The materials needed for so many Spirit Gathering Arrays were not a star and a half, and for a sect with only two or three people, it was enough to bankrupt them.

The Lingxiao faction is very poor, and Lu Shaoqing can’t have so many materials.

Even if Lu Shaoqing robbed a lot of people and got a lot of materials.

But with Lu Shaoqing’s character, he can take out so much material without blinking his eyes, which can only explain one thing.

These materials are insignificant to Lu Shaoqing, not enough to make Lu Shaoqing feel distressed and cry.

He has more material in his hands.

That’s why he’s willing to waste so much.

“Second Senior Brother, did you come to Cold Star and ransack someone?”

Lu Shaoqing sighed regretfully and said, “No, here in Hanxing, I can only be a law-abiding citizen, and I dare not do anything illegal.” ”

Hanxing is very dangerous here, where does he, a foreigner, dare to mess around.

Be careful, for fear of provoking Fopole in the Holy Land.

Xiao Yi didn’t believe it, “It’s impossible, Second Senior Brother, you haven’t done anything here?”

Lu Shaoqing threw a spirit bean into his mouth, and said twice, “Yes, I don’t believe you asked the stupid monkey.”

“And I’m also helping the poor.”

Speaking of this, Lu Shaoqing was even more embarrassed.

Sang Luo and Yu Ling, he really invested a lot of things into it, maybe he didn’t have the slightest profit in the future.

It was the biggest loss-making he’d ever had.

Whenever I think about it, my heart always aches.

The little ape squeaked twice next to him, holding back very uncomfortably.

You’ve done more bad things.

Xiao Yi was even more unbelieving, his eyes flashed, shining with a clever light, “I don’t believe it.” ”

There has never been only the second senior brother in his outer pocket, and it is impossible to take things out of his pocket.

Apart from Senior Brother and Master, few people could benefit from the pockets of Second Senior Brother.

Well, I’m one too.

Other people who are not stained don’t want to get half a cent of materials from the second senior brother, let alone half a spirit stone.

So Xiao Yi felt, “Second Senior Brother, you must be lying to me.

Lu Shaoqing was even more sad when he heard this, “I rebelled against you, and I didn’t even believe my words.” ”

How can I do something good and help the poor, and no one will believe me?

Alas, the worldly gaze is so annoying.

Thinking of this, Lu Shaoqing knocked Xiao Yi, “Don’t look at your second senior brother and me with worldly eyes.”

Xiao Yi held his head and turned the question back, “Second Senior Brother, then where did you get so much material?” ”

Tiangongmen, what’s the problem?” Lu Shaoqing replied casually.

It really shocked Xiao Yi.

“Second, second senior brother, you, you went to ransack the gate of the Heavenly Palace?”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “Yes, who made the Tiangong Gate so annoying?” I don’t rob them, who do I ransack?

“And that god old dog, sooner or later I will clean him up one day.”

Speaking of the Heavenly Palace Gate’s Avatar, Lu Shaoqing hated his teeth.

If Guo Peiwei hadn’t given him a spirit rune, he wouldn’t have necessarily fallen to Cold Star.

And these things won’t happen.

It can even be said that if Guo Peiwei hadn’t intervened, maybe he would have become an otaku at Tianyu Peak.

Six-rank spirit talisman, that day dog’s is also willing to use it?

Why didn’t Heavenly Dao chop him to death?

Alas, it’s tears to say too much.

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Lu Shaoqing felt depressed when she thought about it.

After Xiao Yi’s side was shocked, he perked up, “Second Senior Brother, can you tell me about it?”

Xiao Yi’s excited voice trembled.

Such an exciting thing, listening to it feels exciting.

Lu Shaoqing disagreed, “What is there to say, small things, not worth mentioning.”

Xiao Yi immediately coquettish, “Second Senior Brother, you can talk about it, I want to hear it…” Lu

Shaoqing said casually, and when he heard that Lu Shaoqing brought a few warehouses at the Tiangong Gate, Xiao Yi bowed his head.

The whole job has to be my second senior brother.

Hmph, Tiangongmen, regret offending my master, right?

Xiao Yi didn’t need to guess to know that Lu Shaoqing was angry for Shao Cheng.

When the Tiangong Gate wanted to blackmail Shao Cheng to stay and deal with the Demon Clan, he had already offended Lu Shaoqing.

Xiao Yi laughed, the master was forced to stay for her, and now knowing that Lu Shaoqing had cleaned up the Tiangong Gate, she smiled happily, only wishing that she could not personally appreciate the expressions of those people in the Tiangong Gate.

“In this way, the Tiangong Gate must be greatly damaged.”

Several warehouses were emptied and replaced with other small sects that were directly disbanded.

Lu Shaoqing said with some pity, “Who knows? If only they could find the warehouse where they stored the spirit stones. ”

Even if it is as powerful as the Heavenly Palace Gate, without the spirit stone, you have to cry for ten days and a half month.

It’s a pity, it’s a pity.

Xiao Yi said with a grin, “Not bad, Second Senior Brother, you are already very powerful.” After all, Second Senior Brother, you already have a lot of spirit stones. ”

Being able to lure the demon race to the gate of the Heavenly Palace, let the two sides fight, and then take advantage of the void, except for Lu Shaoqing, no one else can do it.

“Okay, less slap here, speaking of spirit stones, I still have to settle accounts with you.”

Xiao Yi’s face collapsed on the spot.


Xiao Yi slapped himself.

Mouth, why do you still say spirit stones?

Isn’t this making yourself uncomfortable?

“Can’t cry, want to slap yourself, want to cry out so that I don’t accept your spirit stone?” Lu Shaoqing looked at Xiao Yi and told her not to do more, “Even if you cry until the sky collapses, there is no negotiation, and the spirit stone that owes me must be given to me.”

Xiao Yi lay on the table, very unconvinced, “Why? I don’t owe you a spirit stone. ”

I’m not that demon sister who can owe you 200,000 spirit stones.

“Who says there isn’t? Come, come, I’ll calculate with you…”

“In order to find you, I came from the Southern Wilderness, and every time I came to a city, I had to sit on a teleportation array, and at least three hundred spirit stones each time to start.”

“Two people are at least six hundred, not to mention there are hundreds of teleportation arrays…”

Xiao Yi timidly reminded, “Second Senior Brother, it is only 60,000 spirit stones in conversion.

“What do you understand? Are you very good at settling accounts? According to your calculation, you will not be able to eat four dishes in your life.

“Don’t you have to spend money on the road with your senior brother?” For example, if your senior brother wants to go to the Qinglou or something, don’t you use spirit stones? And the lost work fee ah or something, don’t you need it?

“I still have to fight along the way, and I have suffered a lot, and these add up to one million spirit stones, which can be regarded as the same price for you.”

Lu Shaoqing wrenched his fingers, his expression serious, but full of nonsense.

Xiao Yi lowered his face and looked at Lu Shaoqing with an expression of you and I are a three-year-old child.

Master brother visiting the Qinglou?

The world destroys what will not happen.

Truly calculated, her two senior brothers definitely didn’t spend much spirit stones.

The lion opened its mouth.

It’s so hateful that even my lovely junior sister wants to blackmail.

“Second Senior Brother, you are so hateful, I will tell Master after I go back.”

“It’s okay, just file a complaint, anyway, you owe me a million spirit stones, this is also for your own good…”

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