Seeing Lu Shaoqing swearing, Mu Yong had a little more smile on his face.

In his opinion, Lu Shaoqing was the cause of the crack, then he was the key to closing the crack.

Lu Shaoqing first gave Mu Yong a preventive injection, “I tell you, don’t blame me if the crack can’t be closed.”

“All I can say is try my best.”

Mu Yong nodded, “Just do your best.” What

he was afraid of was that Lu Shaoqing would not be able to contribute.

It really can’t be closed, and it can only rely on the saints themselves.

Of course, if you can’t close it, then Lu Shaoqing won’t want to leave.

“What’s next?” Tan Ling asked.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “Of course it’s running.” ”


Mu Yong’s gaze immediately sharpened.

As soon as your vows are finished, you want to run?

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing cursed, “Bastard, don’t you also look at the current situation?

“Aren’t you supposed to let me go up now?”

“So many monsters, I’m injured, I go up and give myself to them as a takeaway?”

There were no less than 100,000 monsters appearing in the sky, some of them impacting the sword family and other Saint Family cultivators, and most of the rest were hovering densely in front of the crack.

It is as if guarding the crack to prevent others from destroying it.

Now let Lu Shaoqing go up, with his state, even if those monsters are only low-level monsters, it is enough for Lu Shaoqing to drink a pot.

Mu Yong looked up at the crack, and the aura on his body suddenly became mysterious.

He said confidently, “I’ll deal with them, I’ll buy you time, and I hope you don’t let me down.”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t believe a hundred words, “Brag about you, you go to buy time?”

“You might as well take off your clothes, wash yourself up and send them clean and let them fight to eat you, so you can buy more time.”

Mu Yong smiled, and suddenly his breath continued to climb, the sixth layer of the Yuan baby, the seventh layer of the Yuan baby, the eighth layer, and the ninth layer.

In a blink of an eye, he reached the realm of the ninth layer of the Yuan Baby.

The powerful aura expanded to the surroundings like a hurricane, the explosion of the breath, and the invisible shock wave constantly collided with everything in the circle.

Mu Yong’s sudden change shocked everyone present.

Unexpectedly, Mu Yong was hiding his strength.

Yuan Baby Nine Layers!

Moreover, its aura is so powerful and its spiritual power is so thick that it is not much stronger than the sword five of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant.

Sword Five against the current Mu Yong, it is estimated that he will be killed by Mu Yong in less than ten rounds.


Lu Shaoqing’s eyes almost fell to the ground.

Lu Shaoqing’s forehead immediately sweated, and he was afraid in his heart.

Grandma’s, this bastard can pretend better than me.

It’s actually so well hidden.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing’s surprised look, Mu Yong was very satisfied, and his heart was a little more confident.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t give him any face, and even tried to kill him.

Now you know my strength, right?

He said to Lu Shaoqing, “My true strength doesn’t stop there, I can’t withstand the coercion of the Avatar God here. ”

It’s not so much to explain to Lu Shaoqing, but to show off to Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing’s expression became a little strange, “Can’t the Avatar God enter here? ”

Is it because the Holy Lord’s finger didn’t poke me to death at once?

Mu Yong nodded, “That’s right!

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Lu Shaoqing asked again, “So, you can only have the strength of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant here?”

Mu Yong smiled confidently when he heard this, “That’s enough.”

But when he saw Lu Shaoqing’s constipated expression, he seemed to understand.

He smiled, “It’s useless for you to join forces now, it’s late.”

Lu Shaoqing let out a long sigh, “Yes, it’s late.” Then he

cursed at Mu Yong, “If you had told me earlier, I would have killed you all.” ”

Lu Shaoqing is afraid of the Avatar God outside, and he already knows that the Avatar God can’t enter, so he doesn’t care what sword and sword five, he will definitely kill them completely.

The people who came here to hunt him down were all killed.

Mu Yong understood, his face sank, snorted, and stopped dwelling on this topic.

He said, “Go, go now!” ”

The number of monsters has not increased for the time being, and for Mu Yong, this is the best opportunity.

Ji Yan said to Lu Shaoqing, “I’ll accompany you.” ”

Accompany Mao,” Lu Shaoqing was not appreciative at all, pointing at Xiao Yi and said, “Look at this fool, wait for me to come back.” ”

Xiao Yi’s mouth is deflated, so fierce to me, so gentle to senior brother.

When I come back, isn’t this something that the little couple will say?

Lu Shaoqing thought for a while, pointed to the three of Tanling and said to Ji Yan, “Let them roll, don’t let them follow, it may be okay to be followed by Lao Lai.”

“I’ll take care of the above and leave when I come back.”

“Bastard, who do you say is Lao Lai.”

“Whoever curses is.”

Lu Shaoqing’s words made Tanling half angry.

Then Lu Shaoqing endured the pain, lying on Mo Junjian and following Mu Yong up.

As soon as Lu Shaoqing left, Ji Yan sat on the back of the little white tiger.

Lu Shaoqing looked back and saw it, almost falling from Mojun’s sword, and the scolding voice came down from the sky, “Bastard, don’t grab my place.” Although

he was injured, his swearing voice was full of anger.

After scolding Ji Yan, he went to greet Mu Yong again, “Mu Yong, do you want cumin or something?” You sprinkle a little, and when it is eaten, it will taste better. ”

I wish you to be bitten to death in one face…”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t go up quickly, but he greeted Mu Yong all the way up.

Tan Ling was speechless.

At this time, Ji Yan said to Tanling, “Talk girl, let’s go.”

“Get out of here and go back to the Holy Mountain.”

Tan Ling was stunned for a moment, “Why?”

Ji Yan just said lightly, “The next will be very dangerous, and if you don’t want to die, you will leave.”

“Don’t live up to his kindness.”

After speaking, he motioned for Xiao Yi to leave here.

Looking at Ji Yan’s distant back, and then at Ji Yan and Mu Yong, who were like small black dots in the sky, Tanling’s brows furrowed even more.

There was a bad feeling in my heart.

It always feels like something big is going to happen.

Tan Ling said to Shi Ji and Shi Liao, “Let’s go.”

“Don’t you take a look? Lord Yukinaga is here, it should be fine, right? Shi Ji asked, she was optimistic about the situation next and didn’t worry too much.

Muyong’s powerful strength and mysterious origin can make people’s hearts stable.

Shi Ji was curious about what came next, and she didn’t want to miss it.

Tan Ling shook his head and decided to steady his hand first, “First go near the exit to see the situation.”

“Lu Shaoqing said that there is danger, not necessarily danger, but if there is danger, there will be danger.

Tan Ling didn’t dare to stay here and take risks….

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