Seeing the black lightning that was several times larger than Lu Shaoqing falling towards Lu Shaoqing, all the Saint Race cultivators were extremely excited in their hearts, this

Terran was simply too hateful.

Cunning, the mouth is also hateful.

The Holy Lord couldn’t kill him, which made many Saint Clan cultivators feel defeated in their hearts.

It’s annoying to think about.

Now huge lightning bolts are falling, even if the black lightning reveals that it is evil.

But at this moment, many Saint Family cultivators felt that the black lightning was their own.

The three of them also stopped and watched the huge lightning in the sky fall towards Lu Shaoqing.

The three of them were extremely shocked, how could they be struck by lightning when they went up?

Tanling was speechless.

Can’t even lightning get used to that bastard’s behavior?

That bastard is really a hateful guy everywhere.

Hacked by lightning, okay.

It’s just that this thunder and lightning is too big, will it be chopped to death?

“It’s not saved, it’s dead.” Shi Liao next to him said it again, very sure.

Shi Liao gritted his teeth in his heart, I don’t believe that I can’t say it once today.

Shi Liao’s heart was bitter.

He didn’t even know who to complain to.

In the past two days, he has been frantically beaten in the face, and his face has been swollen.

In the judgment of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, he has not been hit once.

Every time I was pumped in the face.

But this also made Shi Liao very unconvinced.

I don’t believe it won’t happen once.

This time, the huge black lightning seemed to be half as big as Lu Shaoqing.

The power contained in such lightning is extremely terrifying.

When the god comes, he must also kneel down and sing conquest before this lightning.

Therefore, Shi Liao is very confident this time.

Huge black lightning rumbled down, hitting Lu Shaoqing in everyone’s gaze.

When the huge pain came, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but shout.


is not a physical pain, but a pain from the soul.

Lu Shaoqing found that black lightning fell and entered his body, and then disappeared and quickly appeared in the sea of knowledge, being absorbed by the black energy ball.

Lu Shaoqing was furious, and sure enough, it was this dog tenant who made a ghost.

If you don’t give rent, you can find something for yourself.

As soon as his heart moved, the Yuan Baby in his body appeared.

Lu Shaoqing was ruthless in his heart, do you eat? I’m going to eat it too.

Don’t give me rent, and still want to eat and drink for nothing?

I risked great danger to snatch these black lightning bolts back, why give them all to you?

The ruthless Lu Shaoqing urged spiritual power, and the black yuan baby also took the initiative to absorb the black lightning.

A crisp, warm feeling came, and Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but groan.


So comfortable, no wonder the dog tenant silently absorbs it.

Not only that, Lu Shaoqing also found that Yuan Ying had grown a little, which was equivalent to the results of a few days of hard work.

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Lu Shaoqing’s eyes brightened.

Sure enough, there are good things not to share.

Lu Shaoqing glanced at the black energy ball on his head, despised it in his heart, and continued to absorb the black lightning.

In an instant, the black lightning around Yuan Ying lingered, crackling and shining, exuding an amazing momentum.

Soon, Lu Shaoqing found that he could not continue to absorb.

This froze him.

The rebel child is actually full at such a point?

Looking at the dog tenant who was still swallowing overhead, Lu Shaoqing was a hundred unhappy in his heart.

It felt like watching a shining spirit stone flow in front of him, and he couldn’t get a single one.

Watching the energy ball swallow black lightning, don’t mention the more diaphragm in my heart.

The main thing is that the dog tenant does not give rent, otherwise Lu Shaoqing will not be too lazy to leave it.

Watching the black lightning continue to decrease, Lu Shaoqing’s heart was fierce again.

Even if I am full, I have to fill my bowl, even if it is wasted, I will not give you this dog tenant to eat.

Lu Shaoqing once again urged the spiritual power to let his Yuan Infant continue to absorb black lightning.

Soon, black lightning accumulated more and more, and the Yuan Baby’s body was full of black lightning.

The black light shines, bathed in black lightning, and it is all in one.

After absorbing a circle, Lu Shaoqing found that he could no longer continue to absorb.

Just when he was distressed, he suddenly found that he could continue to absorb.

Just about to be overjoyed, when he knew the reason, he was furious.

The dog tenant is actually absorbing the lightning on his body, sucking away what is on his body, so that he can’t continue to absorb it?

“Dog tenant, don’t go too far.”

Lu Shaoqing pointed at the energy ball and scolded, “If you don’t give rent, you still want to rob me?” ”

Only he pulls other people’s bowls, and no one else pulls his bowls.”

It’s unbearable.

Lu Shaoqing was so angry that his eyes turned red.

But let him deal with the dog tenant, does he have the guts.

Then find a way from yourself, how can you not let the dog tenant rob what belongs to him.

But when all the lightning was absorbed, Lu Shaoqing didn’t think of a way.

At this time, the energy ball above his head began to snatch the lightning that lingered outside his body.

“Dog tenant, don’t go too far.”

The domineering behavior of the energy ball was so angry that Lu Shaoqing’s back teeth were almost crushed.

It was too much, and I actually put chopsticks into my bowl.

The more Lu Shaoqing thought about it, the more angry he became, but now all he can do is keep his own food, and can’t let the dog tenant clamp it.

However, Lu Shaoqing did not have a good method, even if he was imprisoned with spiritual power, he could not resist the plunder of the energy ball.

The energy ball seemed to have a great interest in black lightning, constantly pulling and devouring from Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing also decided that what was favored by the energy ball was definitely a good thing.

Such a good thing was going to be taken away, Lu Shaoqing’s heart was dripping blood, and his eyes were red with anger.

Lu Shaoqing finally simply shrouded his Yuan Infant with divine consciousness, and his Divine Consciousness turned into a barrier and shrouded the Yuan Infant inside.

Unexpectedly, the black lightning around him became docile and obedient, like a good child.

And in an instant, they seemed to become a part of Lu Shaoqing’s body, at his disposal, like an arm.

Lu Shaoqing was overjoyed, this method worked.

The black energy ball above his head flashed slightly and then stopped, as if he knew that there was no way to snatch the black lightning from Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing’s heart moved, and the black lightning on his body transformed into a black spirit armor on Yuan Ying’s body, looking majestic and murderous.

Lu Shaoqing’s consciousness returned, he stretched out his right hand, and a black lightning bolt appeared on the palm of his hand….

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