Jian Wu’s divine consciousness entered the soul thorn, but found that it contained a powerful divine consciousness.

The power of this divine consciousness made Jian Wu’s divine consciousness in front of him like a little mouse.

Before Jian Wu could react, the divine consciousness that entered the soul thorn was devoured, and then a powerful divine consciousness surged forward.

Caught off guard, Jian Wu felt that his sea of knowledge had been invaded.

In the sea of knowledge, Jian Wu saw the true face of that divine consciousness.

Turning into Lu Shaoqing’s appearance, she greeted him with a smile.

“Oh, why doesn’t your house close?”

Sensing the dangerous aura on Lu Shaoqing’s body, Jian Wu was shocked and angry.

“Damn it! Get me out! Sword

Five roared, and dark clouds began to begin inside the sea of knowledge, lightning and thunder.

Dao lightning fell, and Jian Wu fought hard to drive Lu Shaoqing out.

This is the sea of knowledge, which is his foundation.

If the sea is destroyed, people are wasted.

However, Jian Wu’s divine sense can only be said to be average, not weak, but not strong either.

For Lu Shaoqing, an existence with a technique that specializes in cultivating divine sense, even if Sword Five is the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant, his divine sense looks very weak in front of Lu Shaoqing.

Powerful thunder and lightning fell on Lu Shaoqing one after another, as if tickling him.

Lu Shaoqing, who was bathed in thunder, exuded terrifying coercion like a god and demon.

Within a few rounds, Jian Wu was injured, and Zhihai was severely damaged.

By the time Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense withdrew, Jian Wu had already fallen from the sky holding his head and screaming.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were cold, and he took a sword in his hand.

The powerful sword light immediately passed through Jian Wu’s body, and blood splashed.

Jian Wu, who was severely injured inside and out, passed out.

Yan Shuya, who was watching the battle from afar, was so frightened that her body trembled.

It’s terrible, that Terran, even the five masters of the sword are not his opponents.

I was lucky enough to survive….

Lu Shaoqing raised the Mojun sword, and he only needed to make up a sword to kill Jian Wu on the spot.

However, thinking of what Mu Yong had said, his killing intent slowly dissipated.

This is not the world of the thirteen states, and there is a large group of avatars watching outside.

The Sword Family also has several Avatar Gods, and there is also the existence of the late Avatar God like the First Elder.

After killing Jian Wu, I don’t know if those unreasonable old guys will kill them.

It’s really not necessary to provoke more powerful opponents.

“I’m the most annoying to the gods.” Lu Shaoqing muttered, flicked the shouting Mo Jun, and then put away the sword, of course, the storage ring of the fifth sword he did not forget to fall.

After putting away the soul thorn and taking the storage ring of Jian Wu in his hand, Lu Shaoqing just showed a smile on his face, and he suddenly patted himself.

“I went, forgot Kenichi’s.”

Lu Shaoqing looked in the direction of Jian Yi, and the eyes of the two sides met in the air.

Lu Shaoqing shouted loudly at Jian Yi, “Jian Yi, bring your storage ring.” Jian

Yi was so angry that his body trembled, he only hated that there was no way to strike now, otherwise he would have to rush up and fight with Lu Shaoqing.

Too much deception, too much deception!

Lu Shaoqing was heartbroken, Jian Yi is a family brother, there must be many good things in the storage ring.

It’s a pity.

Lu Shaoqing’s heart ached, his heart was fierce, and he muttered, “Everything is to blame Muyong that bastard, sooner or later one day I will rip off his clothes and let him parade the streets with his bare ass…” The

fiasco of Jian Wu made all the Saint Clan cultivators curse Lu Shaoqing’s meanness and shamelessness in their hearts.

It was clear that he had the strength to deal with Jian Wu, but he deliberately showed an invincible appearance, and after Ji Yan broke through, he deliberately pretended to be injured and hid out of everyone’s sight.

Wait until Ji Yan and Jian Wu are almost fighting, and then strike.

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Not only that, even if Jian Wu was like that, he didn’t choose to be tough.

Instead, continue to play Sneak Attack.

Whether it was the billowing smoke caused by the huge fireball or the soul thorn, it was an eye covering method that attracted the attention of the distracting sword five.

The last divine consciousness is the one who must kill.

Many Saint Clan cultivators were shocked by Lu Shaoqing’s shamelessness, and they seemed helpless except cursing in their hearts.

Sword Five is the existence of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant, even if it is placed here in Cold Star, it is also famous.

How many Yuan Infant Nine-Layer existences can there be on the Cold Star?

Which one is not a big man at the top?

Which one is not an invincible existence?

However, today, here, they witnessed with their own eyes that Sword Five, the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant, the former genius of the Sword Family, was defeated.

The people of the sword family were even pale, and they were like mourning.

They cannot accept the fact that it is.

The new generation of genius swords was defeated and became a prisoner of the Terrans, otherwise the Holy Lord would have appeared, and it is estimated that he would still not be able to return shirtless.

Now, the geniuses of the older generation have also failed, and they have also lost to two Terrans whose cultivation realm is lower than him.

Today is the day of shame for the swordsman.

Xiao Yi jumped down from the tree happily and waved his little fist happily.

I just said, the two senior brothers have been traveling for so long on their honeymoon, and they have been walking together all the way, and their strength has grown by leaps and bounds.

What is the ninth layer of the Yuan Baby.

With the two senior brothers by his side, Xiao Yi never worried about danger.

The mouths of the three people on Tan Ling’s side were the same, all of them were wide open and unbelievable.

Did Sword Five really lose?

Facing two Terrans who only had the sixth layer of the Yuan Infant, he actually lost.

Tan Ling looked at Lu Shaoqing with a complicated expression, and at this moment, Lu Shaoqing’s figure in her eyes became tall, mysterious, and unfathomable.

She only now found that she had not seen Lu Shaoqing clearly.

But one thing she was sure of was that Lu Shaoqing was a bastard.

Shi Ji cheered in a low voice, “Lord Lu Shaoqing is really powerful, and so is Lord Ji Yan.” Shi

Liao didn’t want to speak anymore, and his face was swollen today.

He considers himself a reasonable person, usually able to calmly analyze problems when encountered, and the results of the analysis are inseparable.

The results of his analysis today were positive again and again, and his rational analysis was useless to Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

Xiao Yi was happy for a while, looked triumphantly at Shi Liao, and asked, “How?”

Although Shi Liao was unhappy in his heart, his personality made him face his mistakes, and he sighed, “I did look away.” Seeing

that Shi Liao, the demon race, did not have a dead duck’s mouth, but very cheerfully admitted his mistake, Xiao Yi did not ridicule him.

Instead, he said, “My two senior brothers are geniuses, real geniuses, and it would have been a mistake to look at my two senior brothers with the eyes of ordinary people.

Xiao Yi’s expression was full of pride and pride.

There was no way for the three of them to refute this.

Tan Ling asked a question, “What are you going to do next?” This

question made everyone become serious.

The current situation is still a dead end for Lu Shaoqing and them.

Xiao Yi shook her head, she looked at Lu Shaoqing in the distance, “I don’t know, look at the second senior brother.” ”

Anyway, he has a way…”

Lu Shaoqing stood with his sword in hand, his eyes roaming everyone.

The icy gaze was filled with a strong sense of oppression, and no one dared to look at him.

Now Lu Shaoqing is like a demon god, so that everyone does not have the courage to challenge.

After Lu Shaoqing made a round, Lu Shaoqing did not ask who else was, but said to them, “Okay, it’s all dispersed, it’s going to rain, go back and collect your clothes…”

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