Ji Yan looked at the scene in front of him, “Only the weak will vomit blood.

Lu Shaoqing thought deeply, “That’s right, for the big guy, you are a weak chicken.”

“Weak chickens, if they are killed, no one is distressed, but they will laugh.”

Ji Yan glanced at him, “What do you want to say?”

Lu Shaoqing took the opportunity to educate Ji Yan and spoke seriously, “What I want to say is that you will give me a safe point in the future, and don’t rush up when you see any big guy.”

“Grandma Li’s, it doesn’t matter if you are killed, I’m afraid you’ll impair me, you know?”

Ji Yan sneered, “Huh…”

Lu Shaoqing immediately became upset, “I kindly remind you, you can’t listen?”

Ji Yan’s answer was still ”

Hehe…” “It’s excessive,” Lu Shaoqing was furious, “I can’t bear your character, I’ll kill you now, and after I go back, let Junior Sister do your filial piety to Master.” Lying

groove, hearing his name appear, Xiao Yi was shocked.

“Second, Second Senior Brother,” Xiao Yi hurriedly reminded, pointing ahead, “That monster has changed again.

Lu Shaoqing looked at it, the monster absorbed the black mist, in addition to the aura becoming more powerful, there were also some changes in its appearance.

The triangular face develops in a rounded direction, and the overall line becomes a little softer.

The facial features on the face are more obvious, with some signs similar to human shapes.

The hand script was curved and slender, and now it is developing in a short and straight direction.

In a word, it is to develop in a more coordinated direction, giving people a reasonable feeling.

Lu Shaoqing frowned, “Hey, how to describe it?”

“If you continue, you may become like a human being.”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “It’s this feeling.”

Xiao Yi lowered his head and wiped his chest, his face first showing a little sadness, and then became murderous.

“Senior brother, second senior brother, let me slaughter this monster.”

What a damn it!

Why are monsters so great?

By what?

What’s the use of being so big a monster?

Seduction male monsters?

At first glance, it is a stinky monster who does not know benevolence and righteousness, and it is the bichi of monsters, and everyone has to blame it.

Lu Shaoqing was strange, “Why are you so angry?” Does it have a feud with you? ”

Did it provoke you?” Or are these people like this, and you’re angry?

“I warn you, don’t be a good old man, if you dare to be a virgin, I will kill you at the first time.”

Xiao Yi hurriedly shook his head and casually found a reason, “I just think that the monster is getting stronger and stronger, and if I continue, I’m afraid it will become stronger.” Ji

Yan said, “Well, I would like to see how strong it is?” ”

This monster is different from those I’ve seen before.

The black mist can greatly increase its strength.

Lu Shaoqing decisively said to Xiao Yi, “Strike, kill it now.” ”

The monster is still demuting, and the aura is also rising, and it has reached the middle of Jiedan, which is almost the same as Xiao Yi’s realm.

And it continues.

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When Xiao Yi heard this, he immediately struck.

She hated this monster.

The long sword lit up with a blue light, and Qingping sword technique started.

Ripples rippled in the air, like countless filaments wrapped around monsters.

The monster’s side was caught off guard, roaring angrily, and a pair of eyes stared at Xiao Yi, who was smaller than his own body, with killing intent in his eyes.

“Big white, little white, go together!”

Xiao Yi was overwhelmed, and also let the two spirit pets strike together.

The little ape didn’t know where to find a tree trunk and smashed it hard against the monster.

The little white tiger figure flashed and threw himself in front of the monster, and the tiger’s claws fiercely left blood marks on the monster.

One person and two spirit pets joined forces to beat the monster to a roar.

After a while, the monster was seriously injured, and his head was cut off by Xiao Yi’s sword, and it seemed that he still did not understand the hatred, and then the sword split the monster in half, and black blood splashed.

The big white and the little white alone completely smashed the monster into meat sauce, and the dead can no longer die.

Xiao Yi finally swung out another palm, and a stream of flames erupted, burning the monster clean.

Finally, Xiao Yi clapped his hands and said triumphantly, “It’s done.” ”

Abominable monster, dead now, right?

Xiao Yi bounced back, Lu Shaoqing was very speechless, “As for?” Did it offend you? Did it see your master brother as rape? Start so hard that you burn it to ashes.

Killing the monster, Xiao Yi straightened his chest and said with a smile, “Isn’t this the second senior brother you taught well?”

“To deal with the enemy, you should kill it all, cut the grass and remove the roots, and give it no chance.”

Lu Shaoqing was very useful, “Not bad, you still have a little memory.” This is how you should deal with the enemy, don’t learn from your master brother. Seeing

that he didn’t say a word, Lu Shaoqing showed signs of pulling the topic to Ji Yan, Xiao Yi hurriedly changed the topic, pointed to the Dingyi clan who was lying on the ground, and asked, “Second Senior Brother, what should they do?” Most

of Kun Li and the others passed out, and only a few remained awake, including Ge Jiu.

Ge Jiu lay on the ground and looked at Lu Shaoqing and the others in shock, as if he had seen an alien.

Ge Jiu never expected Xiao Yi to be so powerful, and beat that monster with two spirit pets to the point that there was not even slag left.

Violent means, strong strength and sweet appearance are incompatible.

Lu Shaoqing slowly came to Ge Jiu and smiled at Ge Jiu, “Little chick, your priest is really handsome.”

“You…” Ge Jiu looked at Lu Shaoqing, his face showing embarrassment.

If she knew that the so-called priest was a monster, she would not worship her to death.

Lu Shaoqing said to Xiao Yi, “Let’s save them first, and ask something later.”

“Come, this sister, take some pills first.” Xiao Yi helped Ge Jiu up and gave Ge Jiu a few pills to heal his injuries.

Ge Jiu looked at the elixir in his hand and hesitated for a while.

Xiao Yi could see the worries in her heart and said, “Do you think we need to give you poison if we want to kill you?”

Ge Jiu thought about it, not to mention Xiao Yi’s strength, even those two white spirit pets were not something she could resist.

The entire tribe combined is equally unbeatable.

Thinking of this, Ge Jiu no longer hesitated and put a few pills into his mouth.

The elixir melts in the mouth, forming a warm current in the body and flowing throughout the body.

Ge Jiu felt that his spirit was improving, and the injuries in his body and outside the body were significantly improved, originally serious injuries, but now they were minor injuries.

The sluggish breath improved, and there was also a little more spirit.

“This…” Ge Jiu’s eyes widened, what kind of elixir was this?

Lu Shaoqing came to the cave here…

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