“People from the Xibi tribe are here?”

Kun Jia struggled to get up, his face ugly, “Coming so fast? ”

There is no accident that the people of the Xibi tribe killed by the door Kunjia.

The Xibi tribe was arrogant and domineering, thinking that they had obtained the treasure and suffered another loss, and they would definitely kill the door.

If it was before, Kunjia was not afraid at all, and even hoped that they would take the initiative to come.

But now, such a thing happened, the priest died, the Great Elder died, he was seriously injured, and his strength was not preserved.

The young and middle-aged people in the clan also lost most of their combat strength in the battle just now.

It can be said that the Dingyi tribe is now the weakest time ever.

The Xibi tribe came to the door murderously, and without foreign aid, the Dingyi tribe was destined to disappear.

Suddenly, Kunjia’s gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing, and his eyes became burning.

Lu Shaoqing immediately took two steps back and said seriously, “I don’t like men. ”

Kunjia’s throat is sweet, who specifically told you about this.”

He swallowed the sweet blood in his throat and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Gongzi, can you save the Dingyi clan?”

Lu Shaoqing was noncommittal, “Go and take a look.” ”

Dead monster priest, these people from the Dingyi tribe are also normal people, and the Xibi tribe is still leeks.

He was also thinking about whether to kill the Xibi tribe, and now the Xibi tribe came to the door, just right.

When everyone came outside, the people of the Xibi tribe had already appeared murderously.

Hundreds of people, all armed with weapons and wearing battle armor, were murderous.

Above their heads, a faint black smoke condensed.

Like dark clouds in the sky, it was depressed and dull, making the people of the Dingyi tribe feel uneasy.

Many people had desperate looks on their faces, feeling that they were dead this time.

Before the fight began, the morale on the side of the Dingyi tribe had already dropped to the bottom.

After the people of the Xibi tribe came here, everyone separated, and four people appeared carrying an old man.

The old man leaned on the cushion, dull, looking like he hadn’t woken up, looking listless.

After the old man came out, he said in a hoarse voice, “Let your great elder come out to see me.”

Kunjia’s face was gloomy, and he stepped forward and said to the old man, “Elder Ju!

“Our Great Elder can’t leave if something happens!”

Ge Jiu introduced the identity of the old man to Lu Shaoqing and the three in a low voice, “He is the Grand Elder of the Xibi Clan.

After seeing the appearance of the Great Elder of his own family, Ge Jiu looked at the Great Elder of the Xibi Clan with deep disgust in his gaze.

The old man who was called Elder Ju sneered, and his voice was like a nighthawk in the middle of the night, “I’m afraid you can’t come to see me, right?”

Then, his expression was stunned and murderous, “You are so daring, you actually dare to murder the priests and the Great Elder.

The patriarch of the Xibi tribe, Tuo Xi, also shouted, “Kunjia, if you quickly hand over the treasure, I can save you from death and make you a slave of my clan.”

Kunjia’s face changed, and he was still trying to quibble, “What are you talking about?” I do not know. Tuo

Xi laughed, his voice full of pride, “Do you think that if you get the treasure and kill your priests and great elders, you will be able to hide from the sky?”

“To tell you honestly, there is a sense between priests and priests, and what do you do, think we don’t know?”

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And Elder Ju pointed to his head, still looking lifeless, “Here, nothing can hide from my eyes.

Seeing this, Kunjia stopped quibbling, and he said to Elder Koma and Tuo, “Do you know what a priest is?

“It’s a monster, it’s a man-eating monster.”

“It has been manipulating us and keeping us in captivity.”

I thought that this remark would shock the people of the Xibi tribe, but after saying it, Kunjia found that they were sneering, looking at him as if looking at a joke.

“Monster?” Tuo Xi sneered, “That’s Lord Priest, you have to talk nonsense.”

“Who decreed that the priests must be like us humans?”

After Tuo Xi and the other Dingyi people heard this, they were all cold.

“You, you already know what a priest is?”

Elder Ju shook his head slightly, “I advised your Great Elder to tell you the truth, but he is too greedy, thinking of concealment, thinking of maintaining his position in this way, how can this work?”

“This is also self-inflicted.”

Elder Ju shook his head, very sorry.

The next moment, he sat up straight, his eyes became murderous, and looked directly at Kunjia, “Kunjia, surrender, if you don’t surrender, I can only destroy all of you.” ”

Not all the way.

Kunjia has Lu Shaoqing and the three as hole cards, and he has a lot of confidence in his heart.

He was not afraid, and said coldly, “Elder Ju, people like you have long been rotten.

“For the sake of strength, you are willing to be a lackey of monsters, you are not worthy of being a man.”

“Is it human?” Elder Ju was not angry, “As long as you have enough strength, everything is enough. Tuo

Xi said to Elder Ju, “Great Elder, don’t talk nonsense with him, kill him.”

“He definitely has good treasures in his hands.”

Elder Koma nodded, “I’m also curious about what kind of treasure can crush the power of Lord Priest in one fell swoop.

He sat on the cushion and looked at Kunjia condescendingly, his eyes were still slightly closed, and he didn’t mean to put Kunjia in his eyes.

It was as if Kunjia was an ant that could be trampled to death at any time.

He said to Kunjia in a contemptuous tone, “Give the treasure away, and you people will join the Xibi clan.”

“It’s your honor.”

“Lord Priest does not care that you killed his companions.”

Kunjia’s attitude was firm, and he coldly replied with two words, “Dream!”

Kunjia’s attitude angered Elder Ju, his gaze became gloomy, and murderous aura began to pervade, “Good! Elder

Ju ordered coldly, every word revealing coldness and cruelty, “Kill him, the others who are unwilling to surrender are killed together, and the women and children are taken away.” Tuo

Xi stood up with a smile, and the aura on his body suddenly skyrocketed.

Kunjia’s face changed slightly.

Tuo Xi was originally the strength of the eighth layer of the foundation, and now it is the strength of the ninth layer of the foundation

Seeing Kunjia’s expression, Tuo Xi was very happy, “Haha, I didn’t expect it, right?” Although you have a treasure, but the priest himself has given me strength, you are no longer my opponent.

“Come and die!”

“Death!” At this moment, a girl’s voice sounded, which made Tuo Xi’s face show stunned…

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