In the terrified gaze of everyone, the black on the surface of the Great Elder shrouded him, and finally the black smoke squirmed, and it was slowly inhaled into his body.

The Great Elder turned into a black monster.

Although it looks different from the monster in the cave, it is already a bit like a god.

After Lu Shaoqing saw it, he pinched his chin and said, “Could it be that those monsters are transformed by humans?”

“Marde, if that’s the case, aren’t these people being bred by monsters as seeds?”

Why the bodies were sent away can also be explained.

The transformed Great Elder’s scarlet eyes did not have a trace of human emotion, and after roaring, he stretched out his sharp claws at the people around him.

The black shadow flashed, and the claws flashing with cold light, like a black sharp long sword, immediately pierced a young clansman.

The young man screamed, sharp claws piercing through his back, followed by a beating heart.

As the young man screamed and fell unwillingly, the heart gradually stopped beating.

The Great Elder stuffed his heart into his mouth and chewed it, his eyes becoming more and more brutal.

Great Elder, you, what are you going to do?”

Kunjia and the others were stunned, but they didn’t expect the former Great Elder to make a move against the same clan.

The figure of the Great Elder who was chewing his heart flashed again, and without waiting for everyone to react, a young boy of seven or eight years old was grabbed by him.

The little boy was frightened and cried on the spot.

His parents also screamed.

“Great Elder, don’t!”

“Great Elder, release Wu’er!”

“Great Elder, you, don’t mess around!”

Kun Jia shouted even more, “Great Elder, have you also become a monster?


The word monster seemed to anger the monster in the cave.

The monster roared angrily, and the murderous aura of the Great Elder soared, and the brutality in his eyes became even stronger.

He raised his paw at the little boy, and the next moment he was going to disembowel the little boy.

A flash of blue sword light flashed and shuttled from behind everyone, accurately slicing the head of the Great Elder.

Not only that, the black head flew high, with doubts in his eyes, and he didn’t understand what was happening.

A wave of sword intent followed, slicing his head into slag.

The body of the Great Elder who had lost his head stood in place, and after a few breaths, he slowly smashed on the ground, setting off a silent puff of smoke.

Sudden changes have made some people stunned.

They all turned around and looked behind.

Xiao Yi held a long sword, his face was full of murderous aura, like a female swordsman born out of nowhere, “Monsters, dare to bully children? ”

Heroic, majestic, and righteous.

I was stunned by the Dingyi people.

Although the Great Elder became terrifying and his strength increased greatly, in fact, his strength was still in the Foundation Building Period, and the Connecting Dan Period had not been reached.

Xiao Yi easily killed in seconds.

After the Great Elder fell to the ground, the monsters in the cave were completely enraged.

It walked out of the cave, roared at everyone, hurriedly opened its mouth and inhaled, and a black mist rushed out from the corpse of the Great Elder who fell to the ground and submerged into its mouth.

As the black mist was sucked away, the Great Elder’s body became sparse, like a decaying corpse that had been dead for ten days and a half a month, emitting a foul smell.

The monster’s body became a little bigger, and the aura on his body climbed step by step, and the monster that originally only had the strength of the foundation building period changed into the strength of the early stage of Yudan.

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The destructive aura emanating made the faces of many Dingyi clans change drastically, and they all retreated again.

Patriarch Kunjia and the others’ faces were dead gray, and the monster’s powerful strength made them desperate in their hearts.

Kun Jian gritted his teeth and said to the people around him, “Lang Feng, you take a group of people to protect the clansmen and leave here, and the others follow me to deal with this monster.”

“You must not let it do anything to the clansmen.”



The monster saw that Kunjia and the others actually wanted to deal with it, and it was even more angry.

The wings on his back moved, and he shot directly at Kunjia.

The figure was like lightning, and Kun Kai could only barely react.


With a loud bang, Kunjiao’s mouth sprayed blood and flew straight out.

“Monster, damn it!”

“Die, monster!”

The others were furious, and Ge Jiu and the others attacked the monster together.

However, their strength is low, and all the attacks hit the monster like tickling the monster, but they successfully provoke the monster.

The figure of the monster flashed one after another, and in a moment, several Dingyi clansmen fell into the hands of the monster.

“Join forces!”

Kunjia, who was slowing down in the distance, shouted.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, not optimistic at all about Kunjia’s order, “Find death!”

When Xiao Yi heard this, he immediately brandished his long sword and asked, “Second Senior Brother, do you want me to continue to strike?” ”

Whether it is the Great Elder or the monster in front of him, they are weak to death.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan did not intend to make a move and handed everything over to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi slashed the Great Elder with a sword, feeling that it was not too enjoyable, and he still wanted to continue to perform.

Lu Shaoqing stopped, “Take a look first.” ”

Lu Shaoqing wants to see what will happen to those black mist in the bodies of these people in Kunjia.

Under the command of Kunjia, Ge Jiu and the others gathered together.

In Lu Shaoqing’s opinion, this is not a formation, but everyone gathered together.

Then, a black mist floated out of their bodies, and the mist in each person’s body was different because of their strength.

The stronger the strength, the greater the mist, and the mist of Kunjia is almost materialized, and as soon as it appears, it conjures the shape of a monster, struggling to make a silent roar.

It seems to be trapped in the mist of a monster that cannot break free.

The black mist sacrificed by everyone united and floated towards the monster as if it had life.

Where the mist passed, the ground made a sound of sizzling sounds, and it was corroded into a deep trace.

The monster saw that everyone actually joined forces to sacrifice black mist, and let out a few scalp-numbing smiles.

It did not resist and allowed the mist to envelop it.

Then it opened its mouth and inhaled, and the black mist not only did not cause any damage to the monster, but was easily absorbed by it.


The black mist was absorbed, and Kunjia and the others sprayed blood from their mouths, holding their heads and screaming one after another.

Some of the weaker ones had passed out and fell to the ground.

The patriarch of Kunjia was already injured, the black mist was engulfed, he screamed the loudest, and his mouth sprayed the most blood.

Lu Shaoqing looked at it and couldn’t help but sigh, “It’s really worthy of being the patriarch, this voice, this mouthful of blood, hey

…” Then he looked at Ji Yan next to him, “You are a senior brother, you will not be injured and vomit as much blood as I will in the future, you abdicate yourself to make way for Xian…”

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