
The little ape descended from the sky like a divine soldier at a critical moment, carrying a boulder and smashing it into the monster.

The monster was smashed solidly.

Although protected by strong scale armor, the scale armor cannot withstand the huge force.

The monster was smashed dizzy, its tail subconsciously loosened, and the little white tiger hurriedly took the opportunity to escape.

It looked at the little ape that rushed up to fight the monster.

Unexpectedly, the little ape would come to the rescue at a critical moment.

The little ape slipped behind the monster, still holding a boulder in its hand.

However, the monster’s scale armor is strong, and it also has no way to break the monster’s defense.

Watching the little ape being pressed and beaten by the monster in a few strokes, its mouth and tail were caught back and forth, and it was dangerous, and it fell into a dangerous situation.

The little white tiger roared and rushed up to deal with the monster with the little ape.

The two spirit pets joined forces, and soon the monsters could not care about each other.

Had to contract like a snake, coil his body and take a defensive stance.

The little white tiger barked at the little ape, reminding the little ape that the monster’s eyes were a weakness.

The two spirit pets discussed it, and finally the little white tiger took the initiative to attract the attention of the monster.

The monster saw the little white tiger, and the remaining eye became redder, and the murderous aura increased sharply.

It roared and pounced on the little white tiger, grappling with the little white tiger.

The little ape cunningly climbed on the monster’s head along the back of the monster like a tree.

In a way, it also grabbed the eyes of the monster.

Unexpectedly, the monster was already on guard and closed its eyes.

Strong eyelids protect the eyes.

At the same time, he also noticed the little ape on his head, and angrily began to focus on the little ape who was the old sixth.

Huge tails swept across.

At this moment, a sword light suddenly struck in the distance, hitting the monster’s eyes.

With a pop, the monster’s last eye was gone.

A wave of sword intent poured into the monster’s head along the wound, frantically strangling the monster’s flesh and blood.

The monster let out an earth-shattering roar, and its body swept around wildly.

The ground shook, the landslide cracked, and it was a mess.

After the monster roared, its head shrunk, ready to get into the soil and escape.

Xiao Yi, who was killed, shouted, “Don’t let her run.” ”

The two spirit pets of the little white tiger and the little ape monkey also cooperated with Xiao Yi to attack the monster.

The power of the two spirit pets was huge, grabbed the tail of the monster, and dragged the monster out of the ground abruptly under the combined force.

One person and two spirit pets joined forces to fight, and finally killed the monster.

After Xiao Yi cut off the monster’s head in half, the battle ended.

“Second Senior Brother, look, this is the flesh and blood of that monster, take a look…”

Xiao Yi came back with a piece of flesh and blood, and Lu Shaoqing covered his nose, “Did you bring its anus back?”

“Stay away from me.”

Lu Shaoqing observed the flesh and blood that Xiao Yi brought back, although it was fresh flesh and blood that had just been cut from the monster.

However, this piece of flesh and blood was the same as the rotten meat that had been left for ten days and a half months, and it emitted an unpleasant smell.

Dark red blood dripped down and landed on the deck with a sizzling sound, corrosive.

Lu Shaoqing evaporated the blood with a wave of his right hand, and said to Xiao Yi, “Throw it away, my ship is stinking.” Xiao

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Yi threw out the piece of meat as soon as possible, and then burned it clean with the previous fire.

“Second Senior Brother, what do you think is going on?” Xiao Yi asked Lu Shaoqing curiously.

The monster was just dead, but the flesh and blood were as if they had been dead for days, which was really strange.

Lu Shaoqing also didn’t understand, thinking that those black monsters had appeared here, this situation seemed normal.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t think much about it, just set his eyes on the two spirit pets that had shrunk and were the size of puppies.


“Who do you think won or lost?”

Xiao Yi hurriedly pleaded with Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, it seems that they have not divided the victory and defeat. ”

Might as well forget it.”

Lu Shaoqing held Mo Jun’s sword and sharpened his nails, his eyes fierce, “Since there is no difference between victory and defeat, you decide for yourselves, whose hair will I shave?” A

monkey and a tiger looked at each other, and finally stepped forward at the same time.

After stepping forward, he found that the other party was doing the same thing as his own, and he yelled at each other.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing was happy, “Do you all want to be white hair?”

“Okay, let’s go together.”

A monkey and a tiger took a step back tacitly.

Xiao Yi pleaded again, “Second Senior Brother, if they are like this, they will definitely not fight in the future, so forget it.” The

little white tiger and the little ape nodded one after another, hiding their bodies behind Xiao Yi’s feet, indicating that Xiao Yi was right.

Lu Shaoqing asked viciously, “No dispute, what about the name?” The

little white tiger and the little ape looked at each other, and they both saw the meaning in each other’s eyes.

The reason why they cling to this name is just because of face, and they don’t want to let themselves fall in front of each other.

Now, it’s okay.

Noticing the meaning of the two spirit pets, Xiao Yi hurriedly proposed his own method, “Just think of one more name.”

“Leave it to me.”

Xiao Yi was afraid that Lu Shaoqing would come again to let the two spirit pets fight, and the name or something should be solved by himself.

Then Xiao Yi decisively touched the head of the little white tiger and said to the little white tiger, “You are older than the little monkey, your name is Da Bai, and the little monkey is called Xiao Bai, how is it?” The

little white tiger was satisfied, mainly because he heard the word “big”.

The little white tiger let out a low roar in agreement.

The little ape has no problem with this, and it is good that the little white name belongs to it.

Seeing that one monkey and one tiger did not object, they both accepted their respective names.

Xiao Yi secretly complained in his heart, I should have thought of this method a long time ago, so I didn’t need them to fight.

Xiao Yi smiled and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, look, get it.”

Lu Shaoqing threw out the boundary piercing disk and said to the little ape, “Go and learn!” The

little ape immediately held the boundary plate with a bitter face and obediently followed the boundary to recognize the words, and the little white tiger was curious to follow.

It originally thought that it was to see the liveliness, but Lu Shaoqing came to say something.

“Silly cat, you too, follow along.”

The little white tiger froze on the spot.

Do I have anything to learn as a tiger?

Xiao Yi asked curiously, “Second Senior Brother, what are you studying?”

“Learn to read, and then learn the formation for me after you know it.”

Xiao Yi’s eyes lit up, and he said to Little White Tiger, “Big white, come on.” ”

Plop!” The little white tiger rolled his eyes and pounced on the street on the spot.

Lu Shaoqing’s side asked about Xiao Yi’s encounter with Cold Star in the past two years…

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