There were also many wounds on Jian Wu’s body, but his mental state seemed to be okay.

Kengo also tried to straighten his body, but the pain that flashed from time to time in his eyes showed that he was not as comfortable as he seemed.

Jian Wu sneered on the surface, and he was afraid in his heart.

If he hadn’t sacrificed a life-saving weapon at the last moment, he would have to lie on the ground and lose his combat effectiveness.

That sword was terrifying.

It was not that Ji Yan was able to cast sword techniques in this realm, so Ji Yan was not able to fully exert his full strength.

If he can exert his full strength, even if Jian Wu has more magic weapons, he can’t resist it.

But it’s fine!

Jian Wu looked at Ji Yan, Ji Yan’s breath was weak, perhaps relying on his last breath to hold on.

The second sword will definitely not be able to play out.

He made it to the end and he won.

Jian Wu’s voice was cold and reached everyone’s ears.

“You are very strong, among your peers in the Holy Land, you are invincible.”

“Even Kenichi is not as good as you.”

Jian Yi’s face was gloomy, and his fists were clenched again.

He roared angrily in his heart, but in the end, he quietly unclenched his fist again.

Jian Wu was right, he was indeed not as good as Ji Yan.

Ji Yan’s realm is lower than him, but his strength is not weaker than him.

If nothing else, just Ji Yan’s sword, he didn’t dare to look at it more.

If Ji Yan used this sword during the competition, Jian Yi estimated that he was already lining up to reincarnate.

Jian Wu’s voice continued to sound, “It’s a pity, you are such a talented genius, you actually dare to come to Cold Star, since you are here, don’t think about going back.” Jian

Wu’s eyes were fierce, and he did not hide his naked killing intent.

Such a plan is too enchanting, absolutely to kill, and cannot be put back.

Mu Yong’s expression was complicated, “It’s a pity, if the realm is a little stronger, this sword, Jian Wu will definitely not be able to resist, but it’s a pity…”

No, he may be the person I am looking for.

“Can’t let him die here.”

Mu Yong’s eyes were cold, and when he just wanted to make a move, a voice suddenly sounded, “You’d better not make a move!”

A man in a black robe appeared silently opposite Mu Yong.

Hidden under the black robe, the person could not see his appearance clearly, but could only see a pair of chilling eyes.

The gaze was full of cruelty and ruthlessness.

“Are you trying to stop me?” Mu Yong asked coldly, he seemed to know the person.

“That’s right,” the black-robed man chuckled, did not hide his intentions, and generously admitted, “I know what you are going to do, there are so many people here in the Holy Family, you can find whatever you want.”

“But the Terrans can’t, at least, they can’t.”

“Hmph,” Mu Yong was even more displeased, “You deliberately let them break in?”

“What’s different here?” What exactly is your purpose? The

black-robed man smiled even more happily, “You’ve been away for too long, and you don’t consider returning?”

“Return, you know everything.”

Mu Yong’s face showed a bit of anger, and the whole person looked murderous, “You are you, I am me, he is him, we have parted ways, I will not let you drag the Holy Race to the abyss, I will definitely stop you.”

“How do you stop it?” The black-robed man laughed, “You can’t even beat me, what can you do?”

“Damn it…”

“It’s really over!” Shi Liao let out a long sigh and said in an affirmative tone again, “Master Ji Yan can’t do anything.

Tan Ling and Shi Ji were silent.

However, Xiao Yi’s voice next to him came over, “Brainless demon race, take a good look.” The

disbelief in Shi Liao’s heart came out again.

Are all Terrans like this?

All like this, still unwilling to face reality?

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I hate the bar the most.

Shi Liao snorted coldly and said unconvinced, “Take a good look? ”

Lord Lu Shaoqing has fallen to the ground, Lord Ji Yan can be considered powerful if he can stand, and he still fights like this?”

“Who else can deal with the Five Sword Masters?”

“Is that you?”

Xiao Yi smiled straightly, “Do you really think that my second senior brother is so vulnerable?

Xiao Yi’s words made the chatter next to him jump in his heart.

She remembered that not long ago, Lu Shaoqing was pretending to be injured in order to get rid of her.

Thinking of this, Tan Ling’s gaze looked towards the location where Lu Shaoqing was just now.

Unfortunately, it was a mess and full of rubble, and it was impossible to see where Lu Shaoqing was.

Divine consciousness pervaded the past, where the spiritual power was turbulent, and there was no detailed situation at all.

That bastard.

Isn’t it time to hide again?

When Shi Liao heard Xiao Yi’s words, it was as if he heard funny words, and he couldn’t help but want to laugh, “If Lord Lu Shaoqing can still fight, the best chance is to fight with Lord Ji Yan just now.”

Shi Liao felt that the best chance to deal with Jian Wu was for Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing to strike together.

This is common sense, and common sense.

One plus one must be greater than two.

Not in the same realm, in turn, wheel wars do not work at all.

Shi Liao’s tone was determined, very confident in his judgment, “Lord Lu Shaoqing has now taken care of himself…”

However, before his words were finished, a roar suddenly sounded again in the sky.

Everyone was shocked and looked up.

Once again, a huge fireball appeared in the sky.

The huge fireball of thousands of meters made a rumbling sound, and the roaring flames once again made people feel like they saw the sun fall.

Such a big fireball, can anyone else make it out besides Lu Shaoqing?

Lu Shaoqing appeared above the sky, his long hair fluttering in the wind, and he was like a sword fairy holding a long sword.

Lu Shaoqing pointed to the five big swords and drank, “Don’t be arrogant old guy, eat me a ball!” ”

The voice is full of breath, like thunder roaring, shocking.

Shi Liao was sluggish again, looking at the big fireball in the sky, and once again there were 10,000 grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart.

Lu Shaoqing was not injured?

Really hiding on the sidelines waiting for an opportunity?

Shi Liao was difficult to accept, he could not understand.

It is clear that it will be better for the two to join forces, why did Lu Shaoqing do this?

“Why?” Shi Liao finally asked Xiao Yi.

If this question is not asked clearly, he will suffocate.

Xiao Yi pouted, his tone a little regretful, “Senior brother likes to single out, what the senior brother wants, the second senior brother will certainly satisfy him.”

“Alas, I would love to see the two of them join forces together, but alas.”

Xiao Yi was full of expectations just now, thinking that he would see the two senior brothers really join forces to deal with Jian Wu together.

But I didn’t expect that the two senior brothers still took turns to perform on the stage and perform together on the same stage, and I didn’t know when I would be able to see it.

Shi Liao was speechless.

Is that the reason?

For Lu Shaoqing who suddenly appeared, feeling the powerful aura exuded by Lu Shaoqing, Jian Wu was shocked, “You, you are not injured?” ”

All the Saint Family monks are numb.

Is it all fake to vomit blood just now?

Doesn’t it hurt at all?

What breed of old six is this?

Are the Terrans all so mean?

“Who do you think you are? Look at the move! Lu Shaoqing shouted proudly, and at the same time waved his hand fiercely, and a huge fireball roared down…

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