If it is said that there is a fight to divide the victory and defeat to determine the ownership of the name, there will be no problem with a monkey and a tiger.


The punishment for losing made the two spirit pets disagree.

Shave your hair if you lose, isn’t that just stripping naked?

Pass it on, and monkey face and tiger face?

The matter of the name can be solved slowly by yourself in the future, so don’t interfere with the big devil.

A monkey and a tiger looked at each other, and they both understood the meaning in each other’s eyes.

So, there was a tacit understanding.

It means no, they don’t fight for the name.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “It’s late.” With

a wave of his hand, the little ape and the little white tiger were thrown to the ground in unison.

Lu Shaoqing said to them, “Fight, you must beat me, whoever wins is Xiaobai, and the one who loses will be called Bai Mao in the future.” ”

Second Senior Brother, this…” Xiao Yi was also dumbfounded, looking at the two spirit pets on the ground, she was worried, “Second Senior Brother, wouldn’t it be inappropriate to do this.”

“What’s wrong?” Lu Shaoqing asked rhetorically.

“They are not good because of their names, and if they continue to make trouble now, they will hate each other even more when the time comes.”

“Huh?” Lu Shaoqing was a little surprised, “Will you use your brain?” ”

It’s nice to think of that.

The two spirit pets can’t look at each other, and some people are pressing, and they won’t turn over the sky for the time being.

In the future, if the strength is increased and no one presses it, sooner or later a fight will start.

It is better to let them solve the contradiction now.

Fight and decide who is the eldest and who is the second.

Lu Shaoqing asked Xiao Yi, “Then you have a good way?”

Xiao Yi shook her head, what could she do.

On one side is his own spiritual pet, and on the other side is the spiritual pet of the master brother.

Wronging no one can do it, so it is difficult for her to do.

“But, second senior brother, one of them is in the early stage of the Jiedan period, and the other is in the late stage of Jiedan, and the little monkey will suffer a loss when fighting.”

The little ape followed Ji Yan, and was practiced by Lu Shaoqing, and his strength increased by leaps and bounds, but it was still only in his infancy, and his strength was still only equivalent to the early stage of Jiedan, and it was still the kind that had just started, a layer of realm.

And the strength of the little white tiger is much stronger than that of the lower ape, and he has been mixed with Xiao Yi in the Peerless Rift Abyss for two years, and his strength is already in the late stage of Jiedan, at least the beginning of the eight-layer realm of the Jiedan period.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, this girl.

Then Lu Shaoqing said to a monkey and a tiger, “What are you still stunned for?” Hit ah, call me.

“Don’t think about releasing water, if anyone dares to release water and touch fish, I will clean up whoever it is.”

“Silly monkey, if you dare to release water, I will castrate you, silly cat, if you dare to paddle, I will pluck your hair.”

No way.

Under Lu Shaoqing’s threat, a monkey and a tiger could only move.

The little ape pointed at the little white tiger, very dissatisfied.

It’s all to blame on you stupid cat, you see, provoke the big devil, right?

The little white tiger fried.

I’m a tiger, not a cat, what do you stupid monkey understand? It’s all because of you.



One monkey and one tiger, accusing each other, and in the end, the more they talked, the more angry they were, and they simply fought.

The body of the little white tiger was shocked, its body seemed to be injected with air, its body expanded rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a mighty white tiger that was ten or so tall.

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The little ape is no less, the same monkey body shocked, and the body size also became larger.

However, because of its age, it has not yet been able to reach the height of its father’s generation, and can only become a little King Kong, which is one head shorter than the little white tiger.


A monkey and a tiger roared at each other, showing a murderous aura.

Rush towards each other.

The little ape’s hind limbs jumped hard, and two deep pits several meters wide immediately appeared on the ground, and the powerful force set off bursts of smoke and dust.

The little white tiger was the same, jumping on all fours, and the two sides collided fiercely in midair.


The two spirit pets are both innate divine powers, and powerful forces collide.

An invisible fluctuation burst out.

It was like a fierce wind blowing all around, blowing up dust in the sky.

The fine dust turned into a sandstorm under the sweep of the wind, covering the sky.

The two spirit pets showed their housekeeping skills one after another.

The little white tiger’s limbs and tail are powerful weapons, and one claw can crack a mountain.

The little ape has a humanoid body and is quick and sensitive.

In the face of the little white tiger’s attack, it easily dodged and appeared to be at ease.

It also knows how to use weapons, and the stones and sand on the ground are its weapons.

So as to fight back and forth with the little white tiger, on a par with it.

Xiao Yi looked at the two spirit pets worriedly, one monkey and one tiger fighting fiercely.

Huge body, huge strength, every collision makes the surroundings shake endlessly, setting off dust in the sky.

The little white tiger roared, an invisible sound wave came out of its mouth, and the dust on the ground whistled up under the impact of the sound wave, scraping towards the little ape like a knife.

The little ape jumped lightly, and its huge body was as fast as lightning, easily out of the killing range of sound waves.

At the same time, he picked up a boulder on the ground and smashed it towards the little white tiger.

The boulder cut through the air, pierced the dust, and the force of 10,000 catties turned the boulder into a cannonball and whistled towards the little white tiger.

The little white tiger did not dodge, facing the situation of smashing, raised its tiger claws and fiercely faced the boulder.


A loud sound sounded, and the boulder fell apart.

Then the little white tiger rushed out like lightning from the rubble, and with the help of the cover of the rubble, it instantly killed the little ape.

The huge body fell, and bombarded the little ape’s chest heavily.

The little ape was caught off guard, and was beaten upside down and fell heavily on the ground, rolling over, and gnawing a mouthful of dirt.

The little white tiger hit the hand and roared proudly at the little ape.


The little ape was enraged, and his eyes turned red.

With a roar, he went straight to the little white tiger.

was taken advantage of by the little white tiger, which made the little ape extremely angry.

Seeing that the little ape was enraged, a hint of pride flashed in the little white tiger’s eyes.

Along with Xiao Yi, it also became much more cunning.

Its figure swung and appeared in front of the little ape with a barbed tail, like an iron rod knocking heavily on the little ape’s face door.

Hmph, in this way, you still don’t lose?

The tiger’s tail is powerful and powerful, and it is one of the weapons that the little white tiger must kill.

The little white tiger’s eyes were even more proud, and his mouth showed tiger teeth because of his laughter.

But the next moment, its smile disappeared.

Its tail was firmly grasped, a powerful force came from its tail, and it felt that the scene in front of it began to turn upside down…

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