“Old fellow, you must not die well!”

Lu Shaoqing cursed angrily, and at the same time had to resist Jian Wu’s attack.

Ji Yan is behind him, if he dodges, Ji Yan behind him will be hit.

Several sword lights roared, and although the sword intent could not deal with Lu Shaoqing, the powerful force knocked Lu Shaoqing into a pale.

Lu Shaoqing wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and shouted at Jian Wu, “Slowly, I have a few words to say.”

Jian Wu’s tone was cold, “You stay and talk to King Yan.” ”

Say it, strike again.

This time, he almost used seventy percent of his strength.

The sword swallowed, and the thousands of sword lights were like a round of deadly scimitars, cutting an elegant arc in the air, and once again striking towards Ji Yan from another direction.

The sword light exudes Senran’s murderous intent, just like the killing intent of Jian Wu against Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, even if it is far away, it can make people feel palpitations.

The crowd of onlookers was shocked.

“Sword Five, this is going to kill you.”

“Nonsense, for the Terrans, what else is left to speak of?”

“Yes, not to mention that the mouth of the Terran named Zhang Zheng is too nasty, change me, I will also kill him.”

“He’s in trouble this time, unless he doesn’t care if he lives or dies.”

“Yes, now it’s finally his turn to suffer.”

Many Saint Family cultivators smiled proudly, gloating on the surface.

Facing the sword of Jian Wu, Lu Shaoqing once again stood in front of Ji Yan with a horizontal sword in front of everyone’s eyes, blocking this sword.


The sword intent was frantically cathartic, powerful spiritual power exploded, and terrifying fluctuations spread around.


When Lu Shaoqing opened his mouth, a mouthful of blood spurted wildly, forming a blood mist in the air.

Lu Shaoqing’s face was pale and he looked very embarrassed.

He shouted again, “Old fellow, can you tap?”

“Are you really going to kill someone?” Do you understand loving children? Tap, can you really bear to beat me to death as a good man who respects the elderly?

“Wouldn’t it be nice for everyone to cooperate in acting on a play for the Holy Lord to see?”

“Do you have to beat people to death to be happy? Is your conscience all fed to the dog?

As soon as these words came out, everyone was speechless again, and their hearts complained.

Sure enough, shameless enough, shameless enough.

What is the situation now, don’t you have a point in your own heart?

Also respect the elderly? An old guy, is this what respecting an old man should look like?

Tan Ling was furious, “This bastard, at this time, still saying such things, is it looking for death?” Such

words would only anger Jian Wu more and more, and it would not do him any good.

Shi Liao shook his head, “It takes time for Lord Ji Yan to break through, and Lord Lu Shaoqing can’t dodge, he can only resist the attacks of the five masters of the sword.”

“It won’t be long before Lord Lu Shaoqing can’t resist, and finally blood spills into the air.”

“He is dangerous…” Shi

Liao’s tone was full of pity, and Ji Yan broke through at this time, not only harming himself, but also Lu Shaoqing.

Shi Ji was very worried, and anxiously asked Tanling, “Sister Ling, can we do something?”

Tan Ling shook his head silently, and Shi Liao reminded his sister, “Sister, this battle was personally designated by the Holy Lord, even if the Second Elder and our Master came, it would not help.

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“No one saved the two of them…”

Tanling stomped his foot in anger and gritted his teeth, “Both guys are brainless guys.”

Then, her gaze fell on Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was not far from them, about ten meters away, and Tan Ling could clearly see the expression on Xiao Yi’s face.

Xiao Yi’s face was red, his fists were clenched, and he seemed to be very nervous.

Tan Ling secretly felt some pity in his heart.

Poor little girl, spread out such two senior brothers.

The two senior brothers died, and she couldn’t live as a little girl.

Tan Ling felt pity in his heart, and couldn’t help but whisper to Xiao Yi, “Little sister, wait until you find an opportunity to escape.” All

Tan Ling could do was remind Xiao Yi that she couldn’t make a move.

The Holy Lord looked at this, she dared to help the Terrans, even her master could not keep her, and it would bring big trouble to her master.

Therefore, Tan Ling can only do this step, and nothing else can be done.

Xiao Yi heard Tan Ling’s words, turned his head and looked over, his eyes were full of puzzlement, and his tone was full of doubt, “Why run away?”

Tan Ling looked at Xiao Yi, who touched his head, his face was full of puzzlement, and he was unable to complain in his heart.

No wonder that bastard often says stupid junior sister.

It seems to be somewhat true.

Now you still can’t understand this situation?

Angrily, Tanling whispered, “It’s really stupid.”

Shi Ji and Shi Liao also heard Xiao Yi’s words, and the two siblings were also silent.

Shi Liao shook his head.

Shi Ji whispered to the conversation, “Little sister, your two senior brothers don’t look good now, you hurry up.”

Xiao Yi smiled, “Don’t worry, my two senior brothers won’t let go of that old guy from Jian Wu.”

These words made the three of them stunned.

What is this girl talking about?

It’s all this kind of time, and still talk this nonsense?

Shi Liao shook his head, and he said in an indifferent tone, “Don’t you still see the situation clearly?” The Five Sword Masters targeted your Senior Brother, and your Second Senior Brother had to resist the attacks of the Sword Five.

“You see, Lord Lu Shaoqing’s wounds are constantly increasing, and the injuries are getting worse, and they will soon be unable to support it.”

“At that time, Lord Lu Shaoqing has fallen, and Lord Ji Yan will soon follow in his footsteps.”

Shi Ji couldn’t help but pat his younger brother twice, “You put it mildly, can you die?”

Shi Liao said, “This is a fact.

Xiao Yi scoffed at this and said to Shi Liao, “You know a fart.”

“Do you know my two senior brothers? When my senior brother has finished breaking through, it’s time to kill the five old guys of the sword.

Shi Liao was not angry at Xiao Yi’s tone, “It’s good to have confidence, but you also have to see reality clearly.

Xiao Yi did not go to Shi Liao to continue arguing, but looked at the battlefield again, his tone full of confidence, “Let’s go and see, let you demon clans see how powerful my two senior brothers are.”

Shi Liao shook his head again, not understanding where Xiao Yi’s confidence came from.

He looked up, and several wounds had appeared on Lu Shaoqing’s body, blood was dripping, and his clothes had been stained most of the red.

Shi Liao secretly shook his head in his heart, how could such a situation be reversed?

On the field, Lu Shaoqing finally took the attack of Jian Wu and cursed at Jian Wu, “Old thing, do you really want to kill everything?” ”


The answer to Lu Shaoqing was still a cold long sword, and dozens of black sword lights lit up…

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