A black shadow more than a foot tall came out of Kunjia’s body and condensed into a solid entity.

Black throughout, two scarlet eyes, chilling.

“You have, I don’t?”

Tuo Xi laughed, and in the same way, black shadows also drilled out of his body.

After the three Lu Shaoqing, who were suspended in the sky, saw it, they couldn’t help but frown.

“It’s those monsters!”

Ji Yan’s murderous aura suddenly appeared, and he had the urge to go down with a sword.

The black monster caused great damage to the Lingxiao faction, causing the Lingxiao faction to struggle for a thousand years and encounter extinction crises several times.

Although the black shadow and the black monster are very different.

But they could feel the breath of evil destruction.

Both sides come from the same source, the same thing.

“Don’t mess around,” Lu Shaoqing hurriedly stopped Ji Yan and warned him seriously, “Let’s understand the situation.” ”

These people usually look no different.

But after the black mist in their bodies appeared, their expressions were dull, as if they had been sucked out of their souls.

The same is true of Tuoxi and Kunjia.

The two stared blankly, like manipulated puppets, standing motionless in place, allowing two black shadows to fight.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were faint, and he could still see that there was a very faint layer of black mist shrouded in the two of them, and he didn’t know whether it was a black shadow connected or a protective shield to protect them.

The people they called priests had a lot to do with their strength.

Both are in the foundation building period, one with seven floors and one with eight floors.

Soon, the black shadow of Tuo Xi had the upper hand, and the black shadow that fought Kunjia was defeated and dangerous.

The people of the Dingyi tribe were anxious when they saw this, but they could not do anything.

The overall strength of the Xibi tribe is stronger than that of the people of the Dingyi tribe.

There are also a few more people from the Dingyi tribe who have fallen than the Xibi tribe.

Seeing that it was almost the same, Lu Shaoqing said to Ji Yan, “Let’s make a move, let’s help the Dingyi clan.” Ji

Yan was lazy, and he said, “Xiao Yi, you are on!”

Xiao Yi nodded, not even using a sword, and pointed at Tuo Xi’s black shadow.

Her strength against the people in the foundation building period can be regarded as bullying the small.

A shadowless sword intent fell, like a thunderbolt, straight into the top of the black shadow’s head.

The black monster that was fighting trembled all over, roaring madly in a hurry, his voice revealed incomparable horror, and then holding his head and exploding into countless fragments in the eyes of everyone in disbelief.

And Tuo Xi, the patriarch of the Xibi tribe, sprayed blood from his mouth and was unconscious in the end.

The black shadow that fought it took the opportunity to rush up and devour all these fragments.

The black shadow body size that had swallowed the black fragments suddenly expanded, becoming twice its original size, like an inflated balloon.

When he saw that he was about to explode, the black shadow suddenly shrunk into Kunjia’s body.

And Kunjia’s body began to tremble, and his aura began to climb, as if he had taken an aphrodisiac, and soon reached the realm of the eighth layer of foundation building.

It’s as relaxing as drinking water.

Lu Shaoqing was very envious, “This kind of breakthrough method is really cool, if only I could do the same.” ”

I don’t know how much work is left to improve this way.

Ji Yan despised this very much, “The evil sect is crooked.

“These people too, should be killed.”

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These people definitely have a great connection with black monsters, and they can kill early and rest assured.

Lu Shaoqing comforted, “No hurry, no hurry, first follow them to take a look.” ”

Below, the people of the Xibi tribe found that their patriarch was unconscious and defeated, so frightened that they also had no intention of fighting, and retreated as soon as they took Tuoxi.

Because of the many deaths and injuries of the Dingyi tribe, the people of the Dingyi tribe could only watch them retreat.

The patriarch’s sudden increase in strength made them overjoyed, and they surrounded the patriarch to protect him.

After another long time, Kun Kai opened his eyes, and the breath on his body exploded, and the powerful aura overwhelmed the people of the Dingyi tribe.

But their eyes were full of excitement and they shouted.

“Congratulations Patriarch!”

“Patriarch Hexi!”

“Congratulations to the patriarch for taking his skills further.”

“Haha, in this way, the people of the Xibi tribe dare not be arrogant.”

“The day of the rise of the Dingyi tribe is coming…” a

smile appeared on Kunjia’s face, he didn’t expect that this time he could devour the doppelganger of the other priest and make him go further.

However, at this time, Ge Jiu, who was a woman, suddenly raised a question, “How could the priest doppelganger of the Xibi tribe suddenly explode?” ”

This question made everyone stop cheering, they looked at each other, they didn’t know about the question.

Even Kunjia didn’t know, and he didn’t know why his opponent suddenly exploded.

Just when everyone looked at each other and was puzzled, suddenly a voice came from the sky.

“Hey, what are you doing here?”

Kun Li and the others were shocked and hurriedly raised their heads.

I saw three figures slowly descending from the sky.

The young man in white, with a grim expression, exuded an incomprehensible aura.

The blue-shirted young man with a smile on his face gives people a feeling like a spring breeze, which makes people feel good.

The girl in the light green dress has a sweet smile, like the little sister next door, which makes people want to take care of her.

“Who are you?”

The three people who suddenly appeared felt strange no matter how they looked at it.

Kunjia did not dare to be careless, and his heart was full of vigilance.

However, his strength has increased greatly this time, and his heart is full of confidence, and he is not afraid of any evil intentions from the other party.

Lu Shaoqing said, “The three of us passed by here and found that you were fighting, and we couldn’t bear to let everyone in the same room, so we tried to stop it.”

“As a result, I accidentally hit a heavy hand, and it didn’t hurt you, did it?”

Lu Shaoqing said with a smile and very sincerely, revealing apologies between words.

But it made Kunjia and others secretly shocked in their hearts.

If you accidentally hit hard, how strong is the strength?

“I am Kunjia, the patriarch of the Dingyi clan, I don’t know where the three come from? How to call it?

“My name is Zhang Zheng, this is my senior brother, it’s good if you call Ji Gongzi, this is my junior sister, called Miss Xiao.” As for where we come from, I can’t say. When

Kun Jian heard this, although he still had doubts in his heart, he didn’t ask more.

If you make it clear that you don’t want to say more, and then continue to ask, you just don’t understand things.

After another pleasantries, Lu Shaoqing directly put forward his own request, “Patriarch Kun, we got lost here, I wonder if we can come to live with you for a few days?” ”

There is no too much politeness with these low-strength people, and they directly put forward their own purposes.

If you don’t know fun, then don’t blame Lu Shaoqing for not giving face.

However, Kunjia is very knowledgeable and did not refuse this, “The three are willing to be guests of the Dingyi tribe, which is the glory of the Dingyi tribe…”

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