A girl’s unique clean voice suddenly sounded, it was so special.

The people on the side of the Xibi tribe knew as soon as they heard it, and this was definitely not the Dingyi tribe or their Xibi tribe.

Such a sound is not unique to the local area.

It’s like an outsider’s accent, and you can hear it as soon as you hear it.

These locals, in this harsh environment, even the most gentle women, speak loudly, with rough voices and no sense of crispness.

Therefore, everyone was curious to follow the prestige.

Who the hell is it?

Tuo Xi saw Lu Shaoqing and his party, and it was Xiao Yi who said that it was Xiao Yi who was noisy.

The people of the Xibi tribe were too weak, Ji Yan was not interested in making a move, and Lu Shaoqing was lazy.

This kind of task naturally fell on Xiao Yi’s head.

Seeing the people of the Xibi tribe coming to the door arrogantly, they looked like they had eaten the Dingyi tribe, all kinds of ridicule, all kinds of people who did not put the Dingyi tribe in their eyes.

Seeing the people of the Xibi tribe, Xiao Yi thought of Guiyuan Pavilion.

The most hated to act overbearing, whether it is people or organizations, hate.

When Tuo Xi saw Xiao Yi, his eyes couldn’t help but light up.

The Xibi tribe and the Dingyi tribe are similar in size to the Terrans of the thirteen states.

But also because of the environment, their skin has a morbid pale feeling.

And Xiao Yi is different, cultivators, normal human beings, the appearance is even more one, is a proper beauty.

Let Tuo Xi’s heart ripple as soon as they met.

He laughed, “Haha, where did the beauty come from?” Just right, obediently follow me back to give birth to a hundred big babies.

When Xiao Yi heard this, he was furious.

Taking advantage of me?

Treat me like a sow?

Xiao Yi said to Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, I’m going to cut him.”

Lu Shaoqing said indifferently, “Chop, what a big deal.”

Xiao Yi immediately pulled out his long sword and said murderously, “Dog things that don’t have long eyes, I’ll hack you to death now.”

“Good people are not right, they have to be animals, no, monsters that are not even animals.”

“Go be the monster’s lackey, kneel and lick the monster, I’ll hack you to death now.”

Seeing Xiao Yi angry, Tuo Xi not only did not get angry, but felt that Xiao Yi, who was angry, was very attractive.

He continued to laugh, “You woman is wild enough and has character, I like it.”

“Wait until you follow me back, I will let you obediently kneel and lick me.”

An angry Xiao Yi slashed down at Tuo Xi’s sword, “Stinky man, die!” ”

The sword light skyrocketed, and the sword qi exploded.

Tuo Xi was instantly shrouded in sword light.

Elder Ju’s side was originally a wall watcher, and he was leaned back again, ready to watch comfortably as his clan destroyed the Dingyi clan.

But Xiao Yi’s sword stung his eyes.

The intense sword light shone like the sun, and he couldn’t open his eyes.


, this…” Elder Ju was shocked, what is this?

When the sword light disappeared and Tuo Xi also disappeared, he couldn’t even let out a scream, and was smashed by Xiao Yi’s sword.

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The corpses fell apart, like a pile of minced meat scattered on the ground, very tragic.

“No, it can’t be…”

exclaimed Elder Koma in shock.

The other people of the Xibi tribe were also shocked to the point of speechlessness.

Tuo Xi is the patriarch of the Xibi clan, second only to the Great Elder in strength.

Now in front of a young girl, she can’t even let out a fart and is cut.

After Elder Ju was shocked, his face was terrifyingly gloomy.

Looking at the black mist on the surface of Tuo Xi’s body, he waved his big hand, and the black mist floated over and submerged into his body.

Elder Ju’s face became a little more rosy, and he looked at Xiao Yi coldly, “It turns out that he colluded with the apostates, no wonder he dared to be so presumptuous.” Xiao

Yi’s attack methods were different from those of them, and Elder Ju naturally guessed that Xiao Yi was a traitor.

Xiao Yi pointed at Elder Ju and said, “This is called a cultivator, do you understand?” Unfaithful old fellow, I’ll give you a move!

Lu Shaoqing muttered to Ji Yan, “You taught her, right?” ”

They’ve all beaten people to death, and they’re still here to be polite?”

“Respect the old and love the young, do you think everyone is you?” Ji Yan folded his hands and stood proudly.

Lu Shaoqing deeply despised it, “Yes, yes, respect the old and love the young, I have never seen a senior brother like you often catch your junior brother to beat, you also have the face to say this?”

“Have you ever loved and cared for me as a junior brother?”

Ji Yan skillfully changed the topic, looked at the horse elder who was being carried, and said, “That old man’s strength is not weak.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “Can’t be strong enough to kill your junior sister, right?” Elder

Ju still did not make a move, but ordered the other clansmen, “Up, kill her!” ”


The hundreds of tribes of the Xibi tribe began to strike.

Xiao Yi slashed their patriarch with a single sword, which had already proved her strength.

Therefore, the people of the Xibi tribe did not choose to fight alone, but joined forces to meet the enemy.

Black mist floated out of their bodies and converged into a mass, constantly changing in the air, and finally turned into a monster shape towards Xiao Yi.

Where the mist passed, the ground was corroded into deep traces, and the surrounding plants and stones were corroded, as if they had been swallowed up and dissipated into ashes.

Like a swarm of black locusts, where it passed, there was no grass, and it was a mess.

“Big white, little white, let’s go together!”

With so many people making a move together, Xiao Yi greeted two spirit pets to strike together.

Xiao Yi wielded his long sword.

Qingping Sword Technique faced it head-on, while Dabai Xiaobai attacked from both sides.

Da Bai opened his mouth and sprayed, and the invisible energy ball slammed into the black mist.

Xiao Bai brought a few stones, smashed them into the black mist, and finally simply smashed the stones towards the people of the Xibi tribe.

The people of the Xibi tribe joined forces to sacrifice black mist, and the black mist was not slow and powerful.

Unfortunately, they encountered Xiao Yi.

As a sword cultivator, the speed was faster than these black mist, Xiao Yi could easily avoid the black mist and fight back at will.

With each sword swing, the brilliant sword light and the soft sword intent vaporized a part of the black mist.

And every time a part of the black mist is evaporated, several people from the Xibi tribe will spray blood and fall.

They couldn’t help it, but Xiao Yi constantly weakened their strength.

Coupled with the help of the two spiritual pets of Dabai and Xiaobai, the Xibi tribe of nearly a hundred people was defeated by Xiao Yi in a short period of time, and suffered heavy casualties.

Looking at the people of the Xibi tribe who fell to the ground, everyone was shocked….

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