Many Saint Clan cultivators clenched their fists, it was too humiliating.

As soon as the angry sword saw that no one around dared to squeak, he stood up angrily, and he angrily scolded Lu Shaoqing, “Despicable villain!

“What kind of hero is it only by sneak attacks?”

Jian Lan also shouted and scolded, “That’s right, despicable human being, if you come in the open, the elder will definitely not lose to you. The

clansmen of the Sword Family also shouted and scolded.

Immediately afterwards, the other Saint Clan people also scolded Lu Shaoqing for being shameless.

They had never seen such a despicable and cunning Terrans.

It’s so mean.

Compared with Lu Shaoqing, the most cunning person of the Saint Race could simply select the top ten good people of Cold Star.

The most despicable and shameless person of the Holy Race also had to respectfully call the ancestor in front of Lu Shaoqing.

“Despicable Terrans!”

“Are humans so despicable? Damn it…”

“Do you dare to fight head-on?”

“What kind of hero is relying on small tricks?”

“Once again, you are definitely not the opponent of the five masters of the sword.”

“What else would you do besides sneak attacks? Compared with your

senior brother, you are far behind…” “That’s right, your senior brother’s sword is something you can’t achieve in this life…”

It was enough for people to have more courage, and many Saint Clan cultivators pointed at Lu Shaoqing and cursed.

He even touted Ji Yan to step on Lu Shaoqing.

The crowd is raging, the anger is increasing, and the anger is getting stronger and stronger.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing snorted coldly.

The icy voice was like a plate of cold water that extinguished the anger of these Saint Family cultivators.

“You’re not convinced?”

“If you don’t convince, come one by one, and I’ll follow them one by one.”

Lu Shaoqing pointed his sword at everyone and said domineeringly, “Who dares to come?”

“Don’t squeak if you don’t dare to come.”

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s domineering, arrogant and hateful appearance.

Numerous Saint Family cultivators couldn’t wait to shoot him to death.

However, they did not have that strength, and at the same time, they did not dare.

The leading Jian Wu and Cui Zhangming were killed and injured, and such a strong person was like this.

How did these cultivators who only had the Jiedan period fight?

As for how many of them there were still several Yuan babies, they did not dare to show their heads, and even when they scolded Lu Shaoqing, they did not dare to speak out, lest they be targeted by Lu Shaoqing.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing sneered even more in his heart.

He was not worried that these holy families would rush up.

He could tell it from the time of the test.

Although these people call themselves the Holy Race, they are a higher existence separated from the Terrans.

In fact, their development on the cold star for thousands of years is inferior to that of the Terrans.

Because of the bad reasons of Hanxing, their personalities have become brutal and easy to kill, and they are also selfish, all for their own considerations.

What family righteousness, national righteousness, there may be, but this is ranked behind their personal interests.

Along the way, many people hope that others will become sandpipers and mussels, and they will become fishermen.

Only the Cui family had more people because they were tied to 30 million spirit stones, and similarly, the loss was also very heavy, and four yuan babies died, which was enough to make the head of the Cui family feel distressed to cry.

Even the people of the sword family who were shouting the most fiercely now, they did not dare to come up, even if Jian Wu was still lying on the ground, they did not dare to come up to receive the rescue of Jian Wu.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t bother to pay attention to these demon races.

He left a sentence, “Whoever dares to follow, there is no mercy for killing!” Then

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he turned and left.

As for the Holy Lord or something, Lu Shaoqing only didn’t know.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan came back and found Xiao Yi, and before Xiao Yi could speak, Lu Shaoqing roared urgently, “Go!” The

three imperial swords soared into the sky and quickly headed towards the distance.

Tan Ling opened her mouth and wanted to say something.

But, but she didn’t know what to say.

Shi Liao had to sigh, “Although Master Lu Shaoqing is clever, he is also powerful enough.

“I just don’t know how he escaped from here, the Holy Lord has been staring.”

Shi Ji said, “Master Lu Shaoqing must have a way. Shi

Ji already admired Lu Shaoqing very much.

Shi Liao poured cold water on his sister, “Even if they can leave here, there is a sacred mountain outside, and more people are outside, how can they escape?”

Tan Ling agreed with Shi Ji’s words, “I think he should have a way.” ”

All the way down, Lu Shaoqing gave too much incredible talk.

In Tan Ling’s eyes, although Lu Shaoqing is a bastard, his ability is beyond doubt.

Smart and cunning, it looks unreliable to do things, but in the end it is often unexpected.

Shi Liao still didn’t believe it, I don’t believe I couldn’t say it right once.

He said, “The Holy Lord is still watching, how can he escape?”

“I’m still saying that, it’s a dead end.”

At this moment, everyone felt that the sky was dark, and a huge finger fell from the sky.

A finger for more than a hundred miles, like the pillar of Optimus collapsed, penetrated the clouds, and made a huge roar in the air and slowly fell towards Lu Shaoqing and the three.

It’s like a human wants to crush several ants with one finger.

Huge fingers surprised everyone.

The powerful aura emanating made all the Saint Clan cultivators tremble.

“Saint, has the Holy Lord made a move?”

Sensing this terrifying aura, many people shouted.

At the same time, many people cheered up.

The Holy Lord finally couldn’t get used to the arrogance of the Terrans, and finally wanted to personally kill them?

“Holy Lord is mighty!”

“Long live the Holy Lord!”

“Great, how do they escape?”

“If you want to escape in front of the Holy Lord, unless the Immortal Emperor comes in person, haha…”

Many Saint Clan cultivators shouted one after another, excited.

Let your Terrans run rampant?

Now that the Holy Lord has made a move, can you still be rampant?

The huge finger fell, the speed was not fast, but it had already shrouded Lu Shaoqing and the three, so that the three could not escape, there was no way to escape.

The fingers were still in the air, but the ground had been crushed by a powerful pressure, collapsing, and huge cracks continued to appear and spread, as if the end of the world.

The faces of the three of Tan Ling changed drastically, did the Holy Lord finally make a move?

In this way, they really can’t escape.

Shi Ji held Tanling’s hand tightly, nervous.

Although Lu Shaoqing is a Terran, she has already regarded Lu Shaoqing as a friend, and she has another kind of emotion in her heart.

Lu Shaoqing fell into a dead end, and she was worried.

“Dead!” Shi Liao could only sigh like this in the end.

Rational, he couldn’t think of any way for Lu Shaoqing to escape.

“Holy Lord, your uncle…” Lu Shaoqing’s sad and indignant voice sounded…

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