Seeing that Lu Shaoqing was slashed by such a thick lightning bolt and could still jump alive, many Saint Family cultivators no longer wanted to speak.

Freaks, absolute freaks.

It’s not that freaks definitely can’t do this.

Who was struck by lightning and didn’t do anything at all?

Shi Liao squatted on the ground again and drew circles, deeply closing himself.

Tan Ling finally confirmed one thing.

Super bastard guy, don’t even want to collect for days.

Lu Shaoqing found himself unlocking new skills.

He can manipulate those black lightning.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes narrowed with a smile.

It seems that handsome guys will take shit luck.

The black lightning was small, like a small black snake swimming in his hand.

Around it, countless black filaments constantly appeared, just like its hands and feet.

Lu Shaoqing fixed his eyes, it was a void crack that kept appearing.

Black lightning can constantly cut through space.

But it’s not an infinite cut.

Black lightning cuts through space and also consumes its energy.

With just a few breaths, the black lightning became more slender.

Lu Shaoqing’s heart moved, and the black lightning disappeared instantly, and a void crack of about the same size appeared on his hand.

Without black lightning, the Void Crack closed quickly.

Lu Shaoqing was still thinking of further experimentation, and suddenly, he felt a chill in his heart, and he noticed a killing intent behind him.

Lu Shaoqing turned around and met Mu Yong’s cold gaze.

However, the cold gaze quickly receded, and the killing intent disappeared, and Mu Yong said to Lu Shaoqing with a smile, “Boy, well done.”

“Keep up the good work, a few more times, and the crack will be able to close.”

Mu Yong, who laughed, looked very kind, like a big brother who cared about people.

Smiley Tiger!

Lu Shaoqing cursed in his heart, and his vigilance against Mu Yong increased again.

Lu Shaoqing said to Mu Yong, “I’m very tired, and I have to rest for ten days and a half month.” ”

Tired is definitely tired, and it hurts to be angry with the dog tenant.

And with such a big lightning slash down, the pain for a moment is not so good.

And his own hair, which is no longer the same.

Silly birds come back and can directly mention the new home.

Mu Yong didn’t intend to be a person, so he said unceremoniously, “Continue!”

“Take advantage of the fact that the monster is not appearing now, quickly close the crack.”

Lu Shaoqing’s performance was in his eyes, and it was no longer possible to describe it as special.

It’s already an evil door.

He had lived for so long, and it was the first time he had seen such an evil thing.

Since he is a guy from the evil sect, he cannot be treated normally, and he must be squeezed, seriously pressed, and squeezed hard.

Squeeze him dry, and it’s better to die of exhaustion.

Just now, Mu Yong really wanted to kill Lu Shaoqing for a moment.

Lu Shaoqing’s evil sect made him feel terrible.

Where is Lu Shaoqing willing to obediently obey.

He is familiar with the allusions of birds hiding with bows and crossing rivers and demolishing bridges, and he also plays thieves.

Mu Yong’s killing intent just now had already let him know what would happen after he closed the crack.

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Lu Shaoqing sighed and directly lay on the Mojun sword, “I’m very tired now, I can’t continue.”

Mu Yong hummed, “You don’t pretend to be tired of me here, you can fool others, you can’t fool me.”

“Are you going to break your oath?”

Lu Shaoqing straightened up angrily and pointed at Mu Yong, “I swore an oath, and you must also swear.”

“I closed the crack, you have to let me go.”

Mu Yong smiled slightly and said sincerely, “Of course, I have already said, you close the crack, you can go anywhere.” ”

Smiley Tiger!

Lu Shaoqing once again despised Mu Yong in his heart.

“The way you laugh is really ugly,” Lu Shaoqing was not a little polite to Mu Yong, “If you don’t swear, I won’t do it.”

Mu Yong took a deep look at Lu Shaoqing, and then swore very crisply, “I promise not to treat you here in the Absolute Abyss…”

Mu Yong did not refuse, but obediently swore an oath.

After Mu Yong finished swearing, his smile remained unchanged, and he couldn’t see what he really thought in his heart.

But this kind of trick may be able to hide from others, but not Lu Shaoqing.

For Lu Shaoqing, it was enough, all he needed was time, even ten breaths, it was enough.

Lu Shaoqing snorted, and immediately stopped grinding foreign workers.

Divine consciousness pervaded, and the lightning around the crack once again converged and slashed towards him.

When I first enter the body, my body will not be harmed, but I will still be hit mentally and it hurts.

Lu Shaoqing shouted while competing with the black energy ball for black lightning.

With experience, the black lightning that was absorbed was transformed into a spirit armor by him and wore on the Yuan Baby, and then stored.

The lightning that he absorbed was equally divided with the black energy ball, which made Lu Shaoqing very satisfied.

Why was most of the things you risked to be robbed by you, the dog tenant?

Thinking that the dog tenant would be angry, Lu Shaoqing was happy.

I am also more motivated to work.

With his efforts, the Void Crack quickly closed by two-thirds, and the remaining length of the crack was less than a hundred miles.

Lu Shaoqing was like a hardworking tinkerer, slashed by lightning again and again, absorbing lightning while trying to repair the void crack.

After Mu Yong saw it, the joy on his face was even greater.

At this speed, it didn’t take half an hour for Lu Shaoqing to close the crack.

And those black monsters were even more irritable, and anyone could hear the anxiety and anger in their roars.

They kept rushing up, but this low-level monster was so fragile that it was like a moth to a fire, and it kept falling.

There were originally more than 100,000 monsters, but the continuous impact caused their casualties to be heavy, only one-fifth remained, and they were constantly decreasing.

As the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant, Mu Yong was simply not too simple to deal with these low-level monsters.

Often a sword is swung, thousands, tens of thousands of monsters scream and become a blood mist in the sky.

Mu Yong was ruthless, and in order to prevent the monsters from reviving, Mu Yong did not leave them a whole corpse.

Mu Yong’s method once again made the cultivators of the Holy Land in awe of him.

Even if it is a monster, few people can sit on their faces and kill without changing their heartbeats.

Mu Yong sat down.

Lu Shaoqing’s attention was highly concentrated and extremely vigilant.

Especially the crack in the crack is getting smaller and smaller, and the more vigilant he is.

He didn’t believe that monsters would be indifferent.

Those meta-infant level monsters or even higher will appear at any time.

Sure enough, when the range of the crack was only more than thirty miles, an earth-shattering roar suddenly came from inside the crack.


A huge black shadow came out of the crack with a terrifying aura.

“Marde! Late Yuan Baby! ”

Lu Shaoqing turned around and ran…

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