Xiao Yi held the little ape in his hand, and the little ape proudly squeezed his eyebrows at the little white tiger.

Just now, it wanted to follow the plan, but the little white tiger didn’t let it get on its back.

Therefore, it simply got into Xiao Yi’s arms, and it can be regarded as occupying the position that belongs to the little white tiger.

The smile made the little white tiger itch his teeth with anger, and a pair of eyes stared at the little ape angrily, wanting to bite it to death.

But now that Ji Yan is sitting on its back, it doesn’t even dare to make a big move.

Lu Shaoqing’s horror is because Lu Shaoqing likes to clean it up by various means.

Ji Yan didn’t do anything to it, but Ji Yan’s own aura was enough to make it dare not provoke Ji Yan.

Moreover, Ji Yan is still the master brother of his master.

His own master is silent, and its little spiritual pet can only obediently be a worker.

Xiao Yi followed Ji Yan and ran far away, under the ground, there was no need to worry about being discovered by black monsters for the time being.

After Xiao Yi arrived, she really couldn’t bear it and asked Ji Yan, “Senior brother, are we like this?” Being

bullied by Mu Yong like this and not doing something, Xiao Yi felt a hundred uncomfortable in his heart.

Ji Yan did not open his eyes, he was seizing the time to breathe and recover his body as much as possible.

Ji Yan said lightly, “I believe your second senior brother.” The

faint tone shocked Xiao Yi’s spirit.

This is the familiar master brother.

He maintained unconditional faith in the second senior brother.

Xiao Yi didn’t ask at the moment, looking at the sky, she was looking forward to the next thing.

Above the sky, the monsters had spotted them when Mu Yong broke out.

When Mu Yong and Lu Shaoqing went up, the monsters attacked them.

One by one, black monsters let out a terrifying cry and rushed down into the sky.

Fast as lightning, leaving black afterimages in the air.

However, although there are many monsters, Mu Yong’s strength is now the strongest existence in the Absolute Rift Abyss.

I didn’t see Mu Yong make any movement, but I heard him snort coldly, and his powerful aura was like a cold wind blowing.

Countless monsters froze suddenly, and then exploded with a bang, becoming fragments in the sky.

Black blood mixed with countless fragments of stump fell one after another, like a black rain.

Just a cold snort, tens of thousands of monsters that pounced on it fell, this is the power of the Yuan baby.

But none of this scared the monsters, and the remaining monsters were enraged.

They all roared loudly and continued to rush forward one after another.

Lu Shaoqing followed behind Mu Yong, he didn’t care about these low-level monsters.

His gaze fell on the rain of blood that fell one after another, and he stretched out his hand.

A fist-sized, still beating thing fell into his hand.

It looks strange, beats violently on the surface, and it should be the heart of a monster.

Holding it on the palm of his hand, just a few breaths, Lu Shaoqing suddenly found that this heart was in line with his own heartbeat rate.

At the same time, a consciousness suddenly came out of the heart.

Let Lu Shaoqing merge with it.

At the same time, Lu Shaoqing felt that after fusing with it, his strength would increase greatly and he would become even stronger.

Like a beauty whispering, full of endless temptation.

Lu Shaoqing was determined, and his Dao Heart cultivation was even more invincible.

There was no change in the face, and a divine consciousness submerged into the monster’s heart.

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Sure enough, a very weak spirit was found inside.

Like the first buds, it is very weak and cunning.

However, Lu Shaoqing was subjected to endless evil and terror above him, as if there was a supreme terror behind him.

After discovering that Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense came in, he cunningly wanted to escape.

But where would Lu Shaoqing allow it, he wanted to grab it, but his will was too weak, and with just a light touch, it turned into nothingness and disappeared completely.

The will disappeared, and the heart in Lu Shaoqing’s hand also stopped beating, quickly dried up, and then turned into black ash in Lu Shaoqing’s hand, scattered with the wind.

Lu Shaoqing’s brows furrowed, is this why monsters can erode infections?

An evil will upper body, ordinary people really can’t bear it, easy to be seduced.

However, such a monster did not appear in the Lingxiao faction’s cave heaven and earth.

Ancestors, they also did not say that monsters would infect people in such a way.

Lu Shaoqing also killed a lot of black monsters, and did not find such a weird heart.

Are there still different types of monsters?

Lu Shaoqing muttered in his heart.

But now that’s not his concern.

Looking up, the sky is still bloody.

In the face of Mu Yong’s powerful strength, the monsters with considerable strength and the Yudan period could not even get close to Mu Yong.

He rushed forward and killed one after another, but turned into a blood mist in front of Mu Yong.

A black blood mist covered the sky, emitting a disgusting smell.

As Muyong gets closer to the crack, the number of monsters decreases.

Unexpectedly, no more monsters appeared inside the crack for the time being.

This made Mu Yong overjoyed, and he said to Lu Shaoqing, “Hurry, take advantage of the monster’s lack of reaction.”

“I’ll stop the monster, you go and see if there’s a way to close the crack.”

Lu Shaoqing pouted, his heart moved.

Mo Junjian cut an arc in the air and carried him to the crack.

After the monsters noticed Lu Shaoqing’s actions, all the monsters let out a huge roar.

Even the monsters who were besieging the other Saint Clan cultivators turned back and killed Lu Shaoqing.

Mu Yong followed behind him and escorted him.

He held a long sword, the sword qi was rampant, the powerful spiritual power burst out, and the unparalleled power suppressed everything.

Countless monsters were killed and screamed, and countless deaths and injuries were innumerable.

No matter how roaring and desperate the monsters were, they couldn’t break into Muyong’s twenty-mile range.

For monsters, the twenty-mile range centered on Muyong is to enter, which is a heavenly graben that they cannot surmount.

Any monster that breaks in will become a revenant under the sword.

Lu Shaoqing ignored Mu Yong, and when he came to the crack, he was observing the crack.

It was like a blank piece of paper being torn open from the middle, and then opened it forcefully, forming a crack.

Black lightning lingered on the edge of the crack, and from time to time a black light flashed, which made people palpitate.

Behind the crack is black, pure black, black that can swallow all the light, and you can’t see anything inside.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t rashly put his divine sense in, he didn’t want to make trouble for himself.

All he had to do now was see if he could close the crack.

And the key to closing the crack may be those black lightning bolts.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on the black lightning, and his divine consciousness carefully extended out…

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