Ji Yan’s words surprised Mu Yong, Tan Ling and the others again.

Mu Yong stared at Lu Shaoqing with burning eyes, “No wonder he said that you are very special, it turns out that you can really make the crack open or close.”

Lu Shaoqing was so frightened that he forgot his injury and jumped away, but quickly lay down screaming.

“It hurts me.”

Every bone in his body was screaming, every flesh and blood was roaring.

Tears flowed out of Lu Shaoqing’s eyes in pain.

He stared at Mu Yong viciously, murderously, and pointed at Mu Yong angrily, “You talk nonsense again, I will slaughter you.” ”

Lu Shaoqing doesn’t want to be labeled specially.

Putting a special label means that he is different from others.

You can’t do anything if you want to keep a low profile.

He will even become a Tang monk in the eyes of others.

Absolutely nothing special, ordinary and inconspicuous is what he wants.

Mu Yong was not angry, and his eyes became more and more hot, as if he saw a big beauty.

“No wonder after you come in, he will personally take action, it turns out that he has long known that you are different.”

“Before, I was just guessing, but now I can be sure that you can definitely close the crack.”

Lu Shaoqing said to Ji Yan, “Can you kill him? How about I teach you the trick I just used?

“Let me kill this god-hating demon race, kill him, crush him to ashes, and break him into the smallest molecule in the world…”

Ji Yan was also weak at this time, shaking his head, “You and I are in a similar situation.”

“If you don’t satisfy him, how can we leave?”

After Xiao Yi next to him listened, he understood.

Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing have already been injured, and their strength is not one in ten, and in the face of Mu Yong, a mysterious master, the two of them can’t fight together.

Now it seems that he has to fulfill his wish in order to leave.

After figuring it out, Xiao Yi was very angry.

What an abominable fellow.

Xiao Yi really wanted to open his mouth to greet Mu Yong.

But thinking of the state of his two senior brothers, Xiao Yi could only become silent, staring at Mu Yong viciously on the surface, and constantly greeting Mu Yong in his heart.

Mu Yong smiled, very impressed by Ji Yan’s clarity, “That’s right, as long as you help close the crack, you can leave, you can go wherever you want, I will not obstruct.”

“On the contrary, when the time comes, I will personally protect you, let you leave, and protect your safety on the Cold Star.”

Lu Shaoqing stared at Mu Yong with faint eyes, “It seems that I have to help you?”

Mu Yong laughed, and was just about to speak, when suddenly, above the sky, there was another roar of the monster.

The monster that had been stopping roared, raised its head to the sky, and the roar was deafening.

Its scarlet gaze fell on the numerous Saint Family cultivators.

Murderous, it licked its lips, and its wings suddenly stretched out behind it, shaking slightly.

The next moment, it was like a black lightning bolt striking at many Saint Race cultivators.

“I don’t know if I’m alive or dead!”

Someone snorted coldly, and a Yuan Infant of the Sword Family stood up.

This time, the sword family suffered a big loss, and everyone from all over the sword family was holding their stomachs.

They can’t beat Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing, but you a monster that doesn’t know where to come and provoke the swordsman?

“Give me death!”

The Yuan Infant of the Sword Family faced the monster that rushed to kill, and the long sword swung out, and the sword qi was rampant.

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The terrifying sword radiance shrouded the monster, and the sharp sword intent instantly cut the monster that was only in the Jiedan period into countless fragments.

The sword family’s Yuan Ying shot with all his strength, he was venting his anger, and he was showing the strength of the sword family.

The monster wailed and disappeared into the sword light.

The sword family Yuanying took the sword and stood proudly, “I don’t know if I’m dead or alive!” The

confidence he exuded made him feel that he had helped the sword family regain face.

Everyone in the Sword Family also shouted one after another, “Elder is mighty! ”

Mighty adults!”

“Haha, it’s just a little monster, dare to challenge us? Find death! ”

A monster in the Jiedan period, not measuring himself…”

But the next moment.

There were more roars from the crack, and then one black monster after another rushed out of the crack.

In the blink of an eye, thousands, tens of thousands, or even more monsters rushed out.

This scene frightened all the Saint Family cultivators.

The necks of everyone in the sword family, who were still shouting just now, seemed to be pinched by someone, and they couldn’t make the slightest sound.

Everyone was terrified.

Including Mu Yongtanling and others, the strength exuded by these monsters is not strong, that is, the Jiedan period or the foundation building period, but there are too many of them, thousands, tens of thousands.

And inside it is constantly rushing out, like a beast that has been locked up and starved for countless days.

A pair of scarlet eyes, with bloodthirsty cruelty and madness.

So many monsters gathered together, and the aura they emitted was amazing.

The salivation flowing from the corners of their mouths fell like raindrops, and after falling to the ground, the ground appeared white eyes, making a moisturizing sound, corroding the ground.

Soon, the ground beneath the crack turned black.

It seems to be pure black, devouring all light, strange and evil, terrifying and seeping people.

“Too, it’s terrible.”

“Quick, run…” The

cultivators of the Holy Race were calm, many of them turned pale with fright, and some turned and ran.

With this run, the monsters seemed to have been instructed and began to act.

With a flutter of wings, they rushed down into the sky, like a group of black locusts, and the black pressure gave people great pressure.

The people of the three families of the Jian family, the Cui family, and the Luan family who came this time had better discipline and did not escape without permission.

An old man from the Luan family stood up and shouted, “Everyone don’t need to panic, form a battle. The

Yuan Infant of the Sword Family and the Cui Family also stood up, they stood in the front, followed by many clan disciples.

Hundreds of cultivators gathered together, and they formed a formation to protect the wounded behind.

Coming from large families, they know that turning around and fleeing in the face of the enemy is the most stupid thing to do.

Even if it is a retreat, it is necessary to face the enemy head-on and block the enemy so that there is a way to escape.

Black monsters don’t care about anything, facing an existence that is not one of them.

They have only one instruction in their heads.


The black monster rushed towards it, like a black tide falling from the sky, pounced on the numerous Saint Family cultivators.

In the face of the swooping monster, the Yuan Infant cultivator at the front took the lead.


In an instant, the sword light path lit up, the spell flashed, the powerful spiritual power roared, and the sky shook…

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