Watching many beasts or ferocious beasts enter the white smoke, some rushing out of the same road, and some appearing in the other direction.

In the distance, a man whispered, “Those fogs are strange.”

Next to the man was a woman, she frowned, and said in a low voice, “Strange, we have been here countless times, why does a white fog suddenly appear?”

“What’s hidden inside?”

“Could it be what the Xibi tribe is doing?”

The man and woman were half-crouched on the ground, both wearing close-fitting black armor.

The scales on the surface of the armor are all made of the scales of animal monsters, exuding a vague aura.

The woman’s chest was wrapped in a pale white animal skin, which was more feminine.

However, the expressions of both of them were very cold, with indifferent killing intent in their eyes.

The skin of the two is very white, the kind of white that has not seen the sun for a long time.

The man shook his head, “No, we have been fighting between the Dingyi tribe and the Xibi tribe for so many years, and we know exactly what means they have.” The

woman’s brows did not stretch for half a minute, but furrowed deeper, “With so many animals coming, the food and sacrifices of the clansmen will become a problem.” The

man was also worried, worried, “Yes, it’s too far from here, and there are too many monsters here to hunt easily.” ”

Go back first, tell the patriarch about the situation here, and see what the patriarch means…”

But before she finished speaking, the woman suddenly stared and pointed ahead, “The people of the Xibi tribe are here.”

The man also saw a group of people in the distance, and pouted, “Still so open, so many people come, are you not afraid of being eaten by monsters?” ”

The people of the Xibi tribe came here and there were more than twenty people, all dressed similarly.

The bodies are all wearing black spirit armor, but the scale armor on the surface may have a different shape.

All of them exuded a fierce aura, and more than twenty people hugged, forming a strong coercion that made the sensitive animals and fierce beasts dodge.

The people who watched the Xibi tribe began to send people into the white smoke, and the men and women who peeked at the Dingyi tribe on the side could not calm down.

“No matter what, there must be an incredible treasure inside, so hurry up and send a message to the patriarch to bring someone here.”

“The benefits here definitely can’t be taken by the Xibi tribe…” A

few days passed, and this day Lu Shaoqing was woken up by Xiao Yi again.

“Second Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, outside, outside…”

Xiao Yi was excited.

“It’s noisy,” Lu Shaoqing was lying down to sleep, was woken up, suppressed his anger, and looked at Xiao Yi angrily, “It’s best to give me an explanation, otherwise I’ll let you know the price of waking me up.”

Xiao Yi pointed in a direction outside, “Second Senior Brother, look

, there are people, there are people…” Xiao Yi felt the people of the Xibi tribe outside, and he was immediately excited.

I thought that this was a dead and silent place, but I didn’t expect that there would be big living people.

Lu Shaoqing also noticed the humans outside, and was stunned.

Is there anyone alive in such a place?

However, after feeling it carefully, Lu Shaoqing’s expression relaxed a lot.

The strength of these people is also around the refining period, and he can destroy these people with one finger.

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Lu Shaoqing is interested, what are these people doing here?

With a sweep of divine sense, Lu Shaoqing asked Xiao Yi with a strange face, “Is there any treasure here?”

“Why didn’t I find out?”

If there is a baby, it is his.

It’s hard for anyone to come.

Lu Shaoqing became murderous, and those who dared to come and rob him of the treasure could not be let go.

Xiao Yi reminded Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, they don’t know that we are inside, and they think there are treasures here.

“Well, that’s true, too.” Lu Shaoqing reacted, looking outside, as if he could look down at those people outside.

“Second Senior Brother, do you want to contact them?” Xiao Yi asked.

The sudden appearance of humans here shows that this place is not completely dead, and perhaps some information can be learned from those people.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “No need, let them toss outside, wait until your senior brother is well.” ”

People who come don’t know whether they are friends or foes, and they don’t know whether the other party has a strong presence, so don’t make rash contact at this time.”

Xiao Yi was like an audience, watching the people outside toss on the side.

Within two days, another group of people came outside, and the two sides were fighting each other, and the atmosphere was very bad.

But in the end, they seemed to agree.

Join forces to explore this and distribute the treasures afterwards.

But when they join forces, it seems that they can really find a little bit of a doorway.

Originally, within a range of more than ten miles, they were actually able to enter a distance of more than one mile.

Lu Shaoqing also sensed the problem of the formation, and came out to see, “Why is there someone again?”

“Do you really treat us like babies?”

Xiao Yi said the information she heard, “Second senior brother, one of them is called the Xibi tribe and the other is called the Dingyi clan.

“This time they are all led by the patriarch, and it is said that they also have some secret weapons, but they have not seen them so far.”

“Under their joint efforts, there is a black mist, you see, that’s it…” Under

Lu Shaoqing’s divine perception, the people of the two tribes joined hands, lined up neatly, like a phalanx.

This is a bit similar to the formation of the demon race, where black light lit up on their bodies, and finally formed a mist, like a living being slowly floating into the Lost Array.

The black mist floated in like a ghost, engulfing the white mist.

Or rather assimilation, white mist becomes black mist.

Lu Shaoqing noticed that the obscured white mist generated by the Lost Array had decreased a little.

The formation itself has also been corroded, although it is not very much, but if it continues to accumulate in this way, sooner or later it will break his lost array.

“Two strokes.” Lu Shaoqing pinched his chin and his gaze fell on these people.

“These guys, something is wrong.” Lu Shaoqing observed for a while, and finally whispered to himself.

After those people united, their expressions became dull, as if they had lost their souls.

“What’s wrong?” Ji Yan’s voice sounded….

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