Two cracks appeared above the gray sky.

It is more than ten miles long and varies in width, the widest is more than ten meters, and the smallest is several meters.

The surface is surrounded by black lightning, and from time to time black light flashes, strange and terrifying.

From afar, it looks like two black giant pythons squirming and crawling, which is very terrifying.

At this time, many cultivators also noticed that something was wrong.

“This, the Void Crack is really big!”

“The breath emanating from inside makes me chill in my heart, is this the Void Rift? It’s terrible.

“Strange, why hasn’t it gone away for so long?”

“How strong is that Terran? Being able to keep the Void Rift for so long.

“I’ve heard that the space here is carved out, the spatial barrier is much weaker than the outside, what’s strange about the spatial crack not disappearing for so long?”

“Nonsense, of course strange, don’t you see? The crack disappears at a pitiful rate…”

Why do I have a bad premonition?”

All the Saint Family cultivators whispered.

The two cracks in front of me looked weird and disappeared slowly.

Out of the monk’s intuition, many people had a bad premonition in their hearts.

Mu Yong stared at the crack above the sky, and he didn’t understand either.

Lu Shaoqing’s strength was similar to Ji Yan’s, but there was no such crack in the battle between Ji Yan He and Jian Wu.

Moreover, even if a void crack appears, it quickly closes and disappears.

It is not like now, the speed of disappearance is like a snail, slow and pitiful.

It’s weird.

Mu Yong had a bad premonition in his heart.

He looked at the black-robed man, “What the hell does he want to do?” The

black-robed man looked at the void cracks in the sky, and he let out a scalp-numbing laugh, “Haha…”

Mu Yong knew that things might get out of hand if he continued, but there was nothing he could do.

The black-robed man in front of him came to stop him, and he couldn’t make a move.

Lu Shaoqing lay in the deep pit and moaned softly.

“It hurts me.”

The body fell apart, and the bones all over the body seemed to be screaming.

This time, if it weren’t for the fact that his flesh was hard enough, it

was surrounded by black dirt and exuded a rancid smell.

Unfortunately, although this is a hundred meters underground, there is no way for him to play dead.

“What does he want to do?”

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t understand what the Holy Lord was doing?

If you really want to kill him, with the strength of the Holy Lord, you can suddenly let him easily and painlessly reincarnate.

But the Lord did not do this.

Lu Shaoqing struggled to get up, and he also noticed two huge cracks in the sky.

He frowned, and before he could think more, his face suddenly changed, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.


The huge finger pressed down again and landed heavily on the position that Lu Shaoqing had just had.

“Ma De,” Lu Shaoqing appeared, pointing to the sky and cursing, “Petty, what do you think of me? Bulbophylls?

“Where the hell did I offend you? Do you have to do this to me? Without

speaking, huge fingers swept across again, fingers streaked, and a huge storm was set off.

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The howling wind even blew dust tens of thousands of miles away, kicking up sand and dust in the sky.

Lu Shaoqing was very fast, and the Great Chi Escape Technique was as flexible as a flying bird, and it flashed thousands of miles.

But the speed of the huge finger was faster, and Lu Shaoqing was hit hard again without dodging a few rounds, and once again fell into the earth like a meteor, smashing heavily into the ground.

Lu Shaoqing was covered in blood, and most of the bones in his body were broken, causing him to scream in pain.

“Holy Lord, your uncle Vozhi,” Lu Shaoqing rushed out from under the ground again, this time even more embarrassed.

Mu Yong couldn’t understand, he asked the black-robed man again, “If you want to kill him, just shoot directly, why is this so?”

The black-robed man’s gaze stared at the many shrinking void cracks, and snorted coldly, “It’s not enough.

Mu Yong seemed to understand, “Want to destroy this place? The

black-robed man sneered, “Ruin? No, no, if you want to destroy it, let the Avatar God make a move here has already collapsed, in order to deal with him, didn’t you find that he has suppressed a lot of strength?

“Or he would have died a long time ago.”

Mu Yong was confused again, although he had a close connection with the Holy Lord, he could no longer guess what the Holy Lord was going to do.

“What the hell are you going to do?”

“Hehe…” the black-robed man still smiled and said nothing.

Mu Yong was annoyed when he saw it, and he couldn’t help but clean him up.

Unfortunately, it was useless for him to shoot, and the two fought on a par and the gain was not worth the loss.

He said coldly, “Then you have to let him be careful, otherwise you will beat him to death and not get the results he wanted.” ”

If I can’t hit you, then attack you with a mouth cannon.”

The black-robed man smiled bluntly, “As long as he continues the attack just now, it’s enough.”

Mu Yong shook his head and continued to attack with his mouth, “If this continues, he will die sooner or later, his strength will be like this, his state will decline, and the attack just now can no longer be maintained.” ”

Then he will die…” The black-robed man’s tone was cruel and full of killing intent.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the huge finger that fell again, and he greeted the eighteen generations of the Holy Lord Ancestor in his heart.

Like a mosquito, he was chased and crushed by this finger, even if his body was strong, he couldn’t help but crush it again and again.

Lu Shaoqing narrowly dodged another attack and roared again, “Give me a reason.”

“Does killing my son count?”

The Holy Lord finally spoke, and these words shocked everyone.

The cultivators of the Holy Race were shocked one after another.

“What? Was the son of the Holy Lord killed by him?

“He, so daring, without the son of the Holy Lord, dares to run to the Holy Land and climb the Holy Mountain.”

The Luan family members on Luan Xingyue’s side were also shocked, they knew more, the Holy Lord had three sons, and the third son, Luan Huang, joined the advance team to go to Zuxing.

Not long after going to the ancestral star, Luan Huang’s life Jane was broken.

Who killed Luan Huang, the Holy Lord has not said, even the people of the Luan family do not know how Luan Huang died.

The matter of entering the ancestral star is only known to the Holy Lord.

At that time, Yan Ba also personally asked to go to Zuxing to avenge Luan Huang.

And today, they finally knew why the Holy Lord made a move against Lu Shaoqing.

It turned out to be a murderer.

“So it is, damn it!”

“This man will be killed!”

“Kill him!”

Numerous Saint Family cultivators shouted one after another.

However, Mu Yonghei, the black-robed man was very calm.

Mu Yong even sneered, and said to the black robe, “It’s really shameful to find three orphans as their own sons, and also kill the little girl of the Yan family.”

“What is he going to do?”

The black-robed man was not angry, he still said, “You will know when you come back…”

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