“Master, come back quickly, he learned to blackmail his handsome junior brother with that little spirit stone.”

“Isn’t that killing me?”

After howling twice Master, Lu Shaoqing pointed at Ji Yan and said, “You simply killed me.” Lu

Shaoqing couldn’t bear to look at Xiao Yi like that.

She knew how much her second senior brother valued spirit stones.

She couldn’t help but say to Ji Yan, “Senior brother, why don’t you forget it?”

“Let’s stay here a little longer, take our time.”

Ji Yan pointed to the corpse of the monster, “Can’t you understand?

“There are many dangers here, there are many dangers, if you don’t recover early, you encounter danger, how to solve it?”

Ji Yan’s words made Xiao Yi understand.

It turned out to mean this, no wonder the second senior brother almost cried.

In this crisis-ridden place, only an early restoration of strength is the right thing to do.

And now spirit stones are needed to replenish spiritual power.

Lu Shaoqing, who had the most spirit stones, of course had to take out the spirit stones.

“Take it.” Ji Yan said to Lu Shaoqing, “One million first, not enough to continue to give.” ”

I’ll go!” Lu Shaoqing grabbed his chest and pointed at Ji Yan, “Don’t go too far, open your mouth is a million, closed mouth is not enough to continue, are you and I who open spiritual veins?”

“So do you give it or not?” Ji Yan asked.

“Don’t give!” Lu Shaoqing was still resolute, “Don’t give it.”

But he didn’t do nothing, he hummed, “Give me two days, and I’ll set up a formation for you.” ”

Formation?” Xiao Yi was stunned, and only then did he remember that his second senior brother was still a formation master.

“Isn’t it just spiritual power?” Lu Shaoqing cursed and cursed, and became ruthless, “I will arrange ten eight spirit gathering arrays for you, I don’t believe that there is no spiritual power.” Ji

Yan had no problem with this, he wanted spirit stones just to replenish spiritual power and recover as soon as possible.

“It’s really inhumane to actually squeeze me as a patient like this.” Lu Shaoqing scolded and went to get busy.

Xiao Yi looked a little worried, and the degree of Lu Shaoqing’s injury was no worse than Ji Yan.

She asked Ji Yan worriedly, “Senior brother, is the second senior brother okay?” Ji

Yan asked rhetorically, “What can be the matter?”

“You see he’s not jumping alive, a little injured?”

Ji Yan had long known that Lu Shaoqing’s physical body was strong, and his recovery was amazing.

He was poked by the Holy Lord’s finger so many times, even if he broke his bones, he still recovered quickly.

It’s so fast that it’s not like a normal person.

What really hurt Lu Shaoqing was the internal injury, which also needed time to recuperate.

However, in this environment, the two brothers of the two divisions could not sink into cultivation and recovery together, and someone had to watch.

In case something comes that shouldn’t come, they have to guard against it.

The hearts of the two brothers were as bright as mirrors, and they both knew what they had to do.

This is tacit understanding.

As a master brother, Ji Yan has strong combat effectiveness, naturally he must recover as soon as possible, and when he encounters an enemy, he will naturally resist it.

And Lu Shaoqing does not need to resume in retreat.

Although Lu Shaoqing was scolding, he also knew what he should do.

Just let him out of the spirit stone, he was a hundred unhappy in his heart.

Lu Shaoqing got off the boat and spun around the boat.

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After turning around a few times, after Lu Shaoqing became familiar with the terrain, he had an idea in his heart.

Call the two spirit pets again, “Let me go out and investigate, if there are any problems around.” After

sending the two spirit pets out to search like dogs, and making sure that there was no abnormality within a radius of tens of miles, Lu Shaoqing began to move.

Lu Shaoqing planned to combine multiple Spirit Gathering Arrays.

“I don’t believe it, dozens of Spirit Gathering Arrays still can’t satisfy you?”

Lu Shaoqing was ruthless and began to work day and night.

Xiao Yi followed and looked at Lu Shaoqing’s serious and busy appearance, and couldn’t help but sigh.

Although the second senior brother was lazy, when it came to spirit stones, he became very diligent.

Thirty-six first-grade spirit gathering arrays, eighteen second-grade spirit gathering arrays, five third-grade spirit gathering arrays, and the last four-pin spirit gathering array finale, forming a large spirit gathering array covering an area of ten miles.

When Lu Shaoqing injected spiritual power, all the Spirit Gathering Arrays opened together.

A strong white light flickered, and a huge light shot straight into the sky.

The spear pierced the sky, cutting through the gray clouds above the sky.

The strong glow lasted for more than half an hour before slowly disappearing.

All the spiritual energy within a radius of a hundred miles was absorbed, and soon shrouded the place

, and the spiritual energy here was like turbid sewage, mixed with a few streams of pure water.

Under the action of the Gathering Spirit Array, it was like a lake filled with sewage gathered, and in the center of the lake was a nest of clear water, which was enough for words.

When the quantity is large, the quality will change.

Standing in the big array, Xiao Yi was amazed and amazed, with adoration in his eyes.

This is his second senior brother.

It is not difficult to arrange the one, two, three, and four grades of the Gathering Spirit Array, but it is not easy either.

Many cultivators who are proficient in formations can do it.

But being able to connect all these many Spirit Gathering Arrays together to form a large array and integrate them seamlessly is not something that everyone can do.

After Lu Shaoqing finished arranging, he felt it, shook his head, and sighed.

“Second Senior Brother, what’s wrong?” Xiao Yi hurriedly asked.

Lu Shaoqing said, “It’s still a little worse, but there is no way.” ”

This place has been polluted by those black monsters, and it is not bad to have usable spiritual power.

All the spiritual power within a radius of a hundred miles was absorbed, and it was not as effective as a second- or third-grade spirit gathering array outside.

Cold Star originally seemed barren, but compared with here, Cold Star is a paradise on earth, and compared with the thirteen states, the thirteen states are a wonderland on earth.

Then Lu Shaoqing arranged a few more tracking arrays to completely cover up this place.

After finishing his busy work, Lu Shaoqing went to ask Ji Yan, “Is it okay?” Ji

Yan replied, “It’s a little worse, but it’s okay.”

“A month or so.”

Ji Yan gives a time to return to normal.

His physical fitness is not as good as Lu Shaoqing, and he has been injured much more often than Lu Shaoqing.

It can also be regarded as a small qiang with vitality, and the recovery speed is faster than ordinary people.

Lu Shaoqing said to him, “You’d better hurry, otherwise when the time comes, there will be danger coming to the door, and I will leave you behind and flee with my junior sister.”

“But you’re dead, and you’ll have to pay me back these materials.”

Xiao Yi was moved, didn’t the second senior brother dislike himself as a burden?

Ji Yan closed his eyes, “It’s noisy, go aside.”

Lu Shaoqing scolded and sat down on the deck, and as soon as he sat down, Xiao Yi came over curiously and asked, “Second Senior Brother, where did you get so many materials?” ”

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