Lu Shaoqing wanted to slip away, but Mu Yong glared at him angrily, “You want to be beautiful.”

“You provoked this, you have to fix it.”

Mu Yong knew what the black-robed population meant when they said that Lu Shaoqing was special.

Lu Shaoqing is indeed very special.

Even if others can break through the void, under the powerful power of space, even if the gap in the void is large, it will close.

But Lu Shaoqing was different, after the outbreak, he broke through the void and actually stabilized the void crack.

That’s the big trouble.

Those monsters, even his master said it, his face was full of fear.

His master’s original words were that if the crack had not been closed at that time, the monsters inside would have come out continuously, and the entire cold star would have been destroyed.

Their holy people will also be extinct.

Now that this similar crack has appeared, how not to make Mu Yong feel alarmed.

A way has to be found to shut it down.

And the best way is naturally Lu Shaoqing in front of him.

He is the key.

Lu Shaoqing was not happy, about his, he was not tall.

Lu Shaoqing was very dissatisfied, pointing at Mu Yong and scolding, “Who provoked it?” It’s the bastard of the Holy Lord, you’re looking for him.”

Mu Yong said lightly, “He did it on purpose, and it is his real purpose to deal with you and let you cause such a situation.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked again.

Even Ji Yan couldn’t help but look sideways.

This is the holy lord revered in the mouth of the demon race?

What is he going to do?

Those black monsters have no reason to speak of, they are the words of destruction, and everywhere they go, there is no grass, and they are dead and silent.

Let them appear here, into the cold star.

Even if there are many masters in the Holy Land, they can’t carry their endless number.

After Lu Shaoqing listened, he couldn’t help but ask, “Is the Holy Lord from Sangluo?”

“Are you going to destroy your demon race in this way?”

Lu Shaoqing could only think of this.

It is not the Terrans who have an unforgettable heart for the Demon Race and a hatred that does not share the sky, but the Sunlo people.

Because of the arrival of the demon race, the homes of the Sanluo people were occupied, and they could only shrink in the dense jungle of the southern wilderness.

The Sunlo may never be able to reclaim their homeland, so they will die with the Demon Clan.

Mu Yong spoke again in shock, “The Holy Lord is a Saint Clan, but he has been eroded. Once

again, the crowd was shocked.

Shi Liao couldn’t believe it, “No, it’s impossible, I’ve seen the Holy Lord and haven’t found anything wrong. Tan

Ling and Shi Ji also nodded, as disciples of the elders, they had not seen the Holy Lord many times, and they still had it once or twice.

They didn’t notice anything wrong with the Holy Lord, and neither did their Master.

Tan Ling expressed doubt, “If there is a problem with the Holy Lord, why didn’t the elders of the Holy Land find out?” Didn’t the lords on the holy mountain find out? ”

When my master is stupid?

Are the other elders dead?

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Which of them is not the dragon and phoenix among people, the peerless old fox?

There is something wrong with the Holy Lord, and it is impossible for them not to detect it.

Mu Yong took a deep look at Tanling, “There are some things that can be solved without discovering them. Besides, the Holy Lord did not lose his mind, nor did he have a great change in temperament.

“The monster didn’t control him, it just magnified the other side of him and made him more cruel and ambitious.”

“What ambition?” Talker asked again.

“I don’t know,” Mu Yong shook his head, “but his plan is very big, not just to return to the ancestral star. ”

Once he succeeds, both the Saint Race and the Terran Race will be doomed.”

Speaking of this, Mu Yong stared solemnly at Lu Shaoqing’s three Terrans, especially Lu Shaoqing, and he said seriously, “It’s about the fate of the two races, don’t run away.”

However, for Lu Shaoqing, this is about his, and he sincerely said to Mu Yongdao, “I am short, I have a weak heart, you please be wise.”

Then he pointed at Tanling and said, “This old Lai is powerful, you let her go.” ”

Tanling wants to tickle people, if I am strong enough, I will kill you as soon as possible.”

Mu Yong didn’t understand the meaning of these words, and said in a deep voice, “Do you really see death and can’t save it?”

“How do I save?” I can’t help it, what are you dragging in front of me, you are so cattle, you go to the Holy Lord, fight with him.

“If you beat the Holy Lord to death, isn’t it a hundred?”

Lu Shaoqing is very angry, am I also a victim?

Besides, the current situation is still made up by you bastard.

The more Lu Shaoqing thought about it, the more angry he became, and he said to Ji Yan, “Can you still do it?” We teamed up to kill this guy, and if we didn’t kill him, we couldn’t go back. Ji

Yan asked Mu Yong, “How did the Holy Lord get eroded?” ”

After many ancestors of Tianyu Peak were eroded, they made their own decisions at the first time, and they would definitely not let themselves become puppets and do evil.

And after not hearing that it was eroded, he was able to stay awake and did not lose his mind.

Mu Yong was silent for a long time, and finally slowly spoke, “Master brought back some things, I wanted to study them, but in the end…”

It turned out that this was the origin.

Tan Ling and the others were speechless.

The source of affection is in your master.

Lu Shaoqing was even more excited, pointing at Mu Yong and scolding, “Shameless fellow, the shit pulled out by your master, you still want me to help your master wipe his ass?”

“Go dreaming.”

Then he said to the conversation, “Look, the real culprit is here, hit him.” ”

Take out your sixth-grade weapon and smash him to death, and eradicate the bane for you demon, bah, the Holy Family.”

Looking at Lu Shaoqing, Tan Ling spoke his true heart, “I want to kill you first.”

Lu Shaoqing pointed to Tanling, hating iron is not steel, “Lao Lai, no brains, when is it, I still care about personal grudges.”

“Hurry up and kill the great enemy of your holy family, first kill him, and then ask your master to kill the holy lord, everything is peaceful.”

Tan Ling looked on coldly and sneered, “I think killing you is the peace of the world.”

Shi Ji stood up and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Master Lu Shaoqing, you are so powerful, you can help us.” ”

Although I don’t know how strong those monsters are, the mysterious Mu Yongdu is so solemn, which shows the seriousness of this matter.

Shi Ji really hoped that Lu Shaoqing could help, and she suggested, “If Lord Lu Shaoqing is willing to help, you can ask Master Mu Yong to give you a little reward.” ”

Pay?” Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up and asked Mu Yong, “Are you willing to give me the spirit stone?” ”

Talk about help, no help, really no help.

Mu Yong was very hurt, I said so much, it was not as good as Shi Ji’s words, he snorted and said, “Spirit stone? I don’t. ”

Poor ghost!” Lu Shaoqing immediately changed his face and said to Ji Yan, “Let’s go, whoever dares to stop him will kill him…”

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