Xiao Yi didn’t understand the meaning of Lu Shaoqing’s words, and was about to ask a question.

Suddenly, there was a vibration in the distance.

A rumbling vibration sound came from a distance, and Xiao Yi looked up and followed the prestige.

In the distance, the ground arched and dusty, as if something was heading towards the two spirit pets from the ground.

The two spirit pets also sensed something coming in the distance.

They all growled lowly, signaling each other to let go.

But helplessly, they all want each other to let go first, and then they let go.

Both sides are based on each other’s distrust, and neither side wants to let the other take advantage.

Even if danger looms.

Seeing that the other party refused to let go, both sides were angry in their hearts.

With a little more strength on their mouths, the two spirit pets suddenly couldn’t help but roar low.

And in the distance, the ground was dusty, and what was hidden rushed towards them at speed.

Xiao Yi was even more anxious, the thing in that position was menacing, and it was definitely not a good stubble.

The dirt rolled, like an earth dragon hidden in the ground,

but the two spirit pets actually didn’t mean to let go at all.

So angry that Xiao Yi hit them, “Really, when is it, still fighting there.” ”

Second Senior Brother…”

Lu Shaoqing smiled, not angry about this, but looking forward to it.

“Let’s watch the play.”

Xiao Yi was worried, “However, if the incoming enemies are strong, they will be in danger.”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t care, and said a little grimly, “Dead is dead, who let them still bite each other at this time?” ”


The ground shook more and more intensely, and even Xiao Yi could feel the strong vibration on the boat.

It’s no different from an earthquake.

The arched marks had already arrived in front of the two spirit pets, and suddenly a huge black shadow rushed out from the ground.

A large mouth full of sharp teeth bites towards a monkey and a tiger.

Sensing the danger, a monkey and a tiger could not care about each other, and at the same time released their mouths and fled away as soon as possible.


Big mouth gnawed a mouthful of mud.

The head smashed heavily on the ground, and set off a cloud of smoke.

Xiao Yi saw clearly what was coming.

A strange-looking monster that looks a bit like a crocodile in front and has a long mouth full of sharp teeth.

The teeth are sharp and terrifying.

But its body is like a snake, huge and slender, up to fifty or sixty meters long, and there is a large body left underground, unable to know the true length.

The whole body is covered with black scale armor, as if wearing a heavy armor, majestic and terrifying.

The monster missed a bite and straightened its head like a cobra.

Scarlet eyes stared at the two spirit pets, greed appeared in their eyes, and salivation appeared at the corners of their mouths.

I haven’t encountered such prey for a long time.

Eating them fills the stomach.

The monster hissed, impatiently, and excitedly attacked.

Open your mouth and bite at the little white tiger.

Compared with the little white tiger, it looks larger than the little ape and eats more delicious.

The monster has a huge body, but its speed is not weak at all.

With a mouth open, a head flicked, and the huge body rushed towards the little white tiger like a bolt of lightning.

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The little white tiger is furious, it’s easy to bully when a tiger is, right?

Its strength is stronger than that of the little ape, but it can’t take advantage of the little ape, and it is a fire in its heart.

It just so happens that the monster appears, allowing it to vent its anger on the monster.

The figure of the little white tiger flashed, and without wings, it flashed and flew in the air, like a flexible bird.

Easily avoided the monster’s attack.

Then he saw the right moment and flew behind the monster’s head and landed on the monster’s back.

Sharp tiger claws were shown and grabbed hard.


The sparks and countershock power from the claws made the little white tiger stunned.

Its claws are sharp, which is nothing less than a divine weapon, and ordinary spirit armor cannot block its edge.

However, is the monster’s scale armor so strong?

Just when the little white tiger was stunned, he suddenly felt a darkness in front of him.

The monster’s head twisted back at an incredible angle, and it bit towards Xiao Bai with its mouth wide open.

The little white tiger hurriedly pulled back, avoiding the monster’s mouth.

The aura emitted by the monster is also in the late stage of Jiedan, and the power of the huge body is a little stronger than that of the little white tiger.

Coupled with a hard scale armor, the little white tiger couldn’t help it for a while, and could only try to find an opportunity to strike.

The little white tiger fights the monster very fiercely, much more fiercely than the fight with the little ape.

The powerful force made the ground shake and crack, and cracks and deep pits appeared.

On the ground, the monster towered its body, using its mouth as a weapon, and constantly attacked, leaving the little white tiger with no way to start.

But the little white tiger is not a vegetarian either.

It followed Xiao Yi in the Absolute Rift Abyss for almost two years, experienced in battle, and quickly found the weakness of the monster.

Finally, the little white tiger saw an opportunity, roared, shook over the monster’s mouth, and came to its head.

The little white tiger showed his tiger claws again and grabbed the monster’s eyes fiercely.

The eyes seem to be the weak point of the monster, and there is no protection from scale armor here.

With a pop, blood splattered.

The little white tiger hit the hand and snapped out the monster’s eyes.

The monster screamed, its body constantly curled up, and it swung wildly.

But the little white tiger stood firmly on its head, not moving.

The little white tiger with his eyes shouted excitedly, and the monsters also came to provoke the tiger?

The happy little white tiger was careless for a while and relaxed his vigilance.

A black shadow flung out of the ground, mixed with dirt, it was the tail of the monster, like an arrow shot out of the darkness.

Beat the little white tiger hard.

The little white tiger was caught off guard, and a huge force hit it, causing it to scream and spray blood angrily.

It was pumped and fell off the monster’s head.

While still in mid-air, the monster’s tail struck again.

The little white tiger was still in a state of confusion, unable to dodge at all, and was rolled up firmly.

The huge force made the little white tiger couldn’t help but scream.

The monster roared excitedly.

Open its mouth, roll up the little white tiger and send it to its mouth, it wants to taste this delicious prey.

The little white tiger was rolled up honestly and could not break free.

Feeling the intention of the monster, it roared even louder.

Invisible energy balls constantly came out of the mouth, hitting the monster without the slightest effect.

On the contrary, because of this, it quickly loses its strength and becomes weak.

Just as the monster was about to put her in its mouth, suddenly a huge stone fell from the sky…

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