Ji Yan’s actions shocked everyone’s jaws.

A lot of people even broke down a bit.

Big brother, you are fighting, the kind of battle that determines life and death.

If you are not careful, you will die.

You pour well, you hit halfway and you won’t hit and run to break through?

What do you think of this?

Child’s play?

Or are children living in the household?

“He, what’s going on in his head?”

“Is there something wrong with his brain? He thought that the Five Sword Masters would wait for him to break through before continuing to strike? ”

Are the Terrans so brainless?”

“He doesn’t know if he can’t beat him and he’ll die?”

Many Saint Clan people sneered, “Hehe, naïve Terrans, greedy Terrans.

“Think that when the opportunity comes, you will ignore it to break through?”

“Did he think the Five Sword Masters would be so kind?”

“The Holy Race and the Terran Race are at odds, he knows that he can’t beat it, so he did this?”

“Gave up resistance?”

Tan Ling’s side was also very speechless.

“Lord Ji Yan, he, what is he going to do?”

Shi Liao was very speechless about this, “Didn’t he expose himself to the sword of the five masters of the sword by doing this?” ”

With the hatred of Jian Wu, he will definitely not have mercy, and he will definitely not miss the great opportunity.

Tan Ling shook her head, she didn’t know what to say anymore.

Ji Yan lived with her for a while, and she also knew a little about Ji Yan.

Ji Yan is a cultivation maniac who cultivates whenever he has time, which is diametrically opposed to his junior brother Lu Shaoqing.

Now it seems that her understanding of Ji Yan is far from enough.

Actually at such a critical moment to break through.

This is putting yourself in danger.

Talker does not understand and does not understand.

In this kind of dangerous time, any person can interfere with your breakthrough, how do you break through?

Mu Yong also shook his head, “It’s too impulsive, the opportunity to break through is missed, and there can be another time.”

“But if your life is gone, you won’t have a chance in the future.”

All the saints of the clan thought that Ji Yan’s move was a stun move.

The same goes for Sword Five.

Ji Yan made him very angry.

He roared, “Damn Terrans, do you think I’ll wait for you to break through?

“Since you gave up resistance, I will fulfill you.”

Jian Wu’s chest heaved with anger.

In his opinion, Ji Yan’s move was undoubtedly to despise him and not put him in his eyes.

Since you want to die, I will fulfill you.

Jian Wu’s eyes were fierce and he shot fiercely.

Moreover, in order to vent the anger and hatred in his heart, Jian Wu jumped for life, and the long sword in his hand pierced straight away.

From a distance, it looks like an angry tiger, pounced on its immobile prey.

The sharp long sword, like a sharp tiger’s claw, emitted a cold light, fierce and deadly.

Gone for help!

The cultivators of the Holy Race shook their heads one after another and sneered.

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Their eyes widened, looking at Sword Five Kills towards Ji Yan.

They were all looking forward to Jian Wuyi Sword cutting Ji Yan’s head.

However, just as Sword Five came to Ji Yan, a figure suddenly appeared beside Sword Five, and a cold light stabbed towards Sword Five with a deadly aura, like an assassin coming out of the hidden darkness.

Silently, suddenly appeared.

Jian Wuxin was in danger, and he quickly retreated in time to avoid this blow.

Everyone was shocked, and the people who suddenly appeared startled them.

When they saw who was coming, they were silent.

The person who came was Lu Shaoqing.

At this time, all of them remembered that the opponent of Sword Five this time was Lu Shaoqing.

Just now, the fight between Ji Yan and Jian Wu was very fierce, and Lu Shaoqing never showed his head, so that everyone subconsciously ignored Lu Shaoqing.

It wasn’t until Lu Shaoqing appeared that everyone reacted.

Why can Ji Yan break through with confidence?

It turned out that there was also Lu Shaoqing, and he gave his safety to Lu Shaoqing.

Everyone felt surprised and looked at Lu Shaoqing with a complicated expression.

“So that’s the case, believe in your junior brother, believe that he can withstand the five masters of the sword?”

“Can he withstand the Five Sword Masters?”

“It’s impossible, although he can catch the sword master, but he can’t be…”

“You are looking for death, do you dare to say such things?”

Ahem, I mean, although he is very powerful, I believe that he is definitely not the opponent of the five masters of the sword.”

“Yes, you look at his expression, the way he is about to cry, he must think that the sword master is difficult to deal with.”

The talkers in the distance also saw Lu Shaoqing’s expression.

Tan Ling was strange, “What kind of expression does that bastard have?” Want to cry? ”

Hmph, idiot, stupid bastard, at this point, it’s useless for you to cry.

The five masters of the sword are much stronger than the sword one.

Shi Ji was worried, “Will there be a problem with Master Lu Shaoqing?” ”

Can he withstand the Five Sword Masters?”

Shi Liao shook his head, “It’s difficult, this time Lord Ji Yan is in trouble.” ”

The Five Master of the Sword will definitely not miss such an opportunity, Lord Ji Yan believes too much in Lord Lu Shaoqing.”

Lu Shaoqing looked sad, as if he had lost a million spirit stones, and he was sad.

It’s too uncomfortable to have such a senior brother.

He was looking for an opportunity to be the sixth elder next to him, but before the sixth man could be taken as one, he was forced to come out for business.

The opposite line is upright, that there is a hiding in the grass and the shady people are convenient?

I blame myself, I am used to it.

When you go back, you must let the master spank him, as a senior brother, always let the senior brother help him wipe his ass, is there any heavenly reason?

Lu Shaoqing said to Jian Wu, “Why don’t you rest for a while and wait until my senior brother is well?” ”

Rat generation humans, finally dare to come out?” When Jian Wu saw Lu Shaoqing, his eyes turned red all of a sudden, “Give me death.” Compared

to Ji Yan, Lu Shaoqing is the person he wants to kill the most.

Everything Lu Shaoqing did here today, he didn’t smash Lu Shaoqing’s corpse into ten thousand pieces, he would definitely not stop.

As soon as Lu Shaoqing appeared, he firmly attracted his hatred.

The angry sword five long swords waved, and one after another black sword light turned into spears and shot towards Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing’s face was very unhappy, and he backhanded a sword and shot it out from the fire sword technique.

Black and white flames appeared, like fire spirits, facing black spears.

Just as the spring snow melted, this attack of Jian Wu was easily dissolved by Lu Shaoqing and absorbed by the black and white flames.

Compared to Ji Yan, Lu Shaoqing’s was more relaxed.

Moreover, Lu Shaoqing’s attack was not over, and the black and white flames burst out with even stronger power, dripping and spinning, like clusters of flowers floating towards Jian Wu…

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