Black lightning lingered on the edge of the crack, like black pythons drilling around, which was terrifying.

Black lightning is undoubtedly the key to fixing the cracks.

It is like a nail that fixes the position of the crack, so that the crack cannot be closed.

Lu Shaoqing thought about using his divine sense to probe first, see what was special about these lightnings, and see if he could get rid of the lightning.

As soon as his divine sense touched the black lightning, he felt a burst of cheers from the black lightning.

Feeling the joy of black lightning, Lu Shaoqing was shocked, and you were happy.

Do we know each other?

It’s so weird.

Lu Shaoqing felt that it was better to take back his divine sense.

However, those black lightning bolts that touched the divine consciousness actually fused together and instantly turned into a huge lightning.

Looking at the black lightning that was thicker than his arm, Lu Shaoqing exploded.

Turn around and run.

It turned out to be a step late, and as soon as he turned around, the black lightning bolt fell in the air.


Black lightning slashed directly at Lu Shaoqing.


Lu Shaoqing shouted, my life is at rest!

Mu Yong was also taken aback, wouldn’t it, the crack still has a self-protection function?

Will anyone who approaches be chopped?

So thick lightning slashed down, and the slag turned to ashes, right?

But the next moment, Mu Yong found that Lu Shaoqing was fine.

Although covered in white smoke and his hair stood on end, he became an explosive head, but he was still alive.

Mu Yong was even more shocked.

What breed is this kid?

Cut by such a thick lightning, okay?

Sure enough, it is special enough, and it really has a great connection with the crack.

Lu Shaoqing’s side screamed, “Dead, I’m dead…”

After shouting a few times, Lu Shaoqing found that he was not dead, not only that, but he was not injured.

Lu Shaoqing was even more strange.

Although he has already completed his refining body, he is not enough to carry thunder and lightning without anything.

Such a thick thunder and lightning, the worst must be made to make his skin bloom, right?

But he checked it and found that he was indeed not injured at all.

The injuries left by the battle with Sword Five and the Holy Lord were not aggravated by this.

There was also some smoke in the clothes, and the hair was permed with negative ions.

Lu Shaoqing must have felt that his consciousness appeared in the sea of knowledge.

He saw the ball of energy above the sea.

Instantly understood.

Lu Shaoqing wanted to cry.

This big guy doesn’t pay the rent, and now he actually calls outsiders in.


What are you going to do as a dog tenant?

Have a party?

Can you respect me as a landlord?

Otherwise, you can pay some rent.

Lu Shaoqing is very helpless, this year, it is really not easy to be a landlord.

Lu Shaoqing’s consciousness returned, and he was very sad to lie on Mo Junjian.

“Boss, it’s so comfortable, come again.”

Mo Jun’s thoughts came.

Lu Shaoqing also reacted at this time, not only the dog tenant could absorb black lightning, but also the Mojun sword under his crotch.

I also absorbed a lot just now.

The Mojun Sword was forged by him using the parts of the monster’s body and using black lightning.

Mo Junjian was also not allergic to black lightning, but he took the opportunity to absorb some just now.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t want to speak.

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This style of painting is becoming more and more abnormal.

It’s about to deviate from Cold Star to the thirteen states.

Mu Yong’s voice came, “Boy, are you all right?”

Lu Shaoqing shouted weakly, “I’m dying, do you say I’m okay?”

Mu Yonghu became suspicious, although Lu Shaoqing was struck by lightning, he could not detect a change in Lu Shaoqing’s breath.

He snorted, “Boy, don’t think about being lazy. ”

Lu Shaoqing was immediately furious, bastard, didn’t you see the spicy coarse lightning slashing on me?

Are you still not human?

And there is no conscience.

Lu Shaoqing immediately straightened his body and pointed at Mu Yong and scolded, “If you don’t need your eyes, you will buckle them out and feed the dog.” ”

I was struck by lightning, can’t you see? Are you blind?

“With or without compassion, capitalists are not as ruthless as you.”

The scolding was full of anger, which made Mu Yong relax his heart.

Then, he seemed to feel something, looked up, and was overjoyed.

The crack actually closed for a while.

Lu Shaoqing looked up, he was first shocked and then sad, his painting style was outrageous.

Is this kind of thing okay?

The closed section is the one that loses the black lightning.

Mu Yong instantly understood, and also knew that black lightning was the key to maintaining the Void Rift.

Overjoyed, he said to Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, continue!”

Lu Shaoqing was shocked.

He asked Mu Yong sadly, “How many degrees is your body temperature?”

“How do you get this cold thing out of your mouth?”

“Didn’t you see me hurt? Please, be a person. ”

You’re not human, and neither is that dog tenant.

Are you all not human?

Mu Yong smiled, as if he did not intend to be a person, he said, “I am a holy race, not a human race, so I am not a human. Lu

Shaoqing was shocked again, there were actually people who were more shameless than themselves?

I met an opponent.

Mu Yong is very powerful, both in intelligence and strength.

But fortunately, Lu Shaoqing comforted himself in his heart that he was not handsome.

Lu Shaoqing continued to fight, “I am indeed injured and can’t move. ”

Grandma Li, I won’t bow down to a capitalist like you.

Mu Yong sneered, and a powerful aura pressed over, “If you don’t go, you can try my long sword.” ”

Another threat.

For Mu Yong, the most important thing now is to close the crack, and Lu Shaoqing’s life or death has become unimportant to him.


Mu Yong’s gaze carries a hidden Senran, a special person, it is better not to appear.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the long sword and shouted sadly and indignantly, “Good sword, good sword.” Really a good sword, followed by a good owner. ”

Marde, don’t let me find an opportunity, or I’ll have to kill you.”

Under Mu Yong’s coercion, Lu Shaoqing once again drove the Mo Jun sword back.

Angry, his consciousness pervaded, and he touched the black lightning above the crack.

Just like before, black lightning converged, and this time it became even bigger.

Thicker than a hundred-year-old tree, like a black python covered in lightning.


The loud thunder was deafening and startled everyone.

Numerous Saint Family cultivators looked up and were attracted by the huge black lightning.

You can feel the horror and horror from far away.

“Obedient, this, this lightning…”

“Haha, the target is that Terran Zhang Zheng?”

“Can’t even see lightning, are you going to chop him to death?”

“Haha, you deserve it, God has eyes, haha…”

“He is dead, such a thick lightning, even if the god comes, he has to fall.”

“Great, God help my holy family…”

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