Above the sky, the huge crack has been completely fixed, two or three hundred li long and more than ten li wide.

It is like both one eye of a demon and the mouth of a devil.

The blood basin is large, and it will devour everything in the world.

This huge crack made Tan Ling very uneasy.

She had to ask clearly.

Ji Yan looked at the huge crack in the sky, and he did not speak.

Lu Shaoqing said, “Who knows, but it’s definitely not a good thing.” Tan

Ling didn’t believe it, she stared at Lu Shaoqing, her eyes were stern, and she looked like she wouldn’t be polite to you if you didn’t say it.

“It’s impossible, otherwise why would you tell me to leave quickly.”

Tan Ling had reason to believe that Lu Shaoqing must know what it was.

“I don’t know,” Lu Shaoqing’s expression was sincere, “You ask me, who do I ask?”

“I let you go because I was afraid that something would happen to you here.” If you die, who will return my spirit stone? I don’t dare to go to your master to ask for it.”

Tan Ling rolled her eyes in anger.

Spirit stones, spirit stones, you know spirit stones.

I don’t owe you spirit stones, don’t you tell me to go?”

“Bastard, hurry up and make it clear to me.” Tan Ling couldn’t help it, took out the long qin, pointed at Lu Shaoqing and drank, “Otherwise, I’ll clean you up.”

Lu Shaoqing lay down, “I’m injured, you do it, kill me and you can be the hero of your demon clan.”

Tan Ling was very helpless about this rogue behavior.

So angry that she stomped her foot, but there was no good way.

At this time, Mu Yong’s voice sounded, “Terran brat, you settle the matter here for me before leaving.”

Mu Yong’s face was angry and arrived with a bit of killing intent.

Seeing Mu Yong appear, Tan Ling asked Mu Yong, “Master Mu Yong, do you know what that is?”

Mu Yong looked at Lu Shaoqing coldly, “Boy, do you know that you broke into trouble?

Lu Shaoqing lay on the back of the little white tiger and pretended to die with his eyes closed, ignoring Mu Yong.

Mu Yong was angry, he simply threatened in a loud voice, “Don’t think that you can just play dead, if you don’t solve this matter this time, don’t think about leaving.”

“I will always follow you and stop you from leaving.”

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t be calm, if Mu Yong followed them all the way, it would be dangerous for them to leave through the boundary plate.

Just interfere when crossing, and the person crossing will have to fall into the turbulence of time and space.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t pretend to be dead, sat up in a huff, pointed at Mu Yong and scolded, “Despicable villain, I really want to kill you.”

“Today’s events are all about you because of you.”

This scolded Mu Yong very depressed in his heart, and Lu Shaoqing really didn’t scold him wrong.

He originally wanted to see what would happen after Lu Shaoqing and the two exposed their identities, and at the same time, he also had the intention of investigating Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

See if these two are qualified to help him.

However, he never expected things to develop to this point.

Ji Yan suddenly spoke, looking at Mu Yong vigilantly, “You seem to know a lot about the things above?”

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Mu Yong looked at the curious expressions of several people in Tanling, thought for a while, and finally slowly spoke, “There is a black monster, they don’t know where they come from, they are extremely ferocious, and their strength is powerful.

“The most important thing is that there are many of them, and they are endless.”

“A thousand years ago, they suddenly appeared in the northern desert of the cold star, and the northern desert became black, whether it was the saints, the indigenous savages or all kinds of fierce beasts, all of them became their revenants under the sword.”

“The entire northern desert has become a dead place for a year.”

Shi Ji questioned, “However, now the North Desert is fine, there is no problem.”

Mu Yong said lightly, “The current North Desert is only one-tenth of the area of the former North Desert, and it is still a new North Desert formed by dividing a piece of land from Dongji.

“That’s why Dongji is the smallest area.”

“The former Northern Desert has long become a real desert, a real forbidden area for life on the Cold Star.”

Mu Yong temporarily stopped and let everyone digest these secret news.

The faces of the three saints were shocked, and this news had a great impact on them.

Shi Liao politely said to Mu Yong, “Master Mu Yong, if those monsters are so terrifying, why don’t you continue to go south?”

Tan Ling and Shi Ji nodded secretly.

If it really followed what Mu Yong said, those monsters should be very powerful, and the entire Cold Star should be destroyed by them.

Mu Yong snorted, “Do you think the Saint Clan people don’t do anything?

“After knowing the horror of these monsters, the Holy Land summoned the masters of the world to go to the Northern Desert to deal with them, and paid a huge price to eliminate them.”

Lu Shaoqing interjected, interrupting Mu Yong unceremoniously, “How do you know so clearly?”

“What are you?” Old guys who survived a thousand years ago? The

three of them also showed curiosity, and they also wanted to know what Mu Yong’s origin was.

Mysterious, like a master who appeared out of thin air, too mysterious.

Mu Yong just said, “My master was a cultivator of the realm of Transformation God a thousand years ago, and he followed him to participate in the war, and he knew a lot of secrets.

Mu Yong did not mention what his master’s name was, and his tone was flat, as if his master was an unsurprising little person.

“Follow?” Lu Shaoqing grabbed these two words, “Can you only be a follower in the Transformation God Period?

Mu Yong nodded, “At that time, the masters gathered by the Holy Land were at least above the Yuan Infancy Stage, both the Refining Void Period and the Fusion Period. The

crowd was shocked.

The refining period is terrifying enough, and there is actually a merging period.

Lu Shaoqing is numb, does the demon race still have such a terrifying existence?

Will it make a move on this handsome guy of yourself?

“And then?”

Xiao Yi, who was curious, couldn’t help but ask.

Mu Yong continued, “Then the experts of the Holy Race were killed and injured in half, suffered heavy losses, and have not recovered until today.

“My master survived the great war at that time, and I also learned these secrets from his mouth.”

Then he pointed to the crack in the sky and said, with a solemn expression, “Master showed me the portrait, at that time, such a void crack also appeared in the Northern Desert, and the monster came out of it.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he immediately said, “This is very good, you have experience in handling, you can handle it yourself.”

“Come on, I’m sure you can, work hard.”

“We Terrans will not mix, there is a chance that next time, ah, no, our well water does not violate the river water, everyone don’t pass by…”

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