Xiao Yi turned his head and became happy, “Senior brother, how are you?” Ji

Yan nodded and stood up, “Almost.” ”

The strength has been restored, and the previous injury is also very good.

Ji Yan noticed the situation outside, and was also slightly surprised, “Someone? ”

Ji Yan originally thought that this was already a forbidden area for life, and there would be no human beings living here.

Lu Shaoqing said, “What’s so strange, human life is like a tenacious little strong, everywhere can take root and live. ”

Human beings are far more tenacious than they can imagine.

However, what Lu Shaoqing cares about is that these people seem to be a little strange.

He said to Ji Yan, “Do you find them weird?

After carefully observing it, Ji Yan nodded, “There are indeed strangeness, and their exercises are also strange. Xiao

Yi couldn’t see what was happening after looking at it for a long time.

“Senior brother, second senior brother, do they have anything strange?”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Didn’t you find that they didn’t even know the formation?” ”

The formation arranged here can be known in other places by anyone who is a cultivator.

But these people didn’t know and thought there would be treasures here.

Looking at the people outside who had been wanting to come in, Lu Shaoqing said to Ji Yan and Xiao Yi, “It seems that I want to contact them.” ”

Find out what this place is, and then find an opportunity to leave.”

After all, this place has been ravaged by monsters, and God knows if there is any more danger.

The best way to get this information from the local population is to do so.

After thinking about it, Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, put the spacecraft away, and said to the two, “Let’s hide first and see what they will do.”

After saying that, he waved his hand and stopped a lost array, and then the three disappeared in place.

When the people of the Dingyi tribe and the Xibi tribe outside were still distressed, someone suddenly shouted, “But, it’s okay.” ”

You can see what’s inside.”

When everyone heard this, their spirits were shocked and they were overjoyed.

In particular, the patriarchs of the two tribes looked at each other, very tacitly wary of each other, and then quickly rushed inside with their own people.

From the periphery to the interior, the distance is about ten miles in a straight line.

The people of the two tribes were twenty or thirty meters apart, running straight in a straight line towards the position in the middle.

“Come on, you can’t lag behind the people of the Dingyi tribe, you can’t give up good treasures

to people…” “Don’t give the people of the Xibi tribe a head…” The

two tribes riveted and scrambled, unwilling to lag behind each other.

But they are all about the same speed, and no one can get rid of anyone.

While walking, suddenly a few people rushed over from the Xibi tribe.

The people of the Dingyi tribe looked at it and knew what the people of the Xibi tribe were going to do, “Despicable villain! Subsequently

, the patriarch of the Dingyi tribe also hurriedly asked a few people to intervene to block them.

In this way, more and more people from both sides were sent, and they all fought halfway.

There were only three people left on both sides, all led by the patriarch.

The patriarch of the Xibi tribe laughed, “Kunjia, you are dead, this time the treasure is definitely mine.” The

patriarch of the Dingyi clan, Kunjia, responded coldly, “Tuo Xi, you dream, the baby belongs to our Dingyi clan.”

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“Haha, have you ever beaten me?” The patriarch of the Xibi tribe laughed, “The three of you together are not my opponents. The

two people who followed behind Tuo Xi also laughed, and their laughter was full of pride.

The two tribes know the roots, and they all know whose strength is.

Tuoxi’s strength is stronger than Kunjia, and when the time comes to find a treasure, it is also Tuoxi who takes advantage of it.

Kun Li did not speak, but silently increased his speed.

But their speed is not slow, and they have always maintained the momentum of advancing in tandem.

Moreover, Tuo Xi also constantly hit the three of Kunjia with words, and his words were full of pride, as if he had won.

However, at this moment, the three of them banged, as if they had hit an invisible wall of air.

The speed of the three people was very fast, and this collision made the three people dizzy, and they couldn’t slow down for a long time.

By the time the three of them shook their heads and recovered, the three of them had already disappeared.


He cautiously reached forward, but could not touch anything again.

It was as if he had just hit an invisible wall and was his illusion.

Although I didn’t know what was going on, Tuo Xi didn’t have the heart to think much here, so he quickly caught up with him.

Soon Tuo Xi arrived inside and saw the three of Kunjia standing in a large clearing.

Tuo Xi glared angrily at Kunjia, “Kunjia, where’s the baby?” Hand it over.

Kun Jian shook his head and said truthfully, “There is nothing here.

“We came here and that’s it.”

Tuo Xi sneered, “You think I will believe it?

Kunjia’s face was cold, “Do you believe it or not, leave!” ”

Want to go?” Of course, Tuo Xi would not agree, “If you want to leave, you have to hand over the baby.”

“All said, there are no treasures here.” A woman who followed Kunjia shouted, “Do we need to lie to you?

“Ge Jiu, don’t think that you are a genius of the Dingyi tribe and qualified to talk to me.” Tuo Xi said murderously, “No matter what you say today, if you don’t hand over the treasure, die!” The

man standing with Ge Jiu, who was also a genius of the Dingyi clan, Lang Feng, was also dissatisfied, “Tuo Xi, don’t give a face.” ”

That’s what I said to you,” Tuo Xi’s killing intent was even stronger, and the two people around him were ready to strike, “If you know each other, hand over the treasure, and I will spare you from death.”

Kunjia’s face was gloomy, “It seems that this matter cannot be done well today.” Tuo

Xi laughed, “Exactly, take this opportunity here today to kill you, annex your deficiencies, and let Lord Priest go further!” ”


At this point, all the two sides can do is fight.

The two patriarchs went one-on-one, Ge Jiu and Lang Feng also each faced a member of the Xibi tribe.

The two sides fought fiercely, and the people of the two tribes who came here from outside also joined the battlefield again.

This time, the two sides came up with a real killing move, with the aim of taking each other’s lives.

Soon, the number of corpses on the scene gradually increased.

The increase in the number of casualties among the clansmen on both sides also made the two patriarchs angry.

Kunjia’s strength was not as good as Tuo Xi, and he roared angrily when he fell into the downwind, “You forced me!” Kun

Li gulped, biting his tongue in his mouth, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

“Please Lord Priest to strike!”

A black shadow appeared from Kunjia’s body…

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