarded her, “If you think about it again, I’ll twist your dog’s head off.”

Xiao Yi held her head, and she felt that she had guessed almost the same.

Tan Ling and Mu Yong are different people, so she did not scold, but smiled and said to Tan Ling, “Sister of the Demon Clan, what’s your name?” My name is Xiao Yi, and I will give me a lot of advice. Not

far away, Mu Yong wanted to lift the surrounding trees.

Why are people treated differently?

I was scolded by the bloody dog, why was Tanling called sister?

Where can I compare to this little girl?

Mu Yong was quite depressed.

Tan Ling was even more flattered.

The good feeling for Xiao Yi in her heart skyrocketed, if it weren’t for the inappropriate occasion now, she wanted to pull Xiao Yi home, talk well, and get in touch with each other.

When Xiao Yi doesn’t scold people, he looks quite sweet and cute.

People can’t help but feel love and pity.

Tan Ling smiled, “My name is Tan Ling, well, the apprentice of the second elder of the Holy Land. ”

I’ll go, the second senior brother’s taste is still so advanced.

Xiao Yi had a hundred admirations and worship in his heart.

The identity of the girl who bubbled is not simple.

“Sister Ling!”

Xiao Yi shouted sweetly, her voice was sweet, like the little sister next door.

Shi Ji also came over, “Sister Xiaoyi, my name is Shi Ji, I am Elder Fuyun’s apprentice, and Lord Lu Shaoqing is kind to me.”

Xiao Yi was even more surprised.


Doesn’t the master brother cut people?

Just when Xiao Yi’s gossip fire was burning, Lu Shaoqing gave her another look, “Less to do with these demon races.”

“They are demons, we are Terrans, they are incompatible, are you going to be a traitor?” If yes, I will destroy you now.

Xiao Yi held his head, stuck out his tongue at the two, and blinked his eyes.

It means that there is no way, the second senior brother will not let me say more.

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Lu Shaoqing said viciously, “Little chick return my spirit stone to me, otherwise I will clean you up.”

Tan Ling snorted coldly, “You can try, my master can come up at any time.”

Lu Shaoqing despised it resentfully, “What I hate the most in my life is the guy who can’t beat people and shake people.” Tanling

was also resentful, “What I hate most in my life is the deceitful bastard.” Tan

Ling wanted to be rude in her heart, and from the first time they met, Lu Shaoqing lied to her.

In the end, she was still deceiving her, if she hadn’t been discovered by the Holy Lord, she didn’t know that Lu Shaoqing had sneaked up and made such a big thing.

Xiao Yi pricked up his ears beside him, and the fire of gossip burned.

Sure enough!

There is definitely an unspeakable secret between the second senior brother and this Ling sister, because of love and hate, because of love and hatred.

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly, his eyes gurgling.

She really wanted to pull the conversation to ask for clarification.

“Who lied to you?” Lu Shaoqing pointed at Tanling and said, “You’d better make it clear, otherwise I’m not done with you, you smelly old man.”

“Also, what are you doing here?” Do you want to stop me from going home too? If so, don’t blame me for being rude to you.

Tan Ling said coldly, “Do you think you can escape?” If you want to live, it’s better to lay down your arms and surrender.

“As long as you surrender, I can ask Master to intercede for you and spare your lives.”

Lu Shaoqing said, “Don’t be in a hurry, wait until I can’t beat it.” Hearing

these words in everyone’s ears, even Mu Yong was depressed for a while, and his face was ugly.

Among the Saint Clan disciples of the same generation, Jian Yi and Luan Xi were not opponents of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

Even Cui Zhangming died tragically at the hands of Lu Shaoqing.

From the issuance of the chase and killing order to now, the Saint Family’s side has not taken advantage of the slightest, and it is indeed difficult to convince people to surrender.

Talk about Ling is even more angry, this bastard, can’t you see the situation clearly?

“Bastard, don’t think that the Holy Family is weak.”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and said truthfully, “The Holy Race is not weak, but you people are too weak. Tan

Ling was even more frustrated, so angry that she couldn’t even speak.

And at this time, Jian Lan woke up, she struggled to get up, her body was banned, and her spiritual power disappeared, just like a mortal.

The injuries on her body made her face distorted.

“Damn human, hurry up and release me, or else…”

Lu Shaoqing said to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi said to the little ape and the little white tiger, “Smoke her and shut her up.” ”

The little ape and the little white tiger are very positive, one monkey paw, one tiger claw, fiercely pumping on both sides of the gladioli’s face.


Venus appeared when the gladioli was drawn, Dao blood marks appeared, and the rouge powder on his face was scraped off a layer.


Jian Yi looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, “Don’t deceive people too much.

“You let her open her eyes to see what her situation is, less here to drag me.” Lu Shaoqing said to the sword, “Otherwise, I can kill her.” ”

The old thing of the sword family should not end up personally for a waste disciple like Jian Lan.

Jian Yi was silent, and it was really difficult to be a prisoner.

Mu Yong asked Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, what do you want to do?”

“Of course go to negotiation, I’m a peace-loving person, I can’t fight and kill…”

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