When Lu Shaoqing appeared with the two captives of Jian Yi and Jian Lan, heaven and earth were silent, and everyone’s eyes looked at Jian Yi and Jian Lan who became prisoners in disbelief.

“This, this…” Many

people were like ducks strangled by the neck, opening their mouths wide, unable to utter a word for a long time.

Everyone watched this scene in disbelief.

Even many people from the sword family held their heads in their hands, and they were close to collapse.

This is Jian Yi, the strongest genius of their family, bearing the hope of the family.

Jian Yi, who will continue to lead to glory with the swordsman in the future, has actually become a prisoner of others.

And also a captive of the Terrans.

The upper body is naked, the pants are also tattered, and the more embarrassment you want.

Are you kidding?

Or are you dreaming yourself.

Many people have difficulty accepting the fact that their eyes have lost focus and have been struck to doubt life and feel that the world is fake.

Lu Shaoqing frowned when he saw so many people not speaking, and said very displeased, “What’s going on?” I was still laughing so happily just now, and you stopped laughing as soon as I appeared?

“Am I that scary?”

As Lu Shaoqing’s voice fell, many cultivators gradually came back to their senses.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was already filled with horror.

Jian Yi’s fate let them know how powerful Lu Shaoqing was.

This is Jian Yi, known as the fourth holy son, and he is an absolute master among the young generation of the Holy Land.

Catching alive is harder than killing.

This meant that Lu Shaoqing’s strength was even more terrifying than they thought.

Many people looked at Lu Shaoqing and then at Ji Yan.

A thought appeared in his heart, what bear heart leopard bile he ate, he actually dared to come here to chase and kill these two Terrans.

Are you tired of living?

“Release Kenichi!” Jian Wu roared, he trembled all over, his amazing aura rushed up into the sky, killing intent was pervasive, and a terrifying aura ravaged around him like a storm.

The sword family around them was caught off guard, and they were swept away by the sudden outbreak of Jian Wu, and they were embarrassed.

The five beards of the sword were all open, and his eyes bloomed with a terrifying gaze, like a white-haired killing god.

Jian Wu’s anger, fear, regret, and other emotions were mixed together.

He never expected that Jian Yi would become a prisoner under the steps.

The defeat of the sword in the hands of Jian Jiyan has already made many people laugh.

Now he not only lost to Lu Shaoqing, but also became a prisoner.

Jian Yi will have to keep his head down when he goes out in the next hundred years.

However, no matter what, Jian Yi must be protected, this is the best genius of the sword family, dead, no one in the younger generation can afford to pick up the beam, relying on the older generation to support, there is no future in sight.

“Release Kenichi!” Jian Wu pointed at Lu Shaoqing and shouted angrily again, his voice was like heavenly thunder, shaking all directions.

Lu Shaoqing dug his ears and said to Jian Wu, “Old fellow, what do you say?” ”

Release Jian Yi,” Jian Wu’s murderous aura became more and more intense, and even a faint white smoke rose from his head, which showed Jian Wu’s anger, and the anger and hatred in his body were like a volcano that would erupt at any time, “Otherwise, I will make you never surpass.”

In the distance, Tan Ling, Shi Ji, and Shi Liao watched, and Tan Ling frowned, “What will he do?” ”

As the sword family’s sword five, the former sword family genius, the sword patriarch, the outer gate elder of the holy land, and many other identities are all in one.

He has a lot of power in his hands, and his threat is more powerful than Cui Zhangming of the Cui family.

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Shi Liao also looked solemn, a threat of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant, anyone had to pay attention to it.

Shi Liao guessed, “Lord Lu Shaoqing should take this opportunity to negotiate with the Five Sword Masters, right?”

“He has to give the five masters of the sword a little face.”

Shi Ji muttered, “The five masters of the sword look terrible.”

“Are you threatening me?” Lu Shaoqing was stunned and asked rhetorically.

Xiao Yi muttered in a low voice, “The old guy is miserable.” ”

That’s right,” Jian Wu roared angrily, every word revealed a thick killing intent, “Don’t let people go, I’m going to make you regret coming to this world, I will…”

A crisp sound interrupted Jian Wu’s roar and calmed everyone down.

Jian Yi was slapped fiercely by Lu Shaoqing, and half of his face was visibly swollen.

As soon as the sword was blinded, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the brain could not react for a long time.

Since he was a child, he has never been slapped in the face.

Today, the first time on his face was like this?

And it was beaten by a Terran.

This slap made many people subconsciously touch their faces.

It hurts to watch.

Some people even wondered if they were dreaming, captured Kenichi, and slapped his sword in front of so many people.

No one will be surprised that the next moment the world is destroyed.

Tan Ling opened his mouth wide, and finally showed a wry smile.

This bastard, who always does things unexpectedly, has always played cards according to common sense.

While Shi Liao was stunned, he also felt that Lu Shaoqing’s slap on his face made his face hurt and hurt.

Shi Liao showed a sad expression on his face, why was he always slapped in the face by Lord Lu Shaoqing?

It hurts.

“You…” Kengo froze, and after a while, he cried out angrily, “What are you doing?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said, “Don’t scare me, I’m timid, I’m scared, I’ll beat people to bolster my guts.” ”

Countless people fell silent.

Your reason for this boldness is groundbreaking, since the opening of the world, there have been tens of millions of people in the world, only you are so bold, right?

Jian Wu was even more angry, “Despicable Terrans, you try to move him again?”

After Lu Shaoqing listened, without saying a word, he slapped the sword one by one.

Then to the sword, “Don’t blame me for this slap, he called me, I am the most respectful of this person, and I will do whatever the old man says.”

Jian’s eyes were black, and the pain on his face and the anger in his heart made him want to pass out just like that.

This is the greatest shame he has suffered in his life.

He became a prisoner and was slapped in full view.

This face has been thrown from Dongji to the West Pole, and it can’t be recovered.

“You, you can’t kill me, you can kill me!”

Jian Yi struggled angrily, if he could, he would immediately blow himself up and die with Lu Shaoqing.

Unfortunately, he is now under control, and no matter how much he struggles, it will not help.

Jian Wu was already so angry that he couldn’t speak, and his eyes, like jackals, stared at Lu Shaoqing fiercely.

Lu Shaoqing said to him, “How, do you want to continue to scare me?” ”

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