Jian Wu’s face was ugly, as if his father was dead.

The anger in the body is roaring and erupting, but there is nowhere to vent it.

His face turned red and he was extremely uncomfortable.

The feeling of grievance made him want to destroy the world.

His eyes seemed to be burning, the raging anger, even his gaze became hot, he only hated that his gaze could not kill, otherwise he would have to smash Lu Shaoqing’s corpse into ten thousand pieces.

However, what made him helpless was that as soon as the sword was in Lu Shaoqing’s hands, he could not act rashly.

He suppressed the urge to vomit blood, gritted his teeth and asked Lu Shaoqing, “You, what are you going to do?” The

chill revealed by the voice made the people around them shiver, as if they were in winter.

Lu Shaoqing smiled happily and showed a mouthful of white teeth, but it made people seem to see a smiling fox.

“Give me 30 million spirit stones, and then swear not to come after us, I will release the two of them.”

The conditions proposed by Lu Shaoqing caused a sound of gritting teeth at that time.

It’s the Cui family.

Cui Wei and the other Cui family members gritted their teeth angrily, their eyes were full of anger, and their bodies exuded a thick resentment.

Thirty million spirit stones, this is the pain in the Cui family’s heart.

In order to snatch back 30 million spirit stones, Cui Zhangming led everyone in the Cui family to set out, and as a result, he suffered heavy casualties, and of the eight Yuan babies who came, four died and four were injured.

The impact of 30 million spirit stones was very bad, and the Cui family paid a great price for it.

Tan Ling couldn’t help but moan in a low voice, fuck, this bastard is not saved.

When Jian Wu heard the anger in his heart, it boiled again.

Tower meow, blackmail knocked on the head of the sword family?

If in peacetime, someone dared to blackmail the swordsman, the eighteen generations of ancestors would have praised him.

However, seeing Kenichi becoming a prisoner, Kenichi had to suppress his anger again.

The corners of his mouth were already oozing blood, and the anger in his body was too strong, and he had to mobilize his spiritual power to suppress it, holding out his internal injuries.

Jian Wu gritted his teeth, hatred rushed to the sky, word by word, “You, you dream!” ”

Oh, don’t you think about the genius of your sword family?” Lu Shaoqing was very concerned, “Isn’t he and his sister worth 30 million spirit stones combined?”

After a pause, Lu Shaoqing shook his head, very sorry, “Gee, you can’t think like this.” ”

Jian Lan won’t say it, it’s not worth a few spirit stones, and the sword is different.”

“Is a genius like Jian Yi measured by spirit stones? With his existence, the sword family can be kept peaceful for ten thousand years, and with his existence, 30 million spirit stones can be earned back casually. ”

You have lived in vain, don’t you understand this truth?”

“Also, in front of so many people, even if you feel sorry for these 30 million spirit stones and think that the sword is not worth it, you can’t say it so nakedly.”

“This will make everyone laugh at the swordsman’s pettiness, won’t it?”

“Therefore, be generous, be decisive, don’t be a little woman here, make calculations, and don’t let people look down on the swordsman.”

“Also, if you are here today, it will leave a very bad impression on Jian Yi, and if he becomes the head of the family in the future, he will definitely take revenge on you, aren’t you afraid?”

“For yourself, for the sake of the swordsman, be generous, the pattern should be opened…”

After Shi Ji listened, she said in a low voice, “Why does it sound a little shameless?”

Tan Ling thought deeply and immediately agreed, “That’s right, it’s shameless.”

“This bastard is a shameless bastard, greedy and despicable and shameless…”

Shi Ji smiled, “But, Sister Ling, don’t you think it’s very enjoyable?”

“The face of the five masters of the sword is so ugly.”

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Tanling was speechless, this girl, should she worship him?

You are learning from bad examples.

And the people around them also shouted shamelessly in their hearts for Lu Shaoqing’s words.

The first time I saw such an arrogant blackmailer, I said it with great righteousness, saying that after the swordsman wanted to give the spirit stone, he had to thank him.

It’s outrageous.

Jian Wu was so angry that his body trembled, and he was nakedly provocative.

“I won’t give the spirit stone, and I will save the sword one.” Jian Wu said angrily, “If he lacks a hair, I will kill you.” ”

Snap!” Another slap, Lu Shaoqing snorted, “Don’t scare me, if you scare me again, I still want to hit him.”

After speaking, there was another backhand slap, “Snap! ”

You…” Jian Wu’s eyes were red, and hatred rushed straight to the sky, rolling the wind and clouds in the sky.

Jian Yi hated himself for not being able to faint, his eyes were red, and he felt that he might as well die like this.

“Kill, not disgrace!”

In the end, the sword was able to shout like this, looking very pitiful.

“Yes, yes, Shike is not humiliated,” Lu Shaoqing said to Jian Wu, “Did you hear that?” Let you not humiliate him. ”

I’ll go!

How shameless.

The crowd was silent.

Would you like to see who is humiliating Kenichi?

Jian Lan couldn’t help it, she couldn’t see her brother being so humiliated, she shouted at Jian Wu, “Elder, can you talk properly?” Jian

Lan was greeting Jian Wu in her heart, if it weren’t for the fact that the ancestors were the same, she would have to even greet the ancestors of Jian Five ten times and eight times.

Jian Wu’s throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood rushed back to his throat, and he was injured internally.

Spanning the cold star for many years, today he was pinched by a hairy boy of a human race, making him thunderous, but helpless.

In the end, Jian Wu still bowed his head, gritted his teeth, and said hatefully, “Release Jian Yi, here in the Absolute Rift Abyss, I will no longer chase and kill you.” ”

Jian Wu is unwilling to give 30 million spirit stones, and he also hides careful thoughts.

The Absolute Split Abyss does not chase and kill Lu Shaoqing here, but when he gets outside, he will not let Lu Shaoqing go.

Unless you hide here for the rest of your life, I will make you regret what you did today.

Jian Wu’s heart was fierce, for the first time in his life, he had such a strong killing intent on a person.

If he doesn’t kill Lu Shaoqing, he will never give up.

Jian Wu’s careful thinking may be able to hide it from others, but it can’t hide it from Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Thirty million spirit stones, take people away, swear not to chase and kill us again, otherwise, there is no need to talk…”

But the next moment, Lu Shaoqing’s face changed, his voice changed, and his tone was urgent, “You swear now, quit the Absolute Rift, and I will release the two of them.” Lu

Shaoqing’s sudden change made everyone become a monk of Zhang’s second place—scratching their heads.

Just now, the lion opened his mouth, and he looked like he would definitely not let people go if he didn’t agree to his conditions.

But now he suddenly changed his tone, 30 million is gone, he only needs Jian Wu to swear and release him.

What happened?

This scene made everyone wonder, even if it was Ji Yan, they couldn’t guess what their junior brother was going to do.

Jian Wu was also stunned, not understanding what Lu Shaoqing was going to do.

And Lu Shaoqing seemed to be very anxious, and he shouted to Jian Wu, “Hurry up, or I’ll kill both of them.” At

this moment, an indifferent voice sounded….

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