Seeing that Jian Wu is still this move.

Mo Jun waved his sword, still responding with the same move.

Air fire!

Flames flew and devoured the incoming sword light like piranhas.

Lu Shaoqing snorted, and after two breaths, he brandished the Mojun sword and shouted arrogantly, “The same move doesn’t work for me.”

“Don’t waste your effort, hurry up and rest, rest.” I’m afraid that your old thing can’t support it if you don’t have the physical strength. ”

It’s rampant.

However, the people present were not fools, and it was obvious that Lu Shaoqing was wrong.

Many Saint Clan cultivators laughed, their tones full of joy, full of schadenfreude and disdain.

“Terrans who want to die for face.”

“It’s clear that it’s almost unsupportable, and it’s still rampant here, looking for death.”

“Haha, human, deserve it, the same move doesn’t work? The Five Sword Masters only need to come again, and you will die. ”

Everyone can see that Lu Shaoqing is strong and strong, and Lu Shaoqing’s move of Sword Five just now can still fight back.

And now he is unable to resist it alone.

Therefore, everyone also believes that Lu Shaoqing has run out of oil and lamps, and mountains and rivers are exhausted.

Jian Wu’s eyes flashed with cruelty, and a bit of a smile appeared on his dry face.

Like a thin tiger who found food and was about to swallow it into his stomach, he looked terrified.

Lu Shaoqing’s performance was in his eyes, and he also believed that Lu Shaoqing was about to die.

He sneered, “Despicable, weak human beings, just because you dare to fight me?” ”

When your senior brother made a move just now, you didn’t make a move, and I’m still a little jealous if the two of you join forces.”

“Now, it’s not too easy to kill you.”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he immediately became vigilant, pointed at Jian Wu and shouted, “Depend, you play really?”

“Do you dare to give me time to recover, I promise to knock out all your teeth.”

Jian Wu sneered, “Want to delay time?

“Unfortunately, you think I’ll give you time?”

Lu Shaoqing seemed to be angry by Jian Wu’s words, and he roared angrily.

“Old fellow, if you don’t give me a way to live, then let’s all die together.”

Lu Shaoqing shot out angrily, and the long sword was brandished, leaving the fire sword technique for the second move.

Countless stars seemed to appear above the sky, and then countless sparks that were projected burned up, shrouding the sword five.

“Insect tricks!”

Jian Wu sneered, “Desperately? But how can you be my opponent. ”

Jian Wu backhanded a sword, and a powerful sword intent erupted.

Thousands of sword lights lit up, like Optimus Prime rising up from the ground, stirring the wind and clouds in the sky.

Lu Shaoqing’s sword seemed to everyone like a moth to a fire, extinguished in the collision.

Lu Shaoqing screamed, blood sprayed wildly, and the whole person flew upside down for tens of miles.

It was like a shell smashing into a mountain, and the powerful impact caused the mountain to fall apart.

Lu Shaoqing also seemed to be hit hard in this move, and no one was seen for half a day.

Seeing this, the others shook their heads and laughed even harder.

“Haha, does he think the five masters of the sword don’t understand anything?”

“The five masters of the sword are experienced, how can they not know what he is thinking?”

“Actually, even if the Five Sword Masters restore him? The time required for a breakthrough is not just an hour or two. ”

Yes, so Zhang Zheng can be regarded as being pitted by his senior brother

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…” “Haha, the breakthrough is indeed a genius, but a stupid genius…”

The Saint Clan cultivator’s laughter was loud and triumphant, and he laughed freely about the two senior brothers Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

“Zhang Zheng is also stupid, since he wants to buy time, then obediently be a sandbag, and now he actually takes the initiative to attack.”

“Dead, huh? The meal of the five masters of the sword is not a joke. ”

It’s almost the same if you don’t die, right?”

“Haha, the five masters of the sword are mighty…” The

people on Tanling’s side were nervous.

Shi Ji was so worried that tears came out of her eyes.

She had a very good impression of Lu Shaoqing, and seeing Lu Shaoqing like this, she took Tanling’s hand, “Sister Ling, is there really nothing you can do?”

Tan Ling sighed deeply and shook his head.

Lu Shaoqing was like this, she also felt very pitiful and regretful.

Although Lu Shaoqing usually makes her so angry that she wants to kill, after all, everyone is also friends.

Shi Liao still said coldly, “Two adults, death is certain.”

Angry, Shi Ji hammered her brother again, “You shut up for me.”

Then Shi Ji said to Xiao Yi again, “Little sister, you go quickly.”

Xiao Yi was very strange, and the voice came over, “Why are you leaving?” Tan

Ling turned his head and looked, Xiao Yihui was already squatting on a tree, and the two little whites, one left and one right, were like left and right protectors.

Tan Ling was heartbroken again, sweet and cute girls, why don’t they look ladylike at all?

Also, is tree climbing popular in your division?

Your senior brother likes to practice in trees, and your second senior brother likes to sleep on trees.

You too, squatting in the tree, like.

Is there any treasure in the tree? Or is it a little higher on top and cultivating a little faster?

And Tan Ling also found that Xiao Yi’s expression was wrong.

Xiao Yi’s face was still flushed, but he was not nervous, and his appearance seemed to be a little expectant?

By now, your second senior brother has been beaten to the point that life and death are unknown, you are actually not worried?

What are you expecting?

Looking forward to your senior brother being killed?

Shi Ji gently reminded Xiao Yi again, “Your senior brother can’t beat it, if you don’t leave, will you stay with them?”

Xiao Yi nodded seriously, “Yes, wait for them to pack up Sword Five, and then we will leave together.”

Her gaze was glued into the distance, full of expectation.

I’ll go, this little sister shouldn’t be scared silly, right?

Shi Liao frowned, “This human being, is it lacking in heart and eye?” ”

It’s all like this, unless the Holy Lord makes a move, who can stop Sword Five?

Jian Wu saw that Lu Shaoqing did not get up for a long time, he sneered, and did not rush to kill Lu Shaoqing, but fell his gaze on Ji Yan.

Jian Wu’s eyes were like electricity, and he looked coldly at Ji Yan who closed his eyes.

I don’t know why, he had an uneasy premonition in his heart.

This premonition seemed to appear out of thin air, and he did not know when or how it appeared.

Faintly uneasy, he decided to take the opportunity to kill Ji Yan first, and then go and kill the half-dead Lu Shaoqing.

Thinking of this, Jian Wu no longer hesitated, and swung a sword at Ji Yan, and several sharp sword lights were like lightning breaking through the sky.

The whistling sword light was like a poisonous snake spitting letters, and it rushed towards Ji Yan with the breath of death.

When everyone saw this scene, they shook their heads one after another.

There is no salvation, Ji Yan is dead.

The sword light roared, and in a blink of an eye, but the next moment, everyone was shocked….

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