Mu Yong was furious, it was a dog.

Say change face and change face.

Mu Yong suppressed his anger, “Do you really see death and can’t save it?

“Can’t be saved, according to what you said, those monsters are so powerful, my strength is not enough for monsters to plug their teeth.”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t want to go to this muddy water, he didn’t understand a little, “I can’t figure it out, where am I fancy by you?”

“I thought, I don’t have anything else to do but be handsome, what do you like about me?” I change, okay?

“Of course, if you want to say I’m handsome, I can’t help it, this can’t be changed.”

Mu Yong couldn’t help it, “Bastard, you handsome fart.”

“If you don’t promise, I will definitely not let you leave.”


Handsome hair.

You guy, who will notice your appearance.

Your hateful character is destined to make people want to kill you.

Shi Liao helped Lu Shaoqing speak, after all, Lu Shaoqing is now also his idol.

“Master Mu Yong, Master Lu Shaoqing can’t help it, it’s useless for you to force him like this.”

“Who knows this kind of thing except you know something?”

When Mu Yong met someone like Lu Shaoqing, he was very upset, and he hummed, “He is very special, since he can open the crack, he can naturally close the crack.”

“I’ll shut it off.” Lu Shaoqing wanted to kill Mu Yong, “It’s very special, are you a Tang monk for me?” ”

Before the crack in the cave could be closed, it was also a mistake, and he was in a passive state.

I don’t know anything and don’t know how to do it.

Just like this time, it was also a mistake, and he didn’t expect this.

Lu Shaoqing reiterated again, “I can’t close it, and I don’t know how to close it.” ”

Moreover,” after a pause, Lu Shaoqing stared at Mu Yong, and his attitude was very firm to Mu Yong’s eyes, “Even if I know, I don’t care, you bite me.” ”

Little sample, isn’t it you guy, I’m going to get in so much trouble?

At this time, I don’t fall into the hole to count myself as having a conscience.

Without spirit stones, still thinking about me helping, what is going on in my head?

Mu Yong was furious, this Terran kid was really annoying, he just wanted to speak, when suddenly a loud roar came from the sky.


The voice came out from inside the crack, as if the demon king roared from the depths of hell, and the sound was terrifying and penetrating, making people’s souls tremble.

After hearing this, the faces of the weaker ones turned pale, and some people were even frightened by this roar and fainted.

The feeling of uneasiness is even stronger, like the feeling of a knife on the neck that will hit the ground at any time.

Suddenly, someone pointed to a crack in the sky and shouted, “Quick, look!” A

black shadow rushed out of the crack.

The black body, covered with dense armor, is very terrifying, about two feet tall, with claws above the knee, bent legs, five claws sharp, strong and powerful.

An ugly triangular face that looks hideous.

Scarlet eyes, full of endless killing intent, sharp teeth, daunting.

The monster that suddenly appeared, a pair of scarlet eyes slowly looked around.

“So, what kind of monster is that?”

“Look, it looks very unpleasant.”

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“Mo, could it be a Void Monster?”

Numerous Saint Clan cultivators looked curiously at the black monster that suddenly appeared.

Unaware danger is coming.

Ji Yan’s gaze suddenly became cold, revealing killing intent, “It’s really them.”

When Mu Yong heard this, he was instantly shocked and asked Ji Yan, “You guys also met?” ”

Nope!” Lu Shaoqing didn’t say a word, and immediately denied it loudly, “I haven’t met it, and I haven’t seen it.”

Mu Yong looked at Lu Shaoqing with an expression that you and I were an idiot.

Even if I were a three-year-old, I could hear the falsehood in your words.

The three of them also stared at Lu Shaoqing suspiciously.

Tan Ling and Mu Yong mean the same thing, and Lu Shaoqing is definitely lying.

“Master Ji Yan, can you tell me what’s going on?” Shi Liao asked Ji Yan in a respectful tone.

His face was not very good-looking, and he seemed to have seen the moment when he was pumped in the face.

So he had to ask clearly.

Ji Yan did not hide it, and said lightly, “Our division has also encountered these monsters, resisted them for thousands of years, and killed and injured countless elites during this period.

Although Ji Yan’s tone was flat, Mu Yong and the others could hear the tragedy.

Shi Liao squatted down again to draw circles, and his face hurt.

Mu Yong captured unusual information from it, “Thousands of years? Your division has resisted for thousands of years? Ji

Yan nodded, “That’s right, the crack was completely closed two years ago.

Mu Yong was even more shocked, “The crack here in Cold Star was closed thousands of years ago, and before it closed, countless Saint Clan people were killed and injured. Your division is so powerful? The

three of them were also shocked.

In other words, is it calculated that their division can finish the entire cold star?

Lu Shaoqing interjected at the right time, and immediately said arrogantly, “You know you’re afraid, right?” Obediently give way, otherwise my master will kill with the army of the division and kill you as a despicable villain in the first place. ”

The current strength of the Lingxiao faction is certainly not comparable to the entire cold star, and the reason why the Lingxiao faction can withstand the attack of the monster is because of the strength of the unity of the Lingxiao faction, and it can resist it by relying on the formation.

And also lost a strong man in the Fit Realm.

Without the consumption of these monsters, the strength that the Lingxiao faction had accumulated over the past thousand years would at least be able to have a place in Zhongzhou.

Where to use the nest in Qingzhou, and the sect of Guiyuan Pavilion is equally divided among the world.

For Lu Shaoqing’s words, Mu Yong chose to ignore them.

Compared to Lu Shaoqing, Ji Yan’s words are more convincing.

And Ji Yan doesn’t look like a liar.

Mu Yong asked Ji Yan, “How did you close the Void Rift?” This

is what Mu Yong cares about.

The void crack here has not closed, and those monsters are constantly pouring out of the Holy Land, which may not be able to bear it.

The Holy Race can’t carry it, and there is no force on the Cold Star that can carry it.

At that time, the cold star will fall, and the Holy Race will really be finished.

Ji Yan shook his head, “I don’t know.

Mu Yong’s expression darkened, and the light in his eyes dissipated.

Is there really no way?

And Ji Yan paused here, thought about it, and finally sold Lu Shaoqing, he pointed at Lu Shaoqing and said truthfully, “At that time, after he crossed the robbery, the crack was closed.”

Lu Shaoqing raised his middle finger to his senior brother, extremely contemptuous, “Bastard, is there a person like you who sells his junior brother…”

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