
With a huge impact, the ground collapsed, and huge fingers submerged into the ground.

The ground shook for thousands of miles, like an earth dragon turning over, and a twelve-magnitude earthquake occurred.

Countless towering mountains collapsed in the turmoil, and vast forests were destroyed in the impact.

The ground within a thousand miles is full of cracks, and the depth is bottomless.

Huge fingers fell and stuck on the ground, like pillars of Optimus, supporting heaven and earth.

All the Saint Race cultivators secretly smacked their tongues

, such a powerful force, such a terrifying impact, that human being was pressed into meat sauce, right?

Xiao Yi’s heart was grabbed when he saw it.

She was nervous, her hair was disheveled, and tears were about to flow from her eyes.

She knew that Lu Shaoqing was a genius and very powerful.

But the current opponent is the powerful and invincible Saint Lord, the most powerful existence on the Cold Star.

Strength is at least the existence of the beginning of the refining void realm.

One of his fingers was desperately powerful.

In the face of such a powerful existence, could her second senior brother resist it?

In the face of such an opponent, even if it is a hundred times smarter, it will not work.

In the face of absolute strength, any intrigue and trickery are floating clouds.

Second Senior Brother shouldn’t be pressed into meatloaf, right?

Xiao Yi looked at Ji Yan nervously, “Senior brother, second senior brother…” Ji Yan

looked at the huge finger seriously, and his body exuded a strong fighting intent.

Xiao Yi saw the expression on Ji Yan’s face, and his heart sank even more.

Even panicked.

This expression of the senior brother, could it be that the second senior brother is fierce and less jealous?

“Big, senior brother, second senior brother, will he be fine?”

Ji Yan finally responded, “You can’t die.”

A faint sentence made Xiao Yi’s heart inexplicably settle down.

In the distance, there was the cheers of the cultivators of the Holy Family.

They saw that the Holy Lord pressed Lu Shaoqing into the earth with one finger, and Lu Shaoqing’s attack looked as ridiculous as a praying mantis blocking a car.

This made many Saint Family cultivators cheer loudly with excitement.

“Long live the Holy Lord!”

“Holy Lord is mighty!”

“Haha, Terrans, vulnerable to a single blow, even a finger of the Holy Lord can’t be blocked!”

“Don’t be rampant, regret it, right?”

“With your outstanding talents, you are just an ant in front of the Holy Lord, easily crushed to death…”

But the next moment, they couldn’t laugh.

Lu Shaoqing rushed out from under the ground, sword intent burst out, and the ground collapsed again.

Lu Shaoqing wiped a handful of blood from the corner of his mouth, and this finger pressed him as if all the feces and urine came out.

Lu Shaoqing looked sadly at the huge fingers that slowly retracted, and once again stood in the air.

The corners of his eyes were moist and very sad.

Handsome, always subject to special care?

I don’t even want to cause trouble, you have to come and me?

Where did I offend you?

I gouged your ancestral grave?

Lu Shaoqing pointed to the sky and cursed, “Enough, right?

“What is your status?” Is it okay to bully me?

“I’ll leave right away, can you not be so petty?”

I’ll go!

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Your words alone are enough reason to kill you.

Many Saint Family cultivators cursed in their hearts.

You actually dare to say that the Holy Lord is stingy, who will you kill if you don’t kill you?

The Holy Lord’s voice sounded, “Do not exert your full strength, die!” Once

again, he fell towards Lu Shaoqing.

This time, it did not fall slowly, but roared down, black cracks appeared around the fingers, and black lightning lingered, terrifying and amazing.

The powerful force tore through the void and gave Lu Shaoqing even greater pressure.

Lu Shaoqing did not dare to hesitate, the Holy Lord’s voice sounded unwilling to laugh.

He had to use his strength.

Lu Shaoqing’s face was solemn, and the witness changed instantly.

The appearance of Hanger Langdang before disappeared, and the aura of the whole person became sharp as a sword, sharp and compelling.

The terrifying spiritual power in his body surged out, and Mo Jun stood on the sword and raised his middle finger to the sky.

The earth-shattering sword intent was like a storm, bursting out, and a black divine bird spread its wings and flew high and roared.

At this moment, many Saint Family cultivators were once again terrified.

The horror shown by Lu Shaoqing was not much weaker than Ji Yan.

Amazing momentum, powerful aura, looking at it from afar, it is like a sword immortal reincarnated, the sword points to the sky, and goes against the sky.

“He, he…”

the onlooker Saint Clan cultivator snorted, pointing at Lu Shaoqing, unable to say a word for a long time.

They originally thought that Lu Shaoqing was able to defeat Jian One and Jian Five by relying on a sneak attack.

It is thought that Lu Shaoqing’s strength is much worse than Ji Yan.

However, they only now know that they are wrong.

Lu Shaoqing has been hiding his strength, and their previous mockery of Lu Shaoqing now seems so ridiculous.

The divine bird rushed up into the sky, black wings streaked across the sky, and two huge black cracks appeared.

Lu Shaoqing did not retain his strength, and the violent sword intent burst out madly, easily cutting through the void.


The black divine bird collided with the huge finger, an invisible fluctuation spread, and then countless sword intent fell like raindrops.

The earth was once again ravaged, and invisible sword intent fell to the ground, appearing one deep pit after another.

Although Lu Shaoqing exerted all his strength, the strength of the Holy Lord was too strong.

Under the collision, the divine bird chirped sadly, and finally broke, and finally disappeared.

And Lu Shaoqing was also hit by a powerful countershock force.


Blood splattered, and Lu Shaoqing streaked across the sky like a shooting star and smashed heavily into the ground.

The huge finger did not stop and pressed on the ground again.

There was another strong tremor, and just like just now, the land within a radius of thousands of miles was once again damaged, and countless cracks appeared.

When it stopped, the heavens and the earth were silent.

The huge finger returned to the sky, and Lu Shaoqing lay on the ground, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Xiao Yi’s tears flowed out.

Lu Shaoqing was crushed to the ground by his fingers, and Xiao Yi felt that his heart was also crushed by his fingers.

She almost cried, “Senior brother, what should I do?

“You, are you going to make a move?”

By this time, Xiao Yi only thought of Ji Yan.

In the face of the powerful Saint Lord, I don’t know if the two senior brothers can fight together.

However, Ji Yan did not respond to Xiao Yi’s words, he did not even look in the direction where Lu Shaoqing was, but stared at the sky.

Ji Yan’s brows furrowed deeply.

Xiao Yi sensed that something was wrong with Ji Yan, “Senior brother, what’s wrong?” ”

Something is wrong!”

Xiao Yi raised his head, in the sky, two void cracks were shocking….

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