Ji Yan comprehended a big killing move.

Lu Shaoqing also got a trick from the little brother of the dead ghost.

Silence the Star Sword!

The name is not only bluffing, but also powerful.

Lu Shaoqing had been comprehending for a few years before he comprehended a star and a half, and he was still close to getting started.

“Now, let’s see how strong this trick really is.”

Lu Shaoqing knew that this trick was very strong, but it was all theoretical, and it had not been used in actual combat.

Today, use it here to see how powerful it is

, Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on the crack, and his heart was fierce, expanding the crack here again, don’t believe you are not in a hurry.

Now this situation can only survive in death.

Mobilize all the spiritual power in the body and run wildly.

Mo Jun jumped out and once again pointed his middle finger at the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a strong light erupted from Mo Junjian’s body, and a terrifying aura erupted, and everyone was shocked.

A strong white light quickly spread, covering the earth and occupying everyone’s sight.

In a trance, everyone saw the endless starry sky.

Countless stars shine, light or dark, far or near.

A huge river of stars appeared above the starry sky, and countless stars were floating in the river of stars like flowing rivers.

Suddenly, in the depths of the endless starry sky, a little light lit up.

A sword light appeared from the depths of the starry sky, and the aura of destruction erupted.

A sword cut off the galaxy, and the galaxy collapsed.

A sword destroys the stars, and the stars are silent.

This sword brought destruction, a sword cut down, the entire starry sky fell silent, and everything was lost.

Everyone’s hearts seemed to have been cut off by this sword.

They felt that this sword was falling on them, destroying their lives.


“Ah…” Some

people screamed, some vomited blood, and people with weak hearts bled and passed out.

Everyone was terrified, and the people of the Yuan Infant Realm shouted, “Close your eyes, stick to your Dao heart, and don’t be influenced.”

However, even if someone closed their eyes, they could already see it, and continued to fall down screaming.

The horror of this sword affected their hearts even more.

The powerful light outside disappeared, replaced by an earth-shattering sword light, a terrifying sword intent.

One sword destroys the stars.

A sword breaks through the void.

This sword is invincible, and all things are destroyed.

Perceive the horror of this sword.

The aura of the huge fingers skyrocketed, and the pervasive aura made the surrounding space crack, and one void crack after another appeared.

The space burst like glass, covered with countless cracks.

However, unlike Lu Shaoqing’s, the void cracks that appeared quickly closed and disappeared, which was a normal painting style.

After Lu Shaoqing saw it, he was even more sad and indignant.

Why are others normal painting styles? Just me?

Roared angrily, “Give me death!” The

sword light collided with the huge fingers.


The spiritual power exploded, and a terrifying aura rose up into the sky.

The terrifying energy shrouded Fang Qianli, frantically destroying everything, and the Fang Qianli area suffered a devastating blow.

The energy fluctuations of the explosion began to spread from the center, quickly rushing in all directions and sweeping in all directions.

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The heavens and the earth trembled, the ground continued to crack and collapse, billowing magma gushed out from underground, the fire dragon raged and the smoke billowed like the end of the world.

In the face of the impact of terrifying energy, everyone retreated again and again.

Ji Yan quickly walked away with Xiao Yi and the two little whites, avoiding the terrifying impact.

Looking at the direction of the battlefield, Ji Yan had amazement in his eyes and a fighting intent.

Lu Shaoqing’s sword was even more powerful than his one.

Sure enough, he is my junior brother and will never lag behind.

Ji Yan said in a low voice, “Everyone in the world says that I am a genius, but in fact, you are a genius.”

Xiao Yi shook her head, she reached out and pulled her hair, and found that her hair had been tied into a dead knot, and her unkempt hair became even more messy.

Xiao Yi didn’t have time to feel sorry for her hair, she asked Ji Yan, “Senior brother, is the second senior brother okay?”

Ji Yan shook his head, he was not sure if Lu Shaoqing was really okay.

In that kind of explosion, anything is possible.

The explosion in the distance subsided, and the billowing smoke began to disperse.

But when it was seen clearly, everyone froze.

The huge finger disappeared, and it seemed to be killed by Lu Shaoqing’s sword.

This result made it difficult for all Saint Family cultivators to accept, and some people directly collapsed.

“Has the Holy Lord lost?”

“No, it’s impossible…” ”

The Holy Lord is so powerful, why did he lose?”

“He, how can a Terran be so strong?”

“Fake, absolutely fake, impossible…” The

Saint Race cultivators shouted one after another, in disbelief, and even more people vomited blood and fell unconscious.

The Holy Lord is their spiritual pillar and the most powerful and invincible being.

Now losing to a human race is tantamount to the collapse of the spiritual pillar and the collapse of their faith for the holy people who worship the Holy Lord.

But there are also many people who believe.

“No, the Holy Lord will definitely not be defeated.”

“The Holy Lord must have left because of something.”

“That finger doesn’t even have the power of the Holy Lord, what if it is defeated?”

“That’s right, but the Terrans took advantage.”

Mu Yong looked at the sky, his expression solemn, he felt that something was wrong.

The next moment, Mu Yong’s gaze froze, and his expression changed.

There was a change in the sky, and in the center of the explosion, countless black lightning suddenly appeared.

From a distance, it seems to be a trace of black smoke, and black lightning is like a bug, eating the sky.

As the black lightning increased, cracks appeared in the sky, cracking like glass.

Finally, in the shocked gaze of everyone, a huge void crack appeared.

From a distance, it seemed that a large black eye appeared in the sky.

Black lightning lingered on the edges, and the inside was as black as ink, and the deep black seemed to be able to absorb people’s souls.

A strange and terrifying aura enveloped everyone’s hearts.

A feeling of unease lingered over them.

“So, what is that?”

“Give, it feels terrifying…” ”

The sky is weird, is this a void crack?”

“It’s too strong, it actually shattered the space, and a void crack appeared…”

“It’s ridiculous, it turns out that the Terran said he is very strong, not to laugh, it’s terrible…” Shi

Ji took Tanling’s hand, “Sister Ling, how do I feel that something is wrong.”

Tan Ling also frowned, looking at the void crack above, “I also feel this way.

At this time, Lu Shaoqing’s voice came, “Little chick, quickly take those two guys out of here, you demon clan, hehe…”

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