Lu Shaoqing was stunned, suspecting that he had misheard, he blinked his eyes and asked Ji Yan, “What did you say?” You repeat?

“I allow you to think through it and organize the language before speaking.”

In the end, Lu Shaoqing’s tone was not good.

Ji Yan’s face was expressionless, and he said again, “Give me the spirit stone, give me a million first.”

“I’ll give you a hammer, give you a million hammers, do you want it?” Lu Shaoqing jumped up, not looking injured at all, and said viciously to Ji Yan, “Have you been beaten in the brain?”

Xiao Yi didn’t understand either, blinking his eyes.

Spirit stone is the lifeblood of the second senior brother.

Even if you are a master brother, it will not be given to you.

You might as well want something else.

Other things, although the second senior brother is stingy, he will not be as unwilling to give people as the spirit stone.

However, Xiao Yi also knew the character of his senior brother, and since he opened his mouth, there must be his reasons.

Xiao Yi asked Ji Yan, “Senior brother, is there any problem?”

Ji Yan said, “Haven’t you noticed something wrong with the spiritual power here?” ”

Something wrong?” Xiao Yi hurriedly tried it.

At this time, she found that the spiritual power in her body had dropped a lot.

It is like a pond, but suddenly encounters a dry period, and the water level inside drops.

Just now, she and the two spirit pets fought the serpentine monster and consumed spiritual power.

But usually don’t care, even if you don’t have to go to rest, the spiritual power in the body will slowly replenish.

Xiao Yi tried to absorb the surrounding spiritual power again, the surrounding spiritual energy seemed to be sufficient, but in fact, there was very little spiritual power that could be absorbed by her.

Naturally, the spiritual power in her body was replenished very little.

According to her current state, the battle just now came two more times, and her body was empty, and she was unable to fight again.

Xiao Yi was shocked, and just now he focused on the two spirit pets, and forgot himself for a while.

“This, how is the spiritual power here…”

Ji Yan said, “This place is eroded and infected, which is a little better than the sect’s cave sky.” ”

In that place of the sect, the hole in Lu Shaoqing’s mouth is fierce, and the spiritual power inside is even more difficult to absorb directly.

When you enter it, you have to bring spirit stones, and you have to use spirit stones to replenish spiritual power when fighting.

Lu Shaoqing still looked bad, “There is a fart that is wrong, and it has no effect on me at all.”

“You’re different.” Ji Yan said, “Don’t talk about you. ”

Lu Shaoqing’s strange plans are no longer strange.

In the cave heaven and earth, Lu Shaoqing was able to not rely on spirit stones, let alone here.

Lu Shaoqing hummed, “It’s not that the spiritual power here can’t be absorbed, do you walk slowly?”

“Waste spirit stones, waste shameful, Heavenly Dao has spirits, the first time to chop you this guy who does not know saving.”

Xiao Yi said weakly beside him, “Second Senior Brother, it seems that the main purpose of spirit stones is to supplement spiritual power…”

However, these words instantly attracted Lu Shaoqing’s anger.

Lu Shaoqing poked his finger at Xiao Yi’s head, “What did you say?” You repeat?

“Did you suck up too much air here from the Demon Race, making you as brainless as the Demon Race?”

Xiao Yi held his head and was poked under the table.

“By the way,” poking and poking, Lu Shaoqing suddenly reacted, “Calculate it, you idiot has to give me a million spirit stones.” ”

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When Xiao Yi heard this, he couldn’t hold it anymore, and slammed his head and made an intimate contact with the deck.

Xiao Yi didn’t care about the pain, she got up at the first time, covered her forehead, and looked at Lu Shaoqing stupidly, “Second, second senior brother, what do you say?” ”

When did I owe you a million spirit stones?

We haven’t seen each other for two years, how long has it been since we met again?

I haven’t even eaten a single spirit bean from you, where do I owe you a spirit stone?”

Lu Shaoqing said again, and intimately slowed down his speech speed to prevent Xiao Yi from missing it, “You owe me a million spirit stones, remember to remember it when the time comes.”

“Given my relationship with you, I won’t charge you interest.”

Xiao Yi’s eyes darkened, and he really didn’t hear it wrong.

The second senior brother really said that he owed him the spirit stone.

Did the wool get to the cute junior sister?

“For, why?” Xiao Yi suddenly missed Master very much.

Master, come soon, I’m going to be bullied by the second senior brother.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said, “Come, don’t be in a hurry, I’ll calculate for you…” Ji

Yan interrupted Lu Shaoqing’s words, “Don’t think about changing the topic, give me the spirit stone first, I want to heal my injuries.” ”

The aura here is not good, and the time to recover here is doubled.

Ji Yan can’t wait that long.

“Don’t give!” Lu Shaoqing refused without even thinking about it, “This is the spirit stone I worked hard to earn with my life, how can it be given to you?” Ji

Yan looked at him and earnestly reminded, “At least half of them are mine.”

“How about we do the math?”

“Calculate it, I’m afraid you won’t make it?” On the issue of spirit stones, Lu Shaoqing was resolute and did not flinch, even if the Immortal Emperor came, don’t think that he would easily hand over the spirit stones.

Ji Yan said, “Without me, you can earn so many spirit stones?

“I don’t want half, I want three points and one is not too much, right?”

“I’ll go!” Lu Shaoqing was so shocked that he jumped up again, “Do you want a face?” As soon as you open your mouth, you have to be one third, you are such a cow, why can’t you go to the sky? ”

One in three, more than ten million spirit stones.

Kill him.

Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth and stepped forward two steps to show his resolute attitude, “Don’t even think about it.” I won’t give you half of the spirit stone.

Ji Yan suddenly pointed in a direction and said to Lu Shaoqing, “What do you see?”

Xiao Yi looked in the direction pointed by Ji Yan.

In the distance, the huge body of the monster was like a small hillside there.

The stench emanating from dead bodies can be smelled here, too.

In the smoke, the blurred figure of the monster exudes a bit of weirdness.

Xiao Yi couldn’t understand, she blinked.

Isn’t this just a monster?

She looked at her senior brother, not understanding what her senior brother meant.

Ji Yan laughed, sitting on the bow of the boat, white clothes fluttering, in Xiao Yi’s opinion, he was simply a sword boy in the world, handsome and handsome, and he didn’t know how many women he was.

However, in Lu Shaoqing’s eyes, his senior brother was a white-clothed fox.

Lu Shaoqing beat his chest and shouted up to the sky, “Master, Master, where are you?” Can you come back?

“You take care of it, Senior Brother has learned badly…”

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