Tan Ling’s gaze turned, but he did not see Lu Shaoqing’s figure.

She gritted her teeth, and the figure rushed into the sky, heading in the direction where Ji Yan was.

She wanted to ask what was going on.

From the moment the Holy Lord appeared, what happened revealed a strangeness.

“Sister Ling…”

Shi Ji was startled and hurried to follow.

“Shi Liao, what are you doing? Don’t hurry up and keep up?

Shi Liao, who was beaten in the face and closed himself, stayed on the ground and drew circles, he looked up and hurriedly followed, “Where to go?” Lu

Shaoqing flew back on the Mojun sword here.

After the war, he was very uncomfortable.

The whole person seemed to have collapsed, half-dead, which made Xiao Yi look worried.

Xiao Yi immediately threw out the little white tiger on his shoulder, making the little white tiger bigger, and letting Lu Shaoqing lie on the back of the tiger.

Lu Shaoqing was relieved in his heart, and he was still sensible.

“Oops, it hurts me.” Lu Shaoqing lay on the back of the tiger, groaned, and quickly shouted, “Hurry up, go find a place where there is no one, and get out of here quickly.”

After shouting, he returned to his weak appearance, and it seemed that he wanted to fall asleep immediately.

However, Ji Yan did not move, and he stared at Lu Shaoqing with burning eyes.

“What for?” Lu Shaoqing glared back and angrily scolded Ji Yan, “When is this, don’t play a child’s temper here.”

“Otherwise, go back and let Master pump your ass.”

Ji Yan still stared at Lu Shaoqing, “What was that sword you called just now?”

“When did you get it?”

“It’s very powerful.”

“Can I sleep and comprehend?” Lu Shaoqing pointed to the crack in the sky and cursed, “What is the situation now, don’t you have a point in your heart?”

“Hurry up, those monsters are coming, you and I have to die.”

Lu Shaoqing was panicked.

He didn’t expect that there would actually be a crack in the cave here.

If a crack appears, will those monsters follow?

The overwhelming monsters, it’s scary to think about.

At the same time, he vaguely felt as if he had been pitted by the Holy Lord.

The Holy Lord poked him with one finger in order to force out his strength.

He used black lightning to cross the calamity in the cave heaven and earth, and accidentally absorbed those lightnings, causing the cracks in the cave heaven and earth to close.

Unexpectedly, it was opened here.

Perhaps the purpose of the Holy Lord is this crack.

But no matter what, Lu Shaoqing knew that he had to run.

The life or death of the Holy Land here has nothing to do with him.

There are a lot of tall people here in the Holy Land, so let them have a headache.

Xiao Yi pricked up her ears next to her, and her heart was like being scratched by a kitten, which was very uncomfortable.

Do the two senior brothers know anything?

Xiao Yi really wanted to raise her hand to ask, but it was not her turn to speak at this time.

Ji Yan suddenly laughed, “Fight with me then!” ”

Hit you in the head.” Lu Shaoqing was not angry, and he said to Xiao Yi, “Go, if someone doesn’t want to leave, let him die here.”

“I don’t burn ingots and candles for him every New Year.”

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Xiao Yi stuck out her tongue, when the two senior brothers loved each other and killed each other, she didn’t dare to interject.

But just as Lu Shaoqing and them were about to leave, Tanling came.

“Slow down!” Before the talker arrived, the voice arrived first, “Where are you going?”

Lu Shaoqing cursed at Ji Yan angrily, “Look, just because you were so delayed, Lao Lai caught up.” ”


The urge to hit people in Tan Ling’s heart came out again, “Bastard, what do you say?

“Two adults, little sister.” Shi Ji and Shi Liao also followed.

Lu Shaoqing was speechless, these three guys really had no brains and wasted my Xun Demon Stone in vain.

Don’t know that waste is shameful?

Lu Shaoqing asked Ji Yan, “Do you still have the strength to beat these three guys?”

“You dare?” Talk about dying.

Lu Shaoqing scolded angrily, “What don’t you dare?” You’re here now, everything before you were in vain, are you brainless? ”

Marde, specially help you clear your suspicions, so as not to make you a traitor, in the future, the Terrans will not be able to defeat your demon race, I can still find you to surrender.”

“Well, now you came to me and completely became a traitor.”

The three of Tan Ling understood, and the anger in Tan Ling’s heart suddenly disappeared.

She looked at Lu Shaoqing with a complicated expression, this bastard is not too annoying.

Shi Ji was very happy, “Master Lu Shaoqing, you are indeed a good person. ”

How can this chick issue good guy cards indiscriminately?

Lu Shaoqing’s face was solemn, “I’m not a good person, didn’t I see someone calling me a bastard?”

“What are you doing here?” Prevent us from leaving? Then he

said murderously to Ji Yan, “Let’s shoot, kill them, actually dare to stop us from leaving, tired of living.”

Shi Ji hurriedly waved his hand, “Lord Lu Shaoqing, Lord Ji Yan, we didn’t mean that.”

Her gaze fell on Tanling’s expression, and she didn’t know why Tanling suddenly came here.

Shi Liao sold Tan Ling for the first time, “Lord Ling should have something to ask you.”

Lu Shaoqing looked at Tanling, his expression suddenly overjoyed, a smile on his face, a mouthful of white teeth, looking sunny and handsome, “Are you planning to return my spirit stone before I leave?”

“Well, for your sake, I won’t charge you interest.”

As soon as he heard the spirit stone, the anger in Tanling’s heart came out again, rekindled, and the fire was even stronger.

Your strength is so strong, can you make a difference?

Spirit stones at every turn, spirit stones are you the root of life?

Tan Ling huffed and roared, “No, don’t think I’ll give you spirit stones. Tan

Ling even had the urge to take out his long piano and hit Lu Shaoqing’s head a few times.

Such a bastard, if you don’t fight, it’s really hard in your heart.

As soon as Lu Shaoqing heard this, his smile immediately disappeared, and he shouted to Tanling, “Lao Lai.” ”

Roll, roll, there is nothing to say, don’t return my spirit stone, you hurry up.”

Xiao Yi blinked his eyes and looked at Tan Ling’s gaze full of interest.

Sure enough, this demon sister is very special.

There must be an unknown secret between the two.

Xiao Yi smiled and said, “Sister of the Demon Clan, there is no spirit stone, it is better for you to pay for it.”

Lu Shaoqing was furious, and said to Ji Yan, “Clean her up, such a dirty junior sister, beat her to death for me.” ”

Ji Yan was as good as the flow, and he rewarded Xiao Yi with a chestnut, so that Xiao Yi hugged his head and closed himself.

Ji Yan turned to Tanling, “What’s the matter?”

Tan Ling pointed to the crack in the sky and asked, “What’s going on?” ”

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