
A terrifying sword qi struck, and the sword light was brilliant.

Cui Shu and several other Cui family babies screamed and flew upside down, and blood spurted out.

The sharp sword intent made them suffer.

Cui Yuan’s face turned pale, and he looked at the heavens like the plans of the Nine Heavens Sword God in horror, and his heart was irresistible.

Too strong, she joined forces with the Yuan Infant in the clan, and the siege of the six Yuan Babies was still helpless.

Of the six people, three died, three of them were seriously injured.

Is the gap between a small realm so big?

Cui Yuan felt frustrated in her heart, and she had no fighting spirit to continue fighting.

The expressions of the clansmen around her were similar to hers.

They all lost their fighting spirit, they didn’t have the confidence to continue fighting, and if they continued to fight, let alone avenge their uncle Cui Zhangming, they couldn’t even save their own lives.

The Cui family has already lost four yuan babies, and the biggest loss this time is the Cui family.

If these few Yuan babies of them are damaged here, the strength of the Cui family will definitely regress significantly.

The positions of the three major families of the Holy Land will no longer have their share.

Cui Wei stood up with difficulty, and everyone from the Cui family hurriedly came to protect Cui Xu and the others.

Ji Yan stood proudly in the sky, the breath on his body erupted, and the sharp sword intent lingered around him, like a furnace burning.

It is also like a sun, a strong light shines on the world, shocking all things in heaven and earth.

Ji Yan just glanced at them lightly, did not continue to shoot, but said to the others, “Who else?” The

voice was flat, as if the fierce battle just now was just an ordinary warm-up, and the six Yuan Babies of the Cui family could not cause him any damage.

Everyone looked at each other, and no one dared to face Ji Yan’s gaze.

It was too powerful, and they once again saw the power of Ji Yan.

But it is also unacceptable to many people.

Such a powerful person, not a saint race, is actually a human being.

Are the saints inferior to humans?

Some people are full of hatred in their hearts, helpless, the current plan is too strong, just the thick fighting intent on his body makes people frightened, no one dares to come forward.

Even the Yuan Ying cultivators of the Sword Family and the Luan Family did not dare to come forward at this time.

Everyone can see that the current Ji Yan is in a state of becoming more courageous in battles and more frenzied in killing, and in this state, Ji Yan is invincible.

Opponents of the same level, who can usually be tied, now go up, it is estimated that they will not last a few rounds.

At different levels, it is estimated that it will also make a mess when you go up.

Ji Yan didn’t make a move, just looked at everyone coldly, his eyes were like electricity, and his momentum was like a sword.

Standing in front of everyone, like a divine sword hanging over everyone’s heads, people were silent and did not dare to act rashly.

But at this time, someone laughed.


Everyone followed the prestige, and when they saw it, they immediately relaxed their hearts and calmed down.

It was Jian Wu who was laughing.

The existence of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant made the confidence in the hearts of the people here immediately become sufficient.

Such a master, as soon as he makes a move, he can be killed in seconds, right?

Everyone thought secretly in their hearts.

Jian Wu laughed loudly, his voice hoarse and terrifying.

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Although Jian Wu was laughing, his dry face was just a smile, but there was no smile in his eyes.

On the contrary, it is a little jealous and fierce.

The killing intent in his heart churned, and he couldn’t wait to kill Ji Yan immediately.

He had lived for more than three hundred years, and it was the first time he had seen such a terrifying demon genius.

One person dealt with six Yuan Babies alone, and although the Cui family’s Yuan Infant cultivation realm was lower than Ji Yan, it was still no match for Ji Yan.

Ji Yan fought more and more bravely, and his combat effectiveness was stronger and stronger, defeating the six yuan babies of the Cui family.

This state continued, and Jian Wu felt that even if the gods and Buddhas came, they had to kneel.

Therefore, he can’t make a move now, he is afraid that if he can’t catch it, in front of so many people, this face can’t be wanted.

However, there is no way to do such a plan.

After Jian Wu laughed a few times, he said coldly, “Do you think you are invincible? Your injuries have worsened, right?

“As soon as the sword comes back, I see how you can resist?”

Now the plan is like a buff stacked, and everything has reached its peak.

Jian Wu didn’t plan to make a move, all he had to do was wait until Ji Yan’s buff disappeared.

Ji Yan was already injured, and when he fought against Cui Jiayuan’s baby, he added new injuries.

When the buff disappears, Ji Yan’s strength will fall to the bottom, and Ji Yan at that time is not to be feared.

As soon as the sword returns, he can personally settle the plan, regain everything he has lost, and become the most beautiful boy in the Holy Land again.

As soon as Jian Wu’s words came out, everyone’s spirits were greatly lifted.

That’s right, only a sword master who is also a demon can defeat this kind of demon like Ji Yan.

“That’s right, as long as the sword master returns, he will die.”

“As the five masters of the sword said, several Yuan Ying adults in Cui’s store have caused him a lot of damage.”

“His state has been consumed, hehe, the sword master comes back, and one hand can destroy this arrogant Terran race.”

“Guy who doesn’t measure himself, he is in such a state, I can kill him when I go up.”

“Is it? So you go up and take a look?

“Anyway, he’s doomed this time.”

“The despicable Terrans actually dared to come to the Holy Land to make trouble, they simply didn’t know whether they were dead or alive, killed these Terran, and then killed the ancestral star, and killed all the Terrans of the ancestral star…” As

if finding sustenance, many Terran cultivators sneered, looking at Ji Yan as if looking at a dead person.

They were all waiting for the sword to come back, and as soon as the sword returned, Ji Yan seemed to be dead.

Ji Yan’s expression remained unchanged, and the sword pointed at Sword Five.

The jealousy in Jian Wu’s eyes was stronger, but he smiled on the surface, “I don’t bully you, wait for Jian Wu to come back and personally take your life.” The

look of not wanting to take advantage of people’s dangers made many Saint Clan cultivators shout loudly.

“Haha, what the five masters of the sword said is extremely true, the Terrans are not worthy of the five masters of the sword.”

“I don’t know how thick the sky is, so cherish your little time.”

“What is the identity of the five masters of the sword? A weak human like you is also worthy of challenging the Five Sword Masters?

“No hurry, Master Jian will soon come back and personally send you on your way.”

“By the way, Master Jian is going to hunt down his junior brother and sister, right? When the time comes to carry the head of his junior brother and sister, I wonder if he will cry?

“I’m already looking forward to that scene

…” “Haha…”

The many Saint Clan cultivators laughed loudly and kept making mocking remarks.

Suddenly, a voice sounded, “What are you laughing at…”

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