The edge was like electricity, and the murderous sword light came to Ji Yan.

Time seemed to stop.

The swallowing sword light suddenly froze and stopped in front of Ji Yan.

There seemed to be an invisible barrier shrouded around him, and the sword light could not break through.

Then in the next moment, in the eyes of everyone, several sword lights slowly dissipated.

Like the sun shining on the spring snow, it slowly melts and finally disappears.

Jian Wu froze, and so did the others.

None of them knew what was going on.

Only Muyong, his eyes almost bulged.

“Groove!” Mu Yong couldn’t help but burst out and roared in disbelief, “Kai, what are you kidding?” ”

The third realm of sword intent is outrageous enough, and now there is actually an even more outrageous one?”

“What the hell, this is the domain?”

Mu Yong almost went crazy, this is something that only the gods of transformation can master.

You have mastered it as a brat in the middle of the Yuan Infant period, do you want to exaggerate so much?

The word demon is not worthy of you.

In the distance, after the sword light of Jian Wu disappeared, Ji Yan opened his eyes, he let out a long roar, and the aura on his body skyrocketed.

The powerful aura is like a hurricane blowing, like a cold wind, which makes everyone terrified.

“Yuan, Yuan Infant Six-Layer Realm!”

“He, he broke through?”

“This, so fast?”

“Fake, fake, did anyone break through so quickly? One day and one night is fast. ”

Demon, he is definitely the strongest demon of the Terran race…”

“In such a short time, no wonder he will immediately break through and let his junior brother drag down the five masters of the sword.”

At this moment, everyone understood what was going on.

Such a quick breakthrough is like drinking water.

Ji Yan would choose to break through and let Lu Shaoqing drag Jian Wu.

After understanding this, everyone looked at Jian Wu with a bit of pity in their eyes.

Jian Wu was tricked.

This face, lost big.

Breaking through in front of him, but he couldn’t stop it, this must be a laughing stock in the future.

The three of them were stunned again, and it was really unexpected for them to break through so quickly.

Shi Liao’s face was red, and his heart was very uncomfortable, and many lying grooves wanted to pop out of his mouth.

He was shouting in his heart, this is not a breakthrough, definitely not a breakthrough.

How can you break through so quickly, are you drinking water?


Xiao Yi’s smug laughter came over, making Shi Liao’s face even redder.

“The old guy is starting to get unlucky.”

Xiao Yi was full of confidence in his senior brother, not as worried as he had just entered the door, worried about that.

Xiao Yi’s pride made Shi Liao calm, and he asked Xiao Yi rhetorically, “Is this your confidence?”

Xiao Yi didn’t look at it, and responded proudly, “That’s right, it’s all said, my senior brother won’t be defeated so easily.” ”

Shi Liao was beaten in the face today and couldn’t stand it, and I held a breath in my heart, I don’t believe it, today I am always wrong.

He snorted and said unconvinced, “What if Master Jiyan breaks through?” He is now only in the six-layer realm.

“The five masters of the sword are the nine-layer realm, the gap is there, how to cross?”

Xiao Yi was too lazy to fight with Shi Liao, and the guys of the Demon Race were all brainless guys.

She simply sat down on the tree and replied, “Look at it.” ”

It makes Shi Liao even more uncomfortable.

Tan Ling looked at Jian Wu and said, “Sword Fifth Master is very angry. Jian

Wu was indeed angry, and he also understood that if Ji Yan broke through successfully, he would become a laughing stock.

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The endless anger made him can’t help but growl.

“Damn Terrans, I’m going to smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces.”

What answered him was a sword from Ji Yan.

Wuqiu’s sword slashed through, tooth for tooth, and the sword light suddenly rose.

Breakthrough Ji Yan’s injuries seem to have recovered a lot as a result.

A sword swung out, thousands of sword lights seemed to pierce the sky, and the sword qi swept across and swept the world.

This sword descended from the sky, like a huge lightsaber slashing towards Sword Five.

Jian Wu also backhanded a sword, and the same sword was swung.

Two huge sword rays collided, and two sword intents collided.

A flush flashed on Jian Wu’s face, and the anger in his eyes became stronger, as if breathing fire.

He actually suffered a small loss.

Angry, he struck again, still the same strategy as before, using the realm of cultivation to deal with Ji Yan.

The sword light swept across the sky, and the spiritual power was raging.

In the exchange of swords and swords, Ji Yan fell into the downwind again.

The injury, which had improved slightly, worsened again.

The white clothes showed a little blood, gradually increasing.

After all, the gap in strength is there, even if Ji Yan’s talent is powerful, he can’t really defeat Jian Wu.

See yourself regain control of the situation.

Jian Wu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Grandma Li’s, if you lose here, you will wipe your neck.

Mu Yong looked at Ji Yan, and finally shook his head, “It’s a pity, it’s just a rudimentary domain, and it’s not skilled, if you master it thoroughly, even Sword Five may not be able to help him.”

“But it’s also terrible, the Terrans have such geniuses, and the peers on the Saint Race’s side can’t compare to them at all.”

“Such a genius may be able to…”

At the end, Mu Yong fell silent and let out a long sigh, “Even the person I am looking for can’t escape under this situation.” ”

Alas, the Holy Family…”

At this time, the exclamations of the Saint Family’s cultivators were heard.

Mu Yong looked up and saw several strands of blood on Ji Yan’s body.

After all, Ji Yan couldn’t withstand Jian Wu’s attack and was injured again, and this time, he was injured more severely than before.

Seeing that his attack worked, Jian Wu laughed proudly, “Human, I see what other means do you have?” ”

The tide is gone!”

“The big picture is decided!”

“Ji Yan is dead!”

“He can’t make any waves.”

“Terrans, after all, are the defeated subordinates of our Holy Race.”

Numerous Saint Family cultivators spoke one after another.

They don’t think anything will change about this situation.

The victory of Sword Five is decided.

Ji Yan did not speak, and in the face of Jian Wu’s attack, he still faced each other head-on.

Even if the wounds on his body increased and the injuries worsened, he never retreated.


The two long swords collided from a distance, and the powerful force surged forward, and the huge spiritual power was like a knife leaving Dao wounds on Ji Yan’s body.

“Don’t measure yourself!”

“Seek your own death!”

Jian Wu sneered, “Since you want to go on the road so much, I’ll give you a ride!” Ji

Yan suddenly spoke, “That’s it!”

Ji Yan’s words made Jian Wu stunned for a moment, but soon, he laughed, “What other means do you have!”

“As you wish!”

Ji Yan’s indifferent voice sounded, and the Wuqiu sword in his hand flashed, and Wuqiu stood on the sword…

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