The black monster stood up and let out a low roar, but the sound was not transmitted inside, and it exuded a brutal killing intent all over its body.

As the monster stood up, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but whisper.

“This thing still has a mother’s?”

The monster resembles a human, covered in black scales, and its chest muscles are very developed, and its sex can be determined at a glance.

At the same time, Lu Shaoqing found that the place where the monster was lying actually had a Dao formation.

The black formation was outlined crookedly, making Lu Shaoqing seriously suspect that this was what the monster had outlined.

After all, it looks so ugly, like it’s sketched randomly.

And Lu Shaoqing actually didn’t see what kind of formation it was.

The monster looked at the dozen or so corpses thrown into the cave, and the monster opened its mouth, and some black mist floated out of its mouth and submerged into those corpses.

Then those corpses stood up as if they had life, and their bodies swayed, much like those ghost movies that Lu Shaoqing had seen in his previous life.

The monster stepped aside and roared low at the corpses.

As if they could understand it, the dozen or so corpses staggered to the formation, and the black formation lit up with black light.

The bodies disappeared one after another into the cave.

It’s actually a teleportation array?

Lu Shaoqing felt unbelievable.

Is there such a teleportation array?

After a dozen corpses were teleported away, there was also a corpse on the ground.

After teleporting away more than ten corpses, the black monster seemed to be a little tired.

After looking at the corpse on the ground, its mouth was open, and the corpse was rolled up in front of it.

The sound of chewing sounded.

Xiao Yi, who was outside, turned pale, covered his mouth, and almost vomited.

Lu Shaoqing asked Ge Jiu next to him in a low voice, “What will happen after those corpses are thrown to Lord Priest?” Ge

Jiu was arranged to follow Lu Shaoqing and the three, both to monitor and to receive.

Ge Jiu shook his head, “Lord Priest just said that he would send them to where they should go.

“You say, will the Lord Priest eat them?”

Ge Jiu continued to shake his head, “Who are you as a priest?

“It’s not a monster.”

“I tell you, you’d better not slander our Lord Priest, or you won’t be welcome here.”

When Ge Jiu said in the end, his gaze had become a little unkind, and his feelings for Lu Shaoqing had become worse.

To actually say bad things about the priest is definitely not a good person.

Lu Shaoqing asked with a strange face, “What does Lord Priest look like, have you seen it?”

“Except for the Great Elder, not everyone is qualified to meet Lord Priest.” Ge Jiu felt very bad about Lu Shaoqing, and his tone of speech was full of perfunctory.

Lu Shaoqing heard the implication, “In other words, many of you have never met Lord Priest, right?”

“Hmph!” Ge Jiu even gave Lu Shaoqing a roll of his eyes, too lazy to speak.

“You adore Lord Priest?” Lu Shaoqing asked again.

“Hmph,” Ge Jiu wanted to ignore it, but after thinking about it, he still replied, his tone was not good, “Lord Priest is the person I admire the most, and it is only with him that the tribe can prosper and become stronger.”

Lu Shaoqing did not continue to ask, but smiled and waved his hand gently.

The black mist in front of the cave was suddenly blown away, revealing the scene inside the cave.

The black monster that was chewing was stunned, raised his head, and still had half a corpse in his mouth, and dark red blood remained along the monster’s mouth and dripped to the ground.

Kunjia and the rest of the Dingyi tribe froze.

Both sides froze in place, staring at their small eyes wide.

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The scene was silent for a while.

After a few breaths, the monster dropped the corpse and roared lowly, and the furious killing intent was pervasive.

Kunjia and the others shouted, “What about monsters, monsters, priests, priests?

Kunjia and the others were murderous, staring at the black monster with resentful eyes.

They had never seen the appearance of a priest, and a monster appeared in the priest’s place, and the priest needless to say that something must have happened.

At this time, the Great Elder stood up and shouted, “Don’t panic, this is Lord Priest.”

Then he knelt down again and said to the black monster, “I hope that Lord Priest will be angry.” ”

This person is the Great Elder of the Dingyi Clan.

And the words of the Great Elder undoubtedly stirred up a thousand waves with one stone, shocking all the clansmen of the Dingyi clan.

So people were extremely shocked, mutilated corpses, blood flowing all over the place, and monsters with hideous and terrifying looks.

What they saw in front of them was unbelievable.

The priest they worshiped in their hearts was actually such a monster, or a man-eating monster.

So, the corpses that were sent in before have become the belly food of the so-called priests?

The corpses sent were not only the corpses of the enemy, but also the corpses of their people.

In a tribe, everyone is close to each other, that is, all of them have relatives who have been gnawed by the priests?

When they thought of this, many clansmen couldn’t calm down.

“In this way, such a priest, I, cannot accept it.” Some people shouted out what was in their hearts.

Such an ugly and fierce monster is the priest they worship.

It’s like taking off the pants of your dream lover, only to find that the other person is bigger than your own.

The blow was devastating.

Then the others shouted, “I can’t accept it either.”

“We don’t need such priests.”

“It’s not a priest, it’s a monster!”

The clansmen of the Dingyi tribe shouted, their expressions excited and their expressions fierce.

Looking at the monster, there was killing intent in his eyes.

Many people said to Patriarch Kunjia, “Patriarch, let’s shoot, kill this monster, we don’t need a monster to be a priest.” ”

Monsters are fierce-looking, they are not good, and they eat people.

No normal person can accept such a monster as a priest.

Lu Shaoqing looked at it and nodded secretly, “These people look quite normal.

Ge Jiu also recovered from the shock at this time, and she looked at Lu Shaoqing in shock, “You, are you the ghost?” ”

It’s hard not to be so skeptical.

Lu Shaoqing denied it and said to Ge Jiu, “You little chick, don’t talk nonsense, I don’t know anything.”

And he also quipped, “Your priests are so ugly.”

Ge Jiu looked at the hideous and terrifying monster and gritted his teeth, “It’s not our priest. ”

In the imagination, the priest is not handsome, but also old and steady, or gray hair fluttering, like a fairy grandfather.

As a result, such a black monster came out and ate people alive.

Ge Jiu couldn’t accept it, and she didn’t admit in her heart that this was the priest in her mind.

It’s disgusting.

I actually worship such a monster.

Ge Jiu wanted to vomit a little.

And at this time, the Great Elder stood up and shouted angrily, “Shut up!” ”

Black smoke continued to rise from the Great Elder’s body, which quickly enveloped him…

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