Wuqiu pursed his small mouth and appeared majestically.

God-like plan of the little one.

“Sword Spirit!”

Mu Yong’s gaze became solemn.

A long sword with a sword spirit can better exert the strength of the master, which is equivalent to a powerful amplifier.

This was also one of the reasons why Ji Yan was able to fight with the Sword Five for so long.

The Wuqiu Sword in Ji Yan’s hand took a lot of credit.

Mu Yong’s expression was a little more serious, is it a trick to plan Yan?

I saw Ji Yan gently swing a sword.

Gentle as water, very casual.

Seeing this, many Saint Clan cultivators couldn’t help but laugh.

“I thought there was some trick.”

“Fluttering, nothing, is it a family?”

“My sword is much more powerful than his…” However

, the next moment, everyone’s words were stuck in their throats.

In their eyes, everything in front of them has changed.

Wuqiu Sword suddenly burst with light, lighting up with a strong light, turning into a shocking sword.

A sword that shattered the void.

A sword light that seemed to travel through time and space appeared, and countless worlds seemed to be shattered under this sword, turning into dust in the void.

This sword was like a sword that the Nine Heavens Sword God personally spoke.

One sword destroys everything.

One sword slaughtered millions of living beings.


Countless holy families vomited blood one after another, and they vomited blood one after another and screamed miserably.

The mysteries of this sword were not something that these Saint Clan cultivators could see.

Just this sword caused countless Saint Clan cultivators below the Jiedan period to vomit blood one after another, and even fall.

“Don’t look, can’t look!”

Some people hurriedly shouted.

This sword, even people in the Yuan Infant realm did not dare to look at it more.

Tan Ling only glanced at it a few times and hurriedly looked away, not daring to look down.

Looking at it again, she was afraid that her Dao heart would be unstable.

As for the two siblings, Shi Ji and Shi Liao, their strength was even weaker than that of Tan Ling, and they looked away early, lowered their heads, and did not dare to look more.

This sword is terrifying.

The screams of the surrounding Saint Clan cultivators could tell the horror of this sword.

“This, is this Lord Ji Yan’s hole card?”

Shi Liao trembled with excitement.

Sure enough, it is his idol, the strength is too strong, so strong that he can’t believe it.

Who made this sword come out?

Xiao Yi looked up, she could look at this sword, her eyes were confused.

This sword did no harm to her.

Xiao Yi’s small mouth opened wide, although she couldn’t understand this sword, her subconscious and the screams of those Saint Family cultivators told her.

This sword of his own master brother is incredible.

It’s absolutely beyond the horror of what one can imagine.

“This is my senior brother!”

Xiao Yi muttered, his expression full of pride.

Mu Yonghui didn’t want to speak anymore, he was the only person here besides Xiao Yi who could keep looking at this sword.

Ji Yan’s performance refreshed his cognition again and again.

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In the end, a thousand words turned into one, “What the!” ”

Strong and invincible, definitely not in the meta-infancy period can penetrate.

And Jian Wu, who directly faced this sword, was so frightened that his hair straightened.

Jian Wu’s scalp was numb, this sword, he couldn’t see through, mysterious, inexplicable, this sword gave him the feeling of death.

Jian Wu wants to scold Niang, is this really a Terran?

Is it really a weak Terran that has been passed down from generation to generation?

Is this a move that the Terrans can comprehend?

Are you kidding.

Jian Wu wanted to hide, but in his senses, this sword seemed to occupy the entire world.

Under a sword, the world will be destroyed, and he will not be able to hide anywhere he flees.


Jian Wu roared angrily, like a tiger at the end of the road, angrily counterattacking when cornered.

The powerful aura surged and erupted, and the breath that burst out was like a roaring hurricane, spreading wildly, the heavens and the earth trembled, and the huge sense of oppression made the scalps of the surrounding Saint Family cultivators numb.

Sword Five, this is going to be desperate.

In front of Ji Yan’s sword, Jian Wu did not dare to retain his strength.

Mobilize all the spiritual power in the body, and the breath climbs to the extreme.

The long sword in his hand was infused with powerful spiritual power and burst out with dazzling light.

Jian Wu also made his last move.

A sword swung out, and a black sword light lit up.

The pitch-black light rose up into the sky, like a black dragon rushing out of the abyss.

The black dragon roared viciously, facing Ji Yan with a terrifying breath.


The two long swords collided from a distance, and a huge burst of energy burst out.

The dazzling light made everyone subconsciously close their eyes.

The collision of sword intent, countless sword intent like raindrops, everything around under the sword intent, one after another, turned into powder, and continued to spread with the shock wave.

The raging fluctuations, the expanding range of explosions, made the people around them retreat and retreat.

After more than ten breaths, the explosion gradually became smaller, the light recovered, and everything seemed to calm down.

Everyone opened their eyes and looked at the scene in front of them, unable to speak to themselves for a long time.

The explosion at a distance was destroyed to varying degrees within a radius of thousands of miles.

Within a radius of more than ten miles, all of them were destroyed, and the ground was cut off a thick layer.

The terrifying energy strangled everything and turned it into nothingness.

What is even more frightening is that black voids appear in the very center of the explosion, surrounded by black lightning.

Like a patch, it looks so abrupt.

The confrontation between the two caused the middle space to collapse, and void cracks of different sizes appeared.

The void crack was blurred after it, and you couldn’t see what was inside.

The crack emitted a faint cold aura, giving everyone a creepy feeling, as if there was an infinite terrifying existence lurking in the void.

Fortunately, the void crack finally slowly disappeared, making everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

If the space collapsed here, none of them would be able to escape.

After everyone breathed a sigh of relief, their eyes immediately looked for Ji Yan and Jian Wu.

The two fought against each other, and I don’t know what the result was.

Above the sky, Ji Yan, who was dressed in white, still stood tall, but his condition was not good.

His clothes were tattered, his blood was drenched, his pale face, and his weak breath let people know that he was already at the end of the strong crossbow.

But no one laughed at him, and no one dared to laugh at him.

Ji Yan’s performance has completely impressed the people here, even if they are Saint Racers, they have to respect Ji Yan for this Terran race.

Not everyone can be as powerful as Ji Yan.


Suddenly, Jian Wu’s laughter appeared, and Jian Wu also appeared in front of everyone.

Jian Wu also looked very embarrassed, but it was much better than Ji Yan…

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