The black and white flames struck, and the furious sword intent made him feel a blazing heat, and his soul was trembling.

Jian Wu was shocked, and hurriedly struck again, only to defeat Lu Shaoqing’s attack.

Damn it!

Jian Wu’s face was ugly, and he cursed in his heart, and at the same time, his expression became solemn again.

Lu Shaoqing made him feel more difficult to deal with than Ji Yan.

Ji Yan fought many yuan babies of the Cui family, and he was in a bad state, injured, and his strength declined.

Lu Shaoqing was different, and Jian Yi did not cause him much trouble.

Lu Shaoqing said to Jian Wu, “All said, rest, how?”

“I’m afraid that you will be killed by me like this, I respect the old man the most.”

“Die!” Jian Wu was furious, he didn’t talk nonsense, and shot again.

His methods of dealing with Lu Shaoqing were the same as those used to deal with Ji Yan.

Use the realm of strength to deal with Lu Shaoqing.

However, fighting, fighting, Jian Wu found that Lu Shaoqing was far more difficult than Ji Yan.

Ji Yan will not dodge, and in the face of his attack, Ji Yan’s method is to be frontal and tough, fighting against battle.

There is that momentum that will not retreat.

He fought with Lu Shaoqing, Lu Shaoqing was as cunning as a fox, and in the face of his attack, Lu Shaoqing would definitely not carry it if he could dodge.

Try not to fight him as much as possible, and use the least cost to resist his attack.

Slippery like a loach, the sword failed five attacks, but he couldn’t help him by half a point.

The anger in Jian Wu’s heart became stronger and stronger.

In the blink of an eye, the two fought for more than twenty rounds.

Most of them were shot by Jian Wu, and Lu Shaoqing took a defensive position, and in the face of Jian Wu’s attack, Lu Shaoqing resisted it as much as possible.

Although Jian Wu’s attack was fierce, it was able to make Lu Shaoqing suffer a lot.

However, Lu Shaoqing was as cunning as a fox, and most of Sword Five’s attacks were avoided and dodged by him, so the damage caused by Sword Five to Lu Shaoqing was not great.

Even now, only a few wounds appeared on Lu Shaoqing’s body, but the wounds healed in a blink of an eye, and the strength of his flesh was amazing.

As for the rest, Lu Shaoqing didn’t even vomit a mouthful of blood.

What made Jian Wu vomit blood even more was that Lu Shaoqing’s mouth did not stop.

“Tired of fighting? Might as well take a break.

“I said it all, let my senior brother come, my senior brother is better to fight.”

“Look, can you hit me?”

Nagging, noisy like a fly, made the sword five annoyed to death.

I can’t wait to stab Lu Shaoqing’s mouth with a sword.

He roared, “Do you dare to fight me head-on? ”

Dealing with Lu Shaoqing is like dealing with a loach or a fox, and all attacks are difficult to cause fatal damage to Lu Shaoqing, making him more and more manic and furious.

His eyes were only Lu Shaoqing alone, and he ignored everything in the outside world, he just wanted to crush Lu Shaoqing’s corpse into ten thousand pieces.

“I respect the old man the most, I don’t want to kill you head-on…” The

onlookers were also secretly surprised, they didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to be so strong.

In their opinion, Lu Shaoqing is Ji Yan’s junior brother, and his strength should be a little weaker than Ji Yan.

Ji Yan didn’t care about it, he didn’t care about anything, and he went to break through, entrusting his safety to Lu Shaoqing, which was a stunned move in the eyes of everyone.

Jian Wu will quickly defeat Lu Shaoqing, and then easily pack up his words.

But I didn’t expect it to turn out like this.

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It has been more than twenty rounds, and until now, Jian Wu has not said that he killed Lu Shaoqing, Lu Shaoqing is jumping alive, and he has never even been injured.

Jian Yi was angry in his heart when he saw it, and he couldn’t wait to rush up and kill Lu Shaoqing with a sword.

Jian Wu has fought until now, to be honest, it is already a shame.

In the face of the two Terrans whose strength was not as good as him, he did not kill them in time, which was considered a shame, and he was not worthy of his identity as the ninth layer of the Yuan Baby.

Now the other party is breaking through with his eyes closed, and one person is playing the sword five around.

Jian Yi just wanted to yell at Jian Wu and say something stupid.

Won’t it make a move on Ji Yan?

However, his identity and dignity prevented him from doing so, and he could only whisper beside his sister, “Why don’t you make a move on another Terran?”

“Do you want to wait for him to break through before making a move?”

When Jian Lan heard this, his eyes immediately lit up, and he immediately shouted to Jian Wu, “Elder, don’t be deceived by him, make a move against his senior brother.” When

Jian Wu heard this, his red eyes gradually regained their senses, and his gaze passed over Lu Shaoqing and fell on Ji Yan in the distance.


Lu Shaoqing was furious, and roared at Jian Lan, “Stinky Sanba, you wait for me.”

He deliberately said something to anger Jian Wu, just to hold Jian Wu’s hatred and make him ignore Ji Yan.

Now Jian Lan smashed his abacus with a word.

Lu Shaoqing immediately waved his hand and shouted, “Old fellow, look at the move!” ”

Meteorite Grand Summoning!

Thousands of meters of fireball fell from the sky.

Such a huge fireball frightened many of the Saint Clans who saw it for the first time.

“I’ll go!”

“What kind of spell is this? Heaven-level?

“It’s like a sun going down!”

The faces of Jian Yi and Jian Lan were not good-looking, and both of them had suffered from such a move.

Jian Lan reminded Jian Wu again, “Elder be careful, this move is more about creating smoke and trying to cover your vision.

Lu Shaoqing scolded angrily again, “Stinky Sanba, can you shut up.”

“Holy Lord, you don’t care? The next lightning will kill her. A

holy lord frightened Jian Lan’s face turned white.

Lu Shaoqing was a guy who dared to bargain with the Holy Lord, and the Holy Lord seemed to give him a little face.

The big fireball was menacing, but for Jian Wu, such a fireball could not scare him.

The long sword stabbed into the air, and a hundred zhang sword light shot up into the sky, stabbing into the huge fireball.

High in the sky, a huge explosion sounded, and thick smoke billowed out, covering the sky above 10,000 meters, bringing a thick layer of smog to the sky.

Lu Shaoqing was furious, and seemed to roar in anger, “Old fellow, let me cut you a hundred swords.” Jian

Wu’s gaze still fell on Ji Yan, and the killing intent was pervasive.

Although it was billowing smoke, Jian Wu’s eyes were shining, and the billowing smoke could not cover him in any way.

Just as Jian Lan reminded, he aimed at Ji Yan, afraid that Lu Shaoqing would hide like a loach.

Jian Wu smiled coldly and swung a sword light at Ji Yan.

The sword light stirred the smoke, carrying wisps of smoke to kill Ji Yan.

“Old fellow, despicable!” Lu Shaoqing appeared in front of Ji Yan in time and blocked this move.

Powerful cultivation, under the collision, Lu Shaoqing’s face turned pale.

“Do you dare everyone let me rest for a while?”

“Haha…” Jian Wu laughed, his subordinates did not stop, another sword swung out, and several sword lights roared…

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