
The huge body of the little white tiger was smashed heavily on the ground, like a mountain collapsing, making the ground shake endlessly.

The powerful wave once again set off endless dust.

Stand on the boat and don’t worry about eating dust.

Xiao Yi tried to keep his eyes wide open, looking at the battle between the two little whites, looking very nervous and worried.

“Second Senior Brother, they won’t be fine, right?”

Lu Shaoqing sat on the side of the ship with a relaxed expression, “What can happen?”

“Can’t die.”

I saw the little ape grabbing the tail of the little white tiger and using the little white tiger as a hammer to smash the ground.

Smashed the ground with a bang, like a strong earthquake.

Xiao Yi was distressed to see it, but he was also surprised.

“The little monkey actually dares to grab Xiaobai’s tail, isn’t it afraid of pain?”

What kind of tail the little white tiger is, Xiao Yi knows very well.

Usually it is furry to the touch and cute.

But when fighting, the tail is a big killer.

Not to mention the force, there are sharp barbs hidden on it.

Even spirit armor can easily penetrate.

The little ape was actually able to catch it without fear of pain.

Xiao Yi had to admire, “No wonder I can become the spiritual pet of the senior brother, there are indeed a few times.” ”

Whether it is age or its own strength, the strength of the little ape is much worse than that of the little white tiger.

However, now the little ape has the upper hand, making the little white tiger suffer a little loss.

The little white tiger was smashed twice, but he also reacted, and then he was also furious.


Do you dare to catch my tail too?

It seems that if you don’t give you some strength, you don’t know how powerful I am.

The little white tiger’s heart moved, and the white hairs on its tail were mixed with barbs, like sharp steel needles, standing upright.

You let me go!

The little white tiger roared lowly.

It has been decided in his heart that as long as the little ape lets go, it will immediately pump its tail on the little ape’s face.

Do you dare to catch the tail of the tigress?

However, what happened next shocked the little white tiger’s eyes.

A sword intent suddenly erupted from the little ape.

Feeling this sword intent, the little white tiger was so frightened that his feet softened.

The body that finally stood up lay on its stomach again, and let the little ape seize the opportunity to smash it from left to right.

The barbs on the tail of the little white tiger are not good for the little ape.

It made the little white tiger feel that his barbs seemed to be stabbed on the steel plate, and it did not play any role.

Xiao Yi in the distance was also wide-eyed.

The sword intent that erupted from the little ape’s body was familiar to her.

Isn’t this the sword intent of his senior brother?

Xiao Yi looked up at Ji Yan, who closed his eyes and cultivated, and finally cast his curious gaze at Lu Shaoqing.

“Second Senior Brother, does the little monkey follow Senior Brother to cultivate?”

Lu Shaoqing shrugged and explained lightly, “Your senior brother has eaten enough and gave the stupid monkey a sword intent.”

“The silly monkey doesn’t know how to comprehend sword intent like humans, so it cultivates the sword intent and usually uses it to exercise.”

“You can take it out and use it when you fight, to achieve a surprising effect, just like now.”

Ji Yan gave the little ape sword intent, but did not clearly know how it was used.

Just let it fumble on its own.

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The little ape took this sword intent as a seed and cultivated it in his body.

When needed, use it, and after use, continue to take it back.

It is also a groping path, and it is a matter of what it will achieve in the future.

Ji Yan did not interfere, and Lu Shaoqing also let it go.

But now it seems to be working well.

The offensive function has not yet been developed, and the defensive function can be used well.

At least the tail of the little white tiger does not play any role in front of the little ape.

The little white tiger was caught by the tail and smashed it a few times, causing it to scream.

It can’t reach the little ape if it wants to turn back and bite the little ape.

The lower ape monkey is cunning and has not given the little white tiger a chance.

Finally, the little white tiger was so angry that he opened his mouth again.

An invisible energy erupted from its mouth, suddenly converged into an invisible ball of energy, although it was invisible, but it exuded terrifying fluctuations, and the surrounding air seemed to be distorted, shaking the surroundings like a wave, rolling up gusts of wind.

The energy ball rolled the dust around it, like dragging a long tail, and smashed heavily towards the little ape.

If the little ape does not hide, it will have to resist this blow, and if it hides, it will have to let go and let go of the little white tiger.

The hard-won advantage will be relinquished.

Xiao Yi could also see the situation of the little ape.

She guessed, “Little Monkey should let go, Xiaobai’s blow is not so good.”

However, the little ape did not let go as Xiao Yi thought, but his eyes showed fierceness, and his hands desperately grabbed the tail of the little white tiger, and he threw it up again.

Facing the little white tiger’s energy ball, it did not dodge, but chose to resist hard.


The energy ball smashed heavily on the back of the little ape, and an explosion occurred instantly, and the powerful impact enveloped both the little ape and the little white tiger.


A monkey and a tiger roared loudly.

This blow exploded, the little ape suffered a loss, and the little white tiger was not good.

The same way of playing.

Although the little ape firmly grasps the tail of the little white tiger, it is blown up.

The little white tiger took advantage of the little ape’s lack of reaction, its body suddenly shrunk, and took the opportunity to retract its tail.

The little white tiger flicked his tail, and then recovered his huge body again, jumping and throwing the little ape on the ground.


The little white tiger roared at the little ape, and the little ape was not polite, and directly smashed a punch on the little white tiger’s eyes.

The little white tiger in pain shouted, and in anger bit the little ape’s shoulder.

In the face of sharp teeth, the body of the little ape could not resist.

With a pop, blood splattered.

The little ape in pain screamed.

Xiao Yi was even more worried, “Second Senior Brother, do you want to stop it?” It’s all bloody. ”

Block? Can you stop it? Lu Shaoqing still didn’t think so, a small injury was not a big deal.

Let these two guys fight thoroughly and see who convinces whom.

Without a little blood, how can you completely convince both sides?

The little ape was bitten and screamed, it could not break free, and it was also aroused fiercely.

It also opened its mouth and bit into the neck of the little white tiger.

The little white tiger suffers pain, but does not let go when he dies.

In this way, the two spirit pets instantly turned into hand-to-hand combat, both biting each other, neither of them letting go, nor refusing to reduce their strength.

The two spirit pets were both letting go of their own whispered roars, both wanting each other to let go, but they refused to let go first.

Xiao Yi was already stomping his foot in a hurry, “What should I do if they are like this?”

Lu Shaoqing suddenly stood up and stared into the distance.

“Second Senior Brother, do you want to tell them to stop?” Xiao Yi was overjoyed.

The corners of Lu Shaoqing’s mouth suddenly turned up, “No need, naturally there is something to make them stop…”

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